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Goddess Pele
Standard, no-offend-boss, Cheers instead.

Or potential boss.
The idea of bombing to open a route south (over the existing flow) should be looked at seriously and not dismissed out of hand because it might offend the illogical beliefs of some. Surely it's worth a try; next time it may be cash cow Kona that's threatened.
I built a beautiful house on the beach; "Will the Government please make the waves stop"

I built a beautiful house on the river; "Will the Government please stop the river from rising?"

I built a beautiful house on a mountain; "Will the Government please stop the boulders from falling?"

I built a beautiful house on an earthquake fault; "Will the Government please stop the ground from shaking?"

I built a beautiful house on an active volcano;"............ .............................................................."
I suppose all those new hotels, high end subdivisions and nice new roadways and box business's Kona side are admired by Pele. So one has to wonder, what is it that really offends her, neglect perhaps? It couldn't be as simple as we live on the side that's still under relatively rapid geological construction could it? I knew when we moved here that this area had a great deal of volcanic activity occurring and the record shows more here of late than anywhere else on the island so from there on out, I saw it as a crap shoot, though LZ 2 seemed better than LZ 1 on paper.
I do have respect for all native people's beliefs and each our ancestors had very similar beliefs regardless of our cultural origins. That being said, those beliefs were formed by people who didn't have the more intimate understanding of how things work as we do today... many of our ancestors thought the world was flat too. Does that mean we should continue to abide by those beliefs today? I do respect the beliefs for what they are and a record should be kept of them and made available for others to know in the future, beyond that... I'll continue to subscribe to modern understandings as long as they continue to be revealed to us. After all, why else possess an intellectual thought process? Its certainly not for self abuse is it?

Japan as well as Britain have ocean gates and walls to do just that, stop surge waters. On the mainland there are many flood control systems in place to control water elevation. Many places along highways and roads use methods to stop rocks from falling. Some things we can control, other things such as earth quakes haven't been yet tackled engineering wise but the future will very likely reveal forms of earth quake control procedures. Lava, we'll lava is a controllable medium as it has simple physical characteristics. Let's not forget that the government in this nation is the collective power of the people to exercise that restrained power as we see fit.
There is no contradiction between subscribing to science and the scientific method and in appreciating, understanding and sharing and expounding upon the legend of Pele. A well-rounded person appreciates both science and the liberal arts. The one need not be abandoned for the other. And, if you abandon the legend you remove a great deal of what many of us moved to the island for. I moved here, in part, because it is an exotic and exciting place. It would be much less exotic without Pele. Although we could perhaps do with a little less excitement. I'll never forget when I went to Miloli'i and a little girl asked me where I was going next. I said "To the volcano" and she said, "Oh, you are going to go see Tutu Pele!".

Sometimes you go to her. And sometimes she comes to you.

Kane says;
"Let's not forget that the government in this nation is the collective power of the people to exercise that restrained power as we see fit."

Snorkle says;
Dear Government, I've lived for decades on an active Volcano. I appreciated the dynamic beauty and the dangers since I arrived here. Please don't make a foolish or futile attempt to modify this awesome force of nature. (If you do attempt a diversion, please steer the lava to my house in Kalapana, so I can get one of your cool low interest loans or possibly litigate my retirement)
Any attempt by the County to divert the flow would be a comedy of errors; they can't even design safe intersections here.

Like Kane, I knew buying here was a roll of the dice, that lava could possibly come with the (cheap) deal. Never once did I entertain the thought that the government would come bail me out if the lava crossed the road. Frankly I'm surprised the County is doing as much as it is, completely going beyond my expectations. Their stated commitment to opening up alternative routes is a big deal for me, really brightened my day. Even if it's only Chain-of-Craters Road: yes, it'd suck to be so far from Hilo, but I'd adjust, learn, and probably get tighter with my neighbors. So already this is unfolding much better than I expected.

If I were King I'd open up Chain-of-Craters AND Beach Road (or whatever it's called). One goes OVER the flow, the other goes UNDER. (Any coastal road would logically be the furthest away, so it would buy the most time. Then you cross your fingers and hope the flow peters out long before it gets to the ocean.)

All cultures have time-tested wisdom embodied in their myths. Here's the wisdom I'm hearing from the Hawaiians: that it's futile to mess with nature, there will always be unintended consequences; so rather than trying to do the impossible (i.e.; like control an active volcano), why don't we work together and support each other instead?

I'm not a religious person, but it's easy for me to embrace the sentiment.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Originally posted by TomK

Pog - if I post what I think I'll be banned from Punaweb for life. Not going to do it. This place is too much of a resource for me to risk that. And I've been holding my breath for years with the MK stuff as well, so this isn't new.

Tread lightly, live another day.

Tom, you are not alone. There are a lot more people out here that agree with you on these two subjects than you can imagine. [Wink]

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