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The Local Results
He has been fair, he hasn't done much of anything for any of the divisions in District 4.

He isn't as squeaky clean as you believe. I know how he met Fred Blas and got the idea to run. I remember when he had his entourage during the first election, and how Puna Porno Alliance thought they had another politician in their pocket. Strange about the Puna voters, they claim to believe in democracy, then only look at elections as a means to manipulate special interests. Best that can be said is he has been the least harmful of the fringe group. He is so vague and wishy-washy that even Puna Porno Alliance has stopped trying to use him, especially when they have a much more willing puppet in Ruderman.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
pahoated quote:
"especially when they have a much more willing puppet in Ruderman."

Hopefully, Ruderman is on is way out! I hear he is complaining about the fact that he is being marginalized by his colleague in the senate. Let's see if he is able to pass anything in the next two years. Pass gas maybe. [Smile]
Where did you hear that - and which colleague would that be, exactly?

Ruderman, in reality, is very well liked by a large majority of his Senate peers, and others in the Capitol, according to my sources there inside the Cap.

I predict you will eat your words in the not too distant future. The gas being passed around lately has mostly been by you and a few of the other usual suspects with no desire or creative thought as to actually make anything better. Only to tear anything down that is being constructively done by others.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Just trolling for trolls like you. Let's see if he can pass anything in the senate or house. Let's see if he gets re-elected. I doubt that even his employees will vote for him. His power base was,Graham Ellis, who is no longer kingmaker of lower puna. That's how we got stuck with Ruderman in the first place.
Ruderman, in reality, is very well liked

Obvious sign of corruption, let's launch an ethics investigation forthwith.

Oh, wait...
Originally posted by Sativa

Just trolling for trolls like you.

So, you have no actual source(s) for your usual delusional psycho-babble then? Typical.

Step away from the bong once in a while Sativa. Fresh air is good. Seriously.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
I would appreciate it if everyone would spend more time discussing the actual topic and less time discussing each other. So bring the personal bickering to and end. Or I will.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Sativa, personal insults aside, why attack Rudderman, and why now, under "Local Results? As today's paper mentions, Rudderman was the one who passed legislation leading to funding an albizzia demo project. Last year, before the storm. Not relevant enough for you?
Are you really still claiming the sustainable living bill would allow geothermal anywhere? This has been refuted so many times, and it has no basis in reality.
And you keep saying Graham is Rudderman's king-maker, without whom he would not be in office? How about the other 3,000 people who voted? All under Graham's control, obviously.
Ruderman. One D. Ruderman. *tears hair*
Mendo quote:
"Are you really still claiming the sustainable living bill would allow geothermal anywhere?"

Ask yourself why SB2274 was being amended into the same section of the law that would have allowed for 'Geothermal Resources'? Why was it underlined? Both of them were new.

In an email, Bob Pettricci, President of Puna Pono Allinance wrote: "Here is the PPA legislative take on SB2274....It is remotely possible that a geothermal developer could try to use a sustainable living site as a hoax to do geothermal research (i.e., exploratory drilling) under the guise of sustainable research,"

If it is POSSIBLE then it can not be IMPOSSIBLE.

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