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Experiences with Kalapana you would like to share?
Both my kids learned to swim in the keiki pond.

What a wonderful thought/feeling/memory. Mahalo.
Originally posted by flyingsurfer

That would be great.
How do I make contact him?

can you email the picture to ?
what were some of the names you remember from back then ?
I was 18 the first time in Kaimu and Kalapana. Had a great time as a young woman out on her own with 2 HS friends 2500 miles from home. Drinking age was 18 then - we thought that was such a big deal to go buy alcohol.

Came back in 1990, a married lady and lived on west side.

When I first moved here, I lived in mauka Kona, and all my friends with little kids would head for Kalapana for a day at the beach in old Hawaii. We could spend all day under the palms by the church, swim and sunbathe, then picnic and shower at the park at sunset. Everything was so old time Hawaiian down there. Kaimu was such a beautiful sight. If I'm not mistaken, it was the most photographed beach in the world, for good reason. We'd watch the surfers doing their thing in that beautiful place. It's the first place I took my son when his school got out on the mainland and he moved here with us. I can still see him in my mind's eye, sitting on a fallen log in his striped t shirt at about 13. (he's upper 40's now!)The houses in Royal Gardens were beautiful and lush. The view of the ocean was spectacular up there. I remember standing on the road and watching my friend's house burn when the lava finally made it to his street. It was a long time coming, but it did come. Later, another friend rented a house right on the ocean, and I remember going with him to his house and having to skirt the lava to get there. There was a wonderful Hawaiian man who lived right down the street on the ocean in the first house right where the lava stopped. I'm pretty sure its still there. He used to bring us fruit every Sunday after he went to church. Pele loved him, as did everyone who knew him. He's been gone a long time now, but the road right before the ocean is named after him, and I'll bet he still has Ohana there. Beautiful memories of Kalapana are treasures.
Arrived Kaimu first time early April, 1974.
Two weeks earlier, I'd been discharged from U.S. Navy, on Oahu, from where I went to Maui before heading to this island.

Large part of the subsequent year I stayed and slept in Kalapana, first in my truck @ Harry K Brown Park -- and occasionally at Queen's Bath just so I could jump in the water at first dawn Smile -- and then in a tent at the top of Canoe Landing for several months.

btw: Kapohocat -- I had the, er, pleasure of meeting many young lasses on the sort of adventure you mention Smile

Words are inadequate to describe it...
Carey, excellent links on Kapoho flow.
Thanks for sharing them again.


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