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I thought it would be good to have a thread for any Hawaii Island and State election news and opinion that isn't about Council District 5.
We have a 3 way governors race between a well known Republican who is closely identified with the Lingle administration, a former Honolulu mayor who won't take no for an answer running as an Independent, and a relatively unknown Democrat who spent pennies per vote to beat the incumbent, but has virtually no war chest at this time, and the main reason he won the primary was because he isn't Abercrombie (who reminds me of a garden gnome every time I look at him.)
I think this could be an interesting race: will Mufi be the spoiler for Aiona, or for Ige, or be irrelevant? will Ige get enough donations to compete? will enough voters go for Duke that we end up with another Republican governor?
I have seen or heard no advertising or opinion polls yet, but we don't have TV, so I might just be missing it.
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Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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IIRC, Aiona got 40% of the vote when he ran last time, and that was in the wake of the Superferry fiasco. If Hanneman and Ige split the other 60%, we could get another Republican. Worse things could happen.
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A Hawaiian Republican is not the end of the world. I have so little faith or confidence in the Democratic Party here I have no problem voting either way.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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But would Aiona be able to get anything through the legislative branch if he was elected?
I seem to remember that Lingle mostly used the power of the purse to limit the actions of the legislative branch by not releasing funds for approved projects. I don't see Mufi and Ige splitting the vote, Mufi's former constituents voted for him at a lower rate than those who didn't really know him and Ige has some solid backing with HSTA and some of the other unions, the ones who backed Abercrombie will just switch to Ige over Aiona. It will be an interesting race.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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Very interesting race for Governor, mahalo for this thread!
I recall prior to the primary, Aiona was leading in the polls no matter if Abercrombie or Ige won (slimmer margin if it was Abercrombie, still giggling at "garden gnome"
Here is a poll of the Aiona/Ige/Hanneman Race:
This is a good read on Aiona, and the whole election for Gov.: (Dated July 9, 2014)
I wish him well, as Ige doesn't really impress me (don't know what it is, not strong enough, or something), and Mufi just irritates me.
Chunkster, think you called it. Maybe Ige will get a little more than Mufi with the HGEA endorsement.
Mr. Tucker, now that Lingle isn't dictating, Aiona may be able to put his smarts to good use without restriction.
When was the last time we had a good governor? Not a smart ass comment. I wasn't paying attention before Lingle.
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Aiona - actually does seem fairly decent.
A couple of his achievements stick out - being a family court judge he has seen his share of family he said she saids. I think of family court judges as having the wisdom of Solomon.
also he had great success with setting up Drug courts which collected treatment, future prevention and consequences in one group.
I also saw something that said although he did not believe in same sex marriage, it is the law and he would uphold it. You can disagree on things but his "thats the law" attitude seem to over ride his personal beliefs. And isnt that what we want ? Someone who will do the most good for the community rather than just push their agenda?
Mufi - no. Not just no, but heck no.
Ige - I dont know much about except he got his masters in 1985 and the same year was appointed to the state senate. Been there ever since.
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On the one hand I respect Aiona's comment that he would uphold the marriage equality law despite the fact he didn't believe in it. But he was so vocal in his opposition before passage, one has to wonder if his statement is about respect for the rule of law or just pandering to a portion of the voting base he needs to draw away from Ige, who actually voted for marriage equality. And if elected, would Aiona change heart again - because as I recall, he was part of the administration that vetoed domestic partnership recognition.
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I hope we elect someone who supports equal rights, including marriage equality. Ige does, Mufi & Duke do not. I need no other reason, labels aside.
Ige is a rare honest person in politics - he would be a refreshing change despite any D or R label. To lump Ige in with the typical democrat in Hawaii is a mistake. He stands for an honest, responsible approach to government, something we have not seen in a couple of decades.
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My problem with Ige is his support from the public employees unions. They have too much power as it is, and their tendency to vote as a block is probably why Ige beat Abercrombie so badly. I voted for Abercrombie because he stood up to them and supported equal rights. Mufi Hanneman comes across to me as a bit of a thug, so that leaves me with Aiona. I don't think he will try to reverse marriage equality because yesterday he was quoted as saying he would perform a gay marriage if asked. That tells me that Aiona sees his civil duties as very separate from his personal spiritual beliefs, and it rings true because any wedding he performed would be civil and not religious.