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Puna Driving Tips
(This is meant to be fun, so don't get your panties in a bunch)

Share your driving tips for fellow Puna drivers !!

Here is a good one- If you are in the left lane and people are passing you on the right, move over.
You do not need to stop at speed bumps, just slow down, they are speed bumps not stop signs.
Yeah, right, oneself! Look what happened to your "In Puna" thread! LMAO! [8D] (j/k)

OK, if you have kids, make sure you have snacks, DVD's (if you're lucky enough to have a player in the car), juice/water, and clean diapers (if it applies). Separate your children in case they fight because they're bored/tired.

If you have dogs, bring the leash in case you are at a dead stop and need to take them for a potty break.

Don't forget your phone car charger.


Have a good day all.


ETA: Make sure you check you car before leaving for centipedes. [Big Grin]
As you make a left turn, sometimes you'll get the right-of-way from opposing right-turners, sometimes not.
In HIlo, while groggy and coffee depleted- DO NOT accidently turn onto Waianuenue in the wrong direction. (lanes reverse in the early am for school)
You do not need to almost stop to make a left or right hand turn, your driving a Tacoma not a 18 wheeler.
Originally posted by Oneself

You do not need to stop at speed bumps, just slow down, they are speed bumps not stop signs.

If your shocks are in decent shape, you actually feel speed bumps less with a little speed than if you crawl over them.
Who on earth still has working shocks in Puna? I know mine were shot some time ago. The driving tip would be- "Replace shocks yearly (as funds allow) due to HOA maintained roads"
As you approach the Malama intersection headed toward Pahoa, disregard the posted speed limit of 45: drop your speed to 30-35 mph, and assume someone's going to do something stupid (like pull out in front of you). Too much can and does go wrong at that intersection.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
At night from dark 30 till dawn be aware that many people only have one headlight,so they drive with parking lights only.

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