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HPP Board 2014
Karma 96749 must be a board member
Originally posted by steve1

Hey Karma,
...What I am is a homeowner who is concerned about the apparent insanity of the "new board's" actions and the threat of legal liability...
...I am currently paying about $275 a year for "road fees" and would prefer that the money go to maintaining the roads and right-of-way that to pay legal fees, and I really don't want to have to pay fees to cover the foolish actions of a herd of rogue sheep.

Second that!
@ Karma 96749

First, why would you suspect none of the other participants in that meeting have been contacted about Janice's statement? Or that none of them would be willing to testify?

You were singled out because you repeated what was said (i.e. the defamation of character) - in public and in writing - thereby abetting her crime, which makes you equally culpable.

What a lovely dance you are performing, trying to backpedal from your original position.

But beyond all this, that meeting was recorded!

ETA: I apologize. I did not mean to type "defamation of character". The crime in question here is "breach of employee confidentiality". I hit the submit button too quickly.
Why would anyone want to be on the HPP board in the first place? It requires a lot of time, work and patience....and for for what? Corrupt employees, agitated homeowners, very limited resources, no financial compensation and lots of stress. I think we should just get rid of the board and let it go into receivership.
So sad. I've held my breath on numerous occasions....hoping that the Association would not get sued. Not too long ago, a past employee at an owner's assoc. hollered from the back of the room. What was said could have started something more than the bad feelings that continued for a long time.
Then there was a claim from a past employee for inappropriate touching. That too could have gone way south. Then, enter the Board of Health letters to our Association ...topic...our violation of the Clean Air Act. This situation is NOT resolved. Then , the uproar of grubbing without a permit, violation of solid waste rules with our "green waste pile ".....and now this.
Our non profit Corp. grosses somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 million annually. That means 2 mil in, 2 mil out. Can anyone think of another corp. of this size that would rely on a Board of volunteers that meets once a month only ?
Have any of you been sued or sued someone? I can say "yes"to both. It is stressful time consuming and results in "Ca-Ching, Ca-ching" for BOTH THE DEFENDANT AND THE PLAINTIVE .
What we should be talking about is alternate routes that could be diverting hwy 130 traffic into our subdivision and how we might get help from the county for enforceable speed limit signs and road surfacing that helps us abate further fugitive dust complaints from our neighbors.
Getting measurable help from the county will require a lawsuit. Some years back I told the HPP BoD that their primary problems were not financial - they were political.

If the Puna and Kau subdivisions could get together and row the same boat a lot could get done.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Hawaii Bound

Holey donut batman!!

For those of you who aren't aware there is a subdivision in danger of being overrun with lava. Let's see if we can come together as a community and drop the HPP backstabbing, name calling, insinuating, etc. It appears to be taking over Punaweb the past several months. It is rather evident that you cannot have a civil discussion regarding the HPP board as everyone knows they are right and not willing to budge.

How about you all come up with your own facebook page or something and do your bitching there and leave Punaweb to be a resource for the people/community and not an HPP bitching forum?!?!?!?

I've been a member of this forum for 8 years now, and on a regular basis something will occur in one of the subdivisions that causes a lot of discussion. Just a few months ago it was Hawaiian Acres, now it is HPP. As long as the only governance for these communities is either unpaid volunteer boards with very limited powers, or the County of Hawaii who just want the money we pay in taxes without providing services, this will continue. It has been happening on this forum for as long as I have been a member and one of the services Punaweb provides to the community of Puna is a place for these discussions.

If someone doesn't like what is being said in these much needed discussions, that person can either ignore them based on the thread name, or start a "no subdivision politics" forum of their own. But please don't try to limit other people's discussions that are well within Rob's simple rules for Punaweb: Keep it Hawaii.

edited for typo fix

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by csgray

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

HPP is my circus, but these are not my monkeys!!!
I feel you Hawaiideborah, but these monkeys may cost us all a lot of money before they are done.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Anyone have the cliff notes version of the meeting

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