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State paying to test water for property owners?
Oh, that is a shame. I am so sorry, Cat.

That's great to hear your house was OK. I knew it was pretty far back and thought it would be, but I did see some roofs damaged.

I know how it feels to realize after the fact what could have been done with koi. I lost my favorite koi when I moved him to this house. I had raised him from a tiny koi.

The truth is that koi are very sensitive to any changes in their water, whether the PH or salinity. They can survive being in fairly poor conditions as long as they are acclimated. But we humans can't necessarily foresee the changes.

RIP koi.
I bought the ones you got from me as babies in 2007, so they did have 7 happy years.
Originally posted by kander

pahoated, Define mainland perception. Does that mean people should not ask why state tax dollars and resources are being used on private property?

No, it means being so lazy as to not look at Kapoho on Google Maps or Earth to see that the "private ponds" are the result of multiple craters that have been eroded by the ocean to create semi-enclosed brackish ponds on the ocean front.

The mainland perception is to keep using mainland definitions of geography and applying them to Hawaii island. Just don't. This island is unique on this planet and its geography is more similar to Pangea than it is to any mainland. Keep the mainland on the mainland.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Since the public does not have access to most of those "semi-enclosed brackish ponds" who cares how dirty they are. I would hope that the public health funding for water quality testing be reserved for the areas that the public actually uses. I could care less about someones koi pond. On a side note, how lucky that it took a disaster to get the sewage discussion going for Kapoho.
lava do you actually have any idea what you are talking about? have you even even BEEN to these islands? why do you post here? why do you call yourself 'lava lava'? is this some sort of hawaiian envy? if so why are you always so disparaging?

To explain this again:
Those ponds all through that area are interconnected, and are directly connected to the tide pools that make up the marine sanctuary and then to the ocean. That water and those pollutants have no concept of "private property" and anything polluting those ponds is not going to stay in the ponds. They are called tidal ponds or pools because they are directly connected to the ocean and rise and fall with the tides. It is in everyone's best interests to know what is going on in the ponds. They just happen to also have had koi put in them, but are not just private "koi ponds" that are unconnected to public waters.

Lavalava, I have to ask: a number of people have stated that you don't live here, do you either live here or own property here? Are you a tax payer here? Because I live here, vote here, and pay taxes here, and I think this is an excellent use of taxpayer funds, but if you don't live here, own property here, or pay taxes here, you are just meddling in affairs that are none of your business.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
So are we finally going to discuss how many grandfathered cesspools are leaching into the ocean?
how many grandfathered cesspools are leaching into the ocean

No. Grandfathered is forever. Just look at downtown Hilo or Pahoa.
Or Kailua Kona, Hawi, Honoka'a and Lapahoehoe. But if lavalava doesn't live here, vote here, pay taxes here or own property here I don't see why lavalava is so concerned with how Hawaii county does business.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I take offense in your comment for "meddling at a distance", in "thinking" out of the box on a possible solution to pollution run off from the storm. I have been to Kapoho more than once. The thought was just that, a thought of a way to use fresh seawater to gently "purge" the inland and semi walled off ponds at a more frequent rate than the tides would as a possible solution before the EPA condemns and instructs what needs to be done. Fortunately, that didn't happen. I see each pool as God's aquarium that we, as people, dirtied, and they need cleaning. Just because I am thinking of possible, sometimes seemed crazy ideas ( they thought DaVinci was crazy also), Is that a "mainland perception" in your eyes? I am not asking for a "voice", as I have no desire to go political, or not meddling in the way Puna should be, as I like it just the way it is. No street lights, no pavement, no Waikiki. I could do without the Albizia.

Community begins with Aloha
Some Sunday copius free time reading regarding Shoreline management(Special Management Area) in Hawai'i. Act 179, and Hawaii Revised Statutes are included:

Special Management Area Boundaries and Guidelines Under the Shoreline Protection Act (*Click on "View Document"):

Hawaii SMA Permit Requirements:

Hawaii Revised Statutes:

206E-8.5 Developments within special management areas and shoreline setback.

DLNR Description and Shoreline Management ConditionsSadPDF File),d.cGE

Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program - (PDF File),d.cGE

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