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Infrastructure improvements
If the County/State start funneling traffic onto HPP's privately owned and maintained roads, do you think the government will claim ownership of the roads and maintain them on a going -forward basis? And if not, anyone want to place a bet on how long before a lawsuit is filed?

I would hope that HPP residents would respond to the new traffic with the spirit of aloha. But government needs to realize that aloha has its limits and isn't a public policy solution.
I also hope that if Beach Road and Paradise Park become an emergency route for lower Puna, that we in HPP can welcome lower Puna residents with Aloha, as our guests drive with Aloha through our subdivision. Hopefully they will remember to obey the speed limit when they finally reach a paved road, even when late for work on their extra long drive, and watch for our keiki at play. Aloha for everyone, and it will work for everyone.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I agree that we in HPP should offer our roads as emergency routes for folks blocked off. We need to treat our fellow Puna neighbors to our south with the same aloha which we would want if we were fleeing our homes in HPP.
We need each other in times of natural disasters.

I'm for a $2.00 toll booth on beech road as it enters HPP roads. I bike and jog down there every day and the increased traffic would make it a very dangerous area to do any of those things. Maybe with the revenue from the toll we may be able to afford a bike path down Makuu, Paradise and Kaloli. For people that commute to work in Hilo...offer a monthly punch card for a reduced price. Hopefully that would reduce the traffic somewhat to those who absolutely need to use it while helping HPP financially to deal with the safety issues.
Eminent domain has been removed for the alternate route work. Keep that in mind.

ETA... lol that came out wrong. Eminent Domain procedures have been suspended. So there won't be any legal objections against seizures during the emergency work.
Putting up a toll booth would likely get the erector of the booth and the operators into a felony situation. If the county uses the hpp roads they can take them and work out the details after the fact.
I believe the work will be done pass Hawaiian Shores on Government Road. From Kapoho to Hawaiian Shores is open, but I tried going from Hawaiian beaches towards Hilo on my 4x4, and I turned back. It is really messed up.
Lots of work to reopen that road. Where does Railroad rd connects to Hawaiian Shores/Beaches? I could not find it!!

Railroad crosses Kahakai just east of Kala street.
Thanks Leilaniguy. Is it possible to get through? Towards HPP?

There is a gate at each end of the subdivision, but there is some way around them, because I went with a friend once a few years ago and we traveled on railroad from Kapoho road all the way to his place in HPP.

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