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Am I Nuts?
I live on Government Beach Rd..
I have a neighbor across the street by the ocean.
She had her house built to specs, but after the fact, she added two unpermitted outdoor showers, and a gate about ten feet into the road right of way. Not only a slow opening gate, but a six foot tall privacy fence, spanning the whole frontage, with bushes on front.
Now that we need the road room, which was already narrow to begin with, I confronted her about it, and she said it has been five years and to talk about it later.
You guys know where it is. It is obvious.
I am all for getting the road ready for our fellow friends south.
But, knowing my neighbor has taken so much frontage and narrowed the road while I keep my gate at my line, and a car distance while I am driving in, I think it's just unfair. Many 'almost' crashes in this section.
I have pics of her boundaries, and the gates built on the road right of way.
So, should I finally report this to whomever?
I don't know what to do...
ETA. Grammar!

If the county ever wants to improve the road, say for evacuation purposes, she'll have to move it anyway. Until then, I say live and let live, unless it's really an obstruction. When you say "we need the room" what do you mean? Like, you're trying to get a large vehicle turned into your driveway and the gate is in the way? If it's illegal and a genuine obstruction, you can probably make her move it, if it comes down to it.
It's not only the gate, but the whole 99 feet of frontage with solid wood and metal posts.
My guests with big trucks have to maneuver a few times to get into my place.
Her big trucks always back up into my driveway to turn and leave. The gas truck suffers the most! Lol

about ten feet into the road right of way

Fine point: you cannot "adversely possess" government property.

If they actually improve 137, no need to notify anyone, and not your fault...

I'm left wondering if the crews will ask her to remove the fence, or just plow it aside with a D9... the latter option would make a great video...
I think a lot of people on the Big Island are a little nutty :o)

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
I was going to say pot/kettle...then I realized how much I resemble that remark.

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