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HPP Board 2014
What about all the county roads that do not meet county standards? There must be hundreds of miles of them.
It seems this "must be upgraded" issue only comes up when it is something the county does not want.

Art and Orchids B&B
Saw the ad for the special meeting in the paper
anyone taking bets that it going to be a lockout - No board members to be found and gates locked.
Well, they'll have some sort of meeting, but it will just be yet another meaningless b#*%c session. Other than putting by-law amendments up for a ballot, motions passed at general membership meetings do not have to be observed or enacted by the board. In fact, the former board president who pushed for the petition leading to the meeting knew this all along. She has even voted in the past not to enact measures put forward by the general membership. All this is going to accomplish is the expenditure of several thousand dollars for printing and mailing the notices of the meeting to all the members. Can anyone say, "We're all Bozos on this bus?" The only petition we need is one asking a judge to put us under receivership and hire some professional management.
Is there a procedure in the bylaws on how to remove a board member.
And what to do if they just ignore or block a vote to remove them.
From the bylaws:

Section 7. Removal. Any officer, director, or agent elected or appointed may be removed by the persons authorized to elect or appoint the officer, director, or agent with or without cause. The removal of a director shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the director so removed. Election or appointment of a director shall not of itself create contract rights.
(a) A recall election for a director may be called by two-thirds majority of the board, or by a petition of not fewer than 200 signatures of members from the director's District.
(b) The mail-in recall ballot may contain two statements of 200 words or fewer, one stating the case for removal of the director and the other to be submitted by the director being challenged.
© The director shall be removed on a two thirds majority of the valid ballots returned.

As you can see, it's not an easy process. I say call the judge. It's easier and faster.
Originally posted by Chunkster

Well, they'll have some sort of meeting, but it will just be yet another meaningless b#*%c session. Other than putting by-law amendments up for a ballot, motions passed at general membership meetings do not have to be observed or enacted by the board. In fact, the former board president who pushed for the petition leading to the meeting knew this all along. She has even voted in the past not to enact measures put forward by the general membership. All this is going to accomplish is the expenditure of several thousand dollars for printing and mailing the notices of the meeting to all the members. Can anyone say, "We're all Bozos on this bus?" The only petition we need is one asking a judge to put us under receivership and hire some professional management.

on the right track chunkster...the new board could just vote in "Hire professional management" for our HPPOA.
After the last firings, who in their right mind would work for this board? They've had months to hire a new manager, and haven't made any apparent moves towards hiring anyone, and they clearly do not understand the difference between the board's domain (policy) and the employee domain (operations). They clearly want to run the whole show from soups to nuts.

The recall process doesn't seem that onerous, I've seen far worse. I would bet at least 25% of the signatures needed to remove the clueless president and the McLean person who installed her husband as acting GM could be found at that meeting Sunday.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
cool your jets carol...this new board has been in office ...maybe 2 months...Iselle...Management Company may be the ticket...pipe down with your bad self...PLEASE! can dialoge happen if we don't let It happen?
I just stated what could easily happen. I carefully did not advocate for (or against) a recall, I just said that signatures could easily be found at the meeting Sunday, especially for the president and McLean. But, please note, the board sure could move fast when it came to firing our top 3 employees, but now there are excuses for moving slow, if they could fire everyone in a matter of days there is no excuse for not hiring replacements in a timely manner.

I think they like running the HPPOA, which again: IS NOT THEIR JOB! Boards make policy, employees enact that policy, not boards make policy and run the show. If they are running the show, and appointing a board person's family member to be acting general manager, who is the watchdog to make sure they are acting in a legal and ethical manner? That is the role of the board, but they cannot be their own watchdog.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Thanks, Carol. Accountability is indeed in order.

Chunkster, as for acts passed by the membership...
Please cite your example from the bylaws that says the board can dismiss what the membership passes.
What I read is Article VII, Sections 3, where "acts of the membership present at any membership meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the acts of the Association except as otherwise provided herein."

Can you identify an "exception" provided for in the bylaws?

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