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Hour and a half from Hilo to HPP
We haven't been thru enough, so they decided to tare a giant hole into the only road in or out at rush hour on a Friday night
At least they are working at night for once...
There were signs up for a few days saying that there was a lane change coming up 22-24 Aug. Not sure what else they could do. The backup was bad but we were warned. I suspect most of the work will be done over the weekend, and that's actually a good thing. Hopefuly it's back to "normal" Monday morning.
Isn't this in preparation for the roundabout, supposed to commence next month? The detour is still not clear to me. The road will be closed between Kahakai and what was once the old Pahoa road (blocked ramp right now). It sounds like that blocked old road will be opened up and the route will be like before the bypass. At some point, they will have to choke off all the traffic going back and forth on Hwy 130 and detour it the old village road. That "valve" seems to be where they are digging. This is going to be chaos and they are putting the roundabout in the wrong intersection, so the aftermath will be even more confusion and chaos. Or as Puna residents say, "Eh, same old, same old".

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I thought Seeb was talking about Hwy-130 between Keaau and Shower Drive. I might be wrong.
It's hard to know. There doesn't seem to be any requirement to complete a road project before the next one is started. There must be 10 road projects happening in east hawaii right now. Some of these should have been finished months ago.
The part that really irks me is that this isn't going to fix the problem. This phase of the project stop before shower drive so it just moves the bottle neck down the road.
There were police and traffic cones with lights in front of the Pahoa police station Thursday night, thought maybe that was in preparation for digging there. Maybe it was just a traffic stop for people coming out of Pahoa and Kalapana. Hard to keep up with things around here. Went up to Pahoa a few days ago, there were the obvious shreds of metal and glass showing another crash at THE intersection, went back the next day, was cleaned up, went up yesterday, obvious signs of another crash. Damon is hit-and-miss on reporting these and nobody else seems to report them.

This is what starts happening. The Hwy 130 widening is getting ready for asphalt. This means there are going to be one lane times. That will be going on as the roundabout commences, the detour going through Pahoa main street. Should only be another year or two and all will be back to Puna normal.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Hmm..maybe the state should wait to see what the lava flow does before starting on that roundabout...those crews may be needed to reopen the Chain of Craters road...
If Seeb and I saw the same giant hole it is on Hwy-130 between Keaau and Shower Drive, near where they are putting in new bridges as part of the road widening project in the Puna bound lane.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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