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Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare?
Reed Timmer is full of you know what.
The Puna Geo Thermal Venture plant is releasing Hydrogen Sulphide Steam.

How would one know that?
I would have said, "The PGV plant is currently releasing steam, which may contain some hydrogen sulfide.

the whole entire sky was lit up orange

The orange glow is always there - that's my only real complaint about the plant. I believe they are called; "lights" that are on at night so the employees can see. It ruins the view of the stars, except of course, when the clouds from a hurricane are in the way.
Originally posted by bluesboy

At what point does someone move if something in their neighborhood is making them sick? The other 99% of the people down there don't seem to have a problem. Maybe the problem is you, just sayin?

I love the ocean, love being down there and being in it, but I don't live down by the ocean, it's just too darn hot. i don't try to change the climatology of the earth - i just don't move there and accept that fact.

Maybe the problem is proximity to a dangerous PGV - meaning the further away you are the safer you are.
Sounds like time to move to me. I understood they were buying out nearby property owners. That's what the community funds were for.

My wife is bothered by things that I don't notice. Some people are more sensitive to some things than others....
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by TomK

"A civil defense alert is out on the Big Island. The Puna Geo Thermal Venture plant is releasing Hydrogen Sulphide Steam. [...]"

You would think the Weather Channel might employ meteorologists/scientists but that second sentence alone shows they don't deploy them into the field. If they have any in the first place.

"[...] the whole entire sky was lit up orange [...]"

Anyone else notice the entire sky was orange? I don't think so. Or, they saw the sky earlier when the sun was setting and saw what I did, light from a setting sun through thick clouds that makes an odd orangey/yellow atmosphere around sunset - it lasts a few minutes and quickly goes, but is quite unique to this island in my experience.

"[...] you could hear some hissing noise." That would be a hissing noise loud enough to hear above the hurricane/storm force winds which few others heard, if any.

"... we did see and uncontrolled Hydrogen gas leak [...]"

How does one see a hydrogen leak, and how does it make the sky glow orange?

Even when the evidence is placed before you still insist that nothing is wrong. Are you agenda driven Tom? Like the darkness around you much?

"Anyone else notice the entire sky was orange? I don't think so".

Actually yes , I have spoken to at one other person who described "pinkish", that being said I know that their nighttime illumination
is orange , however you as a scientist, goodness gracious you work at the observatory shouldn't you of all people here realize that the color could be seen differently when viewed through a haze of toxic releases which would influence the normal color spectrum of orange light produced by whatever kinda light bulb they use .

"[...] you could hear some hissing noise." That would be a hissing noise loud enough to hear above the hurricane/storm force winds which few others heard, if any".

Wrong! Again I have already mentioned that others living near the plant heard it as well. I was here in the 80's when the drilling rig
near, but away from Pahoa HS had a 2, or was it 3 days of uncontrolled VENTING. I lived then, as I do now, about 5 miles away from this uncontrolled event .
It sounded at a distance of 5 miles away like a fully loaded 747 at a full power take off.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Sounds like time to move to me. I understood they were buying out nearby property owners. That's what the community funds were for.

My wife is bothered by things that I don't notice. Some people are more sensitive to some things than others....

I met a man,a musician who still lives in Leilani about 1 mile from PGV, and who has been suffering from an array of symptoms associated with long term H2SO2 emissions,and since he is poor, and all the money he had, has been invested in his home, he can't afford to move. He has been on that buy out list for a least 5 years, and he is still waiting. Seems to me that PGV is hoping he will just die before they have to part with some of their lucre.
Originally posted by lavalava

Reed Timmer is full of you know what.

It takes one to know one, or if you prefer, A rat knows his own hole.
Originally posted by TomK

Leilandude - you have to be more accurate otherwise you will end up on the list as well.

"Bob, you even see birds differently than everyone else.
We see birds, you see tiny spaceships spraying poison.

The birds (and bugs) are cloaked UFOs spraying aerosols, not spaceships spraying poison. You're probably thinking of someone else in Puna. I see things differently as well. [Wink]

Well Tom , in your thread "cosmos", early on I mentioned that science when practiced honestly is incredibly advantageous to humanity , but when it is bent, [Bending Science: How Special Interests Corrupt Public Health Research]
Thomas O. McGarity and Wendy E. Wagner. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 2008. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-0-674-02815-9, $45

it is useful only to special interests , be they ideological , financial, or otherwise.
So apparently you thought that because the study was done about "Health Research" , that somehow since you were talking about Astronomy , that the study didn't relate to your discussion.
Wrong again Tom, both Astronomy and Health Research have what you demand, that of "being peer reviewed".
I donÕt live there. I know nothing about PGV other than what IÕve read about on this forum. I really have no idea if toxic gases are released at PGV, and if gas is released, if it is harmful. I merely posted what the Weather Channel was reporting during the storm. So please donÕt quote me as if I said it.

Having no opinion one way or another on PGV gives me a unique perspective. And that perspective is that I have noticed that anyone (especially Bob) who has anything negative to say about PGV is immediately pounced upon by some of you.

The statement about the release of gas and the civil defense warning was one of the ÒLatest DevelopmentsÓ that The Weather Channel commentators listed in the studio accompanied with a graphic on the screen. This was then reiterated by the reporter in the field. They didnÕt say where the information came from. Maybe you should ask them why they worded it like that.

As far as the glow, the guy was from the mainland. Who knows, maybe he canÕt tell the difference between a sunset, the lights at the plant or a temporary, localized glow. Maybe he didnÕt hear a hissing sound that others didnÕt hear... would that be all the others that were driving past the plant at the time, as he stated?

I live very close to, and lived through the Three Mile Island accident in 1979. When that happened there were some very scary reports coming out in the first hours and days. Later, those reports became more and more tame, until there was no danger to the public whatsoever in the final analysis. Subsequent studies ÒprovedÓ that there was no increase in Cancer in the population that lived nearby. Of course, people who believe that Cancer rates increased can also provide studies that ÒproveÓ their position.

Maybe the initial reports were inaccurate. IÕm sure the government never lies to us and that money and power have no influence on the governmentÕs version of potentially harmful events. Especially events where huge profits or litigation is at stake.

Later in The Weather ChannelÕs coverage they spoke to Mayor Kenoi, and several other government officials. These officials werenÕt asked about PGV, nor did they say anything about it. Also, no further mention was made on The Weather Channel about it. So I guess that means all is well.

You may have noticed on this thread and a previous one (that seems to have been deleted) that IÕm sick and tired of people bashing Bob for anything that he posts. IÕm relatively new to this forum so I donÕt have as much history of BobÕs posts, which evidently is why he is treated this way. But just because he says some seemingly unbelievable things doesnÕt mean that everything that comes out of his mouth is untrue.

I donÕt even know Bob, but I do know when the schoolyard bullies are getting out of hand. So, as I said in that other thread.... let the Chas bashing begin!

It's really too bad that most of the people who oppose PGV never made it past the 7th grade.
That's when they teach you about acids and bases.

They cancel each other out.

No release Bob.

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