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Tree Removal Needed?
Originally posted by csgray

For some of us the tree cleanup is on a future to do list.
For example: Neighbor's trees are lying all over our place, but they live on Oahu and have seen the property once in 15+ years, we want them to pay for cleaning up they mess their trees made on our land and don't want to pay someone to do that until we know the neighbors will cover all or part of the cost, including replacing our fences. They probably now will owe all the neighbors more for damages than their lot is worth and how do you get money out of people on Oahu?


I understand how you feel but unless you are prepared for what may be years, I suggest you take pictures and video along with dated wittiness statements from all with damage. Then clean up, this may not be what you prefer but it doesn't have you looking at a mess or living in it for years. Maybe they have insurance that will cover it, that would be your best chance at a quicker repair.

I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
Your homeowners insurance should cover it Carol, No ?

And then they would go after their insurance if they had it ?
It may surprise people to find out WHO is responsible for tree damage during a wind incidence....

We had a tornado twist the tops off our white oaks years ago.... the damage they did was thankfully not anything structural, mainly fence top tubes, but the massive limbs were all over the neighbors yard (as were theirs)

IL law, we were not responsible for the storm damage they caused our neighbors (but we did pick up the price of the top posts out of our pocket & helped repair their fence & clean up... but our insurance actually did not even think that was a good idea)
Oneself, homeowner's insurance does not cover hurricane damage. It is a special hurricane insurance we buy. (zephyr is the largest carrier.)

I don't know what my Zephyr policy says ... Never had to use it. I do know that typical HO insurance covers very little on landscaping or plants. Most all the coverage is on the structure. We found this out when our neighbors' house burned down and our very beautiful yard was damaged and also filled with debris. The insurance did not pay for the debris clean up, and paid under $500 for landscaping damage. It paid fully for the side of our house that was scorched and for gates and deck that were attached to the house but not for fencing that was not bolted to the house.

Not all policies are alike of course.
Nolo's book on Neighbor Law is all about law on trees and fences and easements. It's probably the area that causes the most litigation and the most soured relations between adjacent landowners. The book is cheap and is well worth it. I think all the Nolo books are available as a download now, no waiting.
Originally posted by csgray

For some of us the tree cleanup is on a future to do list.
For example: Neighbor's trees are lying all over our place, but they live on Oahu and have seen the property once in 15+ years, we want them to pay for cleaning up they mess their trees made on our land and don't want to pay someone to do that until we know the neighbors will cover all or part of the cost, including replacing our fences. They probably now will owe all the neighbors more for damages than their lot is worth and how do you get money out of people on Oahu?


After a similar incident a few years ago, we notified the neighboring properrty owners. They said send them the bill, and when we did they balked. I then just filed in court and won a judgement for 3x the tab. Told them I would settle for the actual bill, they said no. Took 2 years to collect from their insurance for the 3x amount plus the additional costs involved to get it taken care of as I expected.

But I sure wasn't about to wait that long for it to be cleared and get my life back in order.

Life is too short.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Originally posted by KathyH

Arthur, will you still be guiding for Volcano Discovery if the lava becomes accessible again?

Absolutely! I am still guiding with Volcano Discovery primarily, and on occasion will guide for other organizations as well. For now the lava may not be accessible legally, but that only gives us an opportunity to show people what they would have missed if they were to only do the hike itself. Rare birds and plants, happyface spiders, hidden geological features, and the cultural connections (from an informed haole perspective) are easily missed by most, and this is our chance to show our customers there is more to hawaii than just the lava. This is a chance to show what Pele has built a foundation for, and what has come into existence as a result of so many unique interactions - past and present.
“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
[quote]Originally posted by Carey

Right now there is a huge amount of coordinated work both by volunteers and public workers... If you are looking to volunteer, there are a number of groups working on this, I have found Iselle Recovery assistance group to be awesome:


Carey, I have made my voice heard in so many places - telling everybody I know that I am available to help, even if just to volunteer. I have posted ads on craigslist, spread the word on facebook, mentioned it to as many people as possible in my own network, written private messages to those who may have some insight (including yourself), posted on the Iselle recovery sight, in a volcano local listing, here on punaweb, and others i am probably forgetting about.

Still nothing. No requests to come and fire up the chainsaw, anywhere.

This is fine with me. I have other things I can do too.

I am, still, very confused though. There are so many reasons and excuses for why NOT to have the help come in. To pinpoint exactly which one(s) are the true reasons is not an easy feat. Whatever the reason may be, I am feeling a bit rejected in the end. Maybe something about how I have communicated my availability?

It has been a lot of time wasted for me.

Next time, and i'm sure there will be a next time, I will just drive down there and get to work with no questions asked, instead of letting myself think that I would somehow get in the way by doing so. I think that is the lesson here. Just show up!

“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have been doing tree removal for free in my neighborhood. Can't beat the price - I have yet to be turned down!
Arthur, thanks for the reply. [Smile]. Love your description of the tours that are t all about getting to lava.

I can understand why you would feel a bit rejected. People aren't being very welcoming.
I don't know why.
My guess though is that people are waiting for money to come in, as was already speculated. Once there is money, the situation will be the opposite, and the tree removal businesses will be telling customers there is a long waiting list.

I've put a couple thousand dollars into tree removal at my property over the years, and the tree cutters are always busy, even without a storm.
You may have to hit the streets to get the action. In other words, spend a day clearing roads and leaving cards at driveways, or networking as they call it as you go down the road. As you meet the residents, you may find indeed that they are waiting for the adjuster, or the check to get things moving, or you may find they are bewildered who to call, as not able to see your ads as mentioned in Kathy's post. If business is large enough to "pay in 30 days", it may benefit as well. Seeing a truck in the area works!

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