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Water Hyacinth
Anyone want some Water Hyacinth I have alot.

veronica moore
veronica moore
darn, I was hoping you wanted some.
They do make good mulch, but take a long time to die. I had one patch that bloomed six months after I dumped them out of the pond.

Do you belong to the Water Garden Club? We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month (that's next Tuesday) 7pm at the Keaau Senior Center behind the police station. Strangers are welcomed with open arms, and there are usually free plants (not water hyacinth)

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
I ended up having to take all my breeding size tilapia to the dump, 15 3-5# fish went belly up the first 4 days with no power, smaller ones died later. I am hoping some of the just spawned baby fish make it, but the water hyacinth is doing great.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I can't get rid of my water hyacinth. It's terribly invasive. I thought I had pulled it all out after it totally overcame my pond, but it grew back again. I wouldn't recommend it as a water plant.
My tilapia devour any water hyacinth I throw in the pond.

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
Ducks will eat them too.[Smile]
Originally posted by Lee M-S

darn, I was hoping you wanted some.
They do make good mulch, but take a long time to die. I had one patch that bloomed six months after I dumped them out of the pond.

Do you belong to the Water Garden Club? We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month (that's next Tuesday) 7pm at the Keaau Senior Center behind the police station. Strangers are welcomed with open arms, and there are usually free plants (not water hyacinth)

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

Lee, do you or anybody in the water garden club grow blue lotus flower? Been looking for this.
They make great mulch. Just do the work and pull them out of the pond and that will be the end. I like em. Beautiful lavender-colored flowers too.
Sorry for the long wait for reply.

Members frequently bring in starts and seeds of white and yellow lotus. I haven't seen blue, and now I want it.

next meeting is 9/16; come and ask!

Originally posted by shave_ice
Lee, do you or anybody in the water garden club grow blue lotus flower? Been looking for this.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

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