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Puna Driving Tips
Or as I saw a guy do the other day, make the right turn, follow it with a quick U-turn then "merge" back in. The folks who let him in didn't know he was "cheating."

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
In the morning rush hour on 11 get in left hand lane and drive 30 mph. Slower traffic stay in right lane doesn't mean you.

In Puna, one is to drive 45mph in the 55mph zone on 130 headed towards Hilo until the road opens up to the 4 lane section at the Humane Society, where you are to speed up to 60mph in the now 45mph zone.
Todd, Think Britain.

Mimosa, what are those shift change hours?
Originally posted by Todd H

What is the purpose of the painted zig-zag lines? I have not seen them in any US states, except for Hawaii.


I think it means "caution", but yes, I was confused by them as well.
I wish people would just follow the "rules of the road".

Although I understand people are trying to be nice, there's just too much chance of a gesture or wave being misinterpreted and causing an accident.
My wife and I find the zig zag lines to be extremely effective. Who's going to speed by the elementary school with a blitz of lines screaming at you? It's cheap and effective. Oahu and Maui like to put up a million road signs. When I drive I look more at the road than endless signage (No Parking every 100 feet). On this island they DOT is getting max bang for their buck. I always thought it would be appropriate to commend whoever initiated this approach. Thank you government dept. for a good job. Now I am going to drive to Hilo from HPP. I hope I am still thinking nice thoughts about DOT in 30 minutes.
When a ambulance or fire truck is behind you make sure to get in the left hand lane and pull to the left. After all the right lane is the fast lane right?

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some of the outa state plates drive like they are on the interstate , not nice especially when they zip around and you then cut in front of your car so where does it get them ? one car ahead, need to slow down
It's OK to run a red light if you're making a left turn. :-)

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