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HPP Board 2014
What a great idea. As HawaiiDeborah stated, hoping that order will prevail, for once, so they can get their business done.

I second that!!
Please remember that most people with real jobs cannot participate in meetings during normal business hours, they are at work.

According to a historical footnote posted elsewhere in these forums, this is exactly how the (retired) residents of HPP got the County to "de-prioritize" the alternate route to Hilo.

Just read the Draft Special Board of Directors meeting minutes from July 28, 2014 which are very helpful in understanding some of their actions to date. Also the owners comment summaries provide contrasting views. Not sure what may change in the final minutes or when they will be finalized, but in the meantime these were instructive since I am not there right now.
Forgot to mention the draft minutes are posted on the HPPOA site.

" What a great idea. As HawaiiDeborah stated, hoping that order will prevail, for once, so they can get their business done. "
<quoted by Reni>


Yes, it would be nice if the meetings were run in an orderly way and civility prevailed. But please remember that order and civility starts with people holding positions of power being respectful of those they are supposed to be representing or looking out for.

If the board were to imagine there was a room full of witnesses while doing all their business (no matter when and where they held their meetings) then it probably wouldn't be necessary for a roomful of angry people to show up and contest the board's actions.

To reiterate: civility and respect must start with people in positions of power. If leaders are rude, disrespectful, arrogant and dismissive then how can they expect their constituents to treat them any differently?
Yes, it would be nice if the meetings were run in an orderly way and civility prevailed
Concur Steve. Have been attending meetings for some time now and remain hopeful of new dynamics.
Originally posted by steve1
Yes, it would be nice if the meetings were run in an orderly way and civility prevailed. But please remember that order and civility starts with people holding positions of power being respectful of those they are supposed to be representing or looking out for.

I concur but let's remember how things spiraled out of control. It was the JC faction comprised of previous board members, finance committee members and a couple of their spouses that started the unruly disrespectful behavior when the new board was barely out of the gate. Two wrongs don't make a right but I remember who initiated this disrespect.

The JC faction needs to be held accountable for their bad behavior and to put an end to it. The other members want the board to get their meetings back and move on with their business. Members, watch closely who the offenders are if this bad behavior continues. I wish the new board good luck to getting back on track finally!
After all the criticism about the HPP Board not posting minutes I think it is important that we acknowledge when the new Board does what people have been asking for.
I would like to thank the new HPP Board for posting the minutes as drafts.

I understand that minutes have to be approved before posting, and that many of the HPP meetings have been so chaotic that the Board never got to the business of approving the minutes.
I applaud the new Board for posting what they can on the website as drafts.

When the new Board does something you have been wanting and asking for on Punaweb, how about acknowledging them?

I believe the new Board is listening and trying to do things correctly. I am looking forward to the weekly HPP Board meetings to actually get some business done without all the decisive distractions.

Why should the board be thanked for doing what they are supposed to do, and in fact are required to do? I am glad they are finally getting around to posting draft minutes from meetings that took place mid summer, but this is just what a properly run board is supposed to do, not some gift for the people of HPP to express gratitude for.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by mermaid53

Originally posted by steve1
Yes, it would be nice if the meetings were run in an orderly way and civility prevailed. But please remember that order and civility starts with people holding positions of power being respectful of those they are supposed to be representing or looking out for.

remember how things spiraled out of control.

That is your opinion.

As for you and Karma... now I know who both of you are and, of course, each of you know too.
It is also plain you are both gutless cowards -- publicly attacking other people by name without any evidence and still being dishonest about who you are: anti-social media...

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