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Council candidate accused of voter fraud!
A quick simple public records search shows the both Bob and Julie Jacobson are 61 years old.

The same type of public records search shows RJ Hampton at 62 years old.

So, if you Sativa, feel that both Bob and Julie Jacobson are, as you state "old farts." what do you possibly call your partner who is clearly even older?

Discuss Truth quote:"A toothless former crack head and her partner who adopted the name of a strain of marijuana and you wish to discuss role models?"

RJ would like to know how long was she a crackhead? Do you know the years? Was she any good at it? Did she stop on her own or did she seek treatment? Did she deal too? [Big Grin]

Yes, I did take the name 'Sativa". I heard that in Vedic Sanskrit it means 'Oats' and 'foods that are good for the body'. So there.

Are you anti marijuana too?
I've always thought "old fart" is a state of mental attitude and not birth year dependent. [8D]

Discuss Truth quote:"So, if you Sativa, feel that both Bob and Julie Jacobson are, as you state "old farts." what do you possibly call your partner who is clearly even older?"

What do I possibly call her? An old fart! I tell her all the time that she is an 'old fart' especially when we don't agree. Believe me she is very capable of being an old fart but she is my best friend.


And I thought I had problems!
Discuss Truth:"A toothless former crack head and her partner who adopted the name of a strain of marijuana and you wish to discuss role models?"

I think I should challenge Discuss Truth to agree to play 'the Dozens' with me. Last person up is the winner. I am very good at it. The first one to lose their cool is the loser. It goes like called RJ a toothless crack addict. Let's pretend you're Tiffany cause it sounds like something she would say and you seem to representing her on punaweb.

Let's play.

First you say "RJ you're a toothless former crack addict" and I would say "Tiffany, I hear your Mama was a whore and not very good at it. The only place she could find to live with you was homeless shelter and when she got thrown out of there she found a home at the dump."

It's your turn.
Re Sativa as a word:
The association with a cannabis strain is up to the person. Oats are avena sativa, Various plants have sativa or sativum as part of their botanical name, including garlic.

So cannabis is a name that really means marijuana.
Sativa may well have a Sanskrit meaning, but the botanical version is Latin and it means "sown" or "cultivated" or "useful." Conversely, avena sativa also means "wild" oats and refers to the medicinal milky wild oats plant (tincture found at your local health food store).

Not that I have anything against pot, or naming oneself after it, but Sativa really has a broader meaning than the way it's often used in context of "indica or sativa."

As for "toothless" -- hmm, my mother has chosen not to deal with painful dentures, but I have not found her to be any less wise or remarkable a woman for that. I'm sure there are millions of people in the world without a full set of teeth (or any) who are intelligent, compassionate, ethical, and so forth.

Doesn't sit well with me as a reason for why I would not want to associate myself. There are plenty of empty-headed frivolous people with gorgeous white teeth who would be way lower on my list of people to spend time with.

Sorry, Sativa, I do not stoop to playing a teenage as well as blatantly racist games of sheer and utter ignorance, of which, I agree, you are probably really good at doing, seeing that it is you are a very immature and very ignorant person.

However, that being said, there is 100% truth in the fact that RJ lost her teeth due to years of drug use, and you named yourself "Sativa" after the strain of marijuana, of which, you are smoking constantly.

The difference here is that you desire to play in the gutter, where your mind, soul and body mostly live, where I only desire to state the truth.

Any to KathyH, once yet again, you offer a rebuttal truly typical and truly so predictable.

You really need to learn about the two people you are blindly supporting here.

Really, you do!

And to Rob Tucker, do you support Sativa and her "game" here?

Discuss Truth quote:"However, that being said, there is 100% truth in the fact that RJ lost her teeth due to years of drug use"

You started the game. We are just playing along with you Discuss Truth. Your post about RJ was ridiculous and so we are getting ridiculous too. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

The reason RJ has no teeth today is because RJ loves sweets. Her parents fed her sugar as if it was their American duty. Both her parents kept their teeth in a glass jar.

And as far as Tiffany's mom being a whore that is 100% truth. As far as her mother being a guest of many homeless shelters that is also 100% truth too. Tiffany has been through a lot and that is why she behaves the way she behaves.

Although Tiffany describes her mother as a "Vegas show girl" I've heard otherwise. She never married Mr. Edwards who had his 3-4 children by his real wife. It was Mr Edwards indecression that led to the conception called 'Tiffany'. And the world has been paying for it ever since.

Rj never did crack but she says she would rather be known as a toothless crack addict then a deceitful, deceptive, meddlesome,tiresome, editor of a rag that's not even good enough to wrap fish in.

Oh and don't believe everything Len Horowitz puts in print.

P.S. Rob, this is my last post on this subject cause I gotta go and I don't want you to send me on vacation.[Smile]
Never once did I start a game Sativa. You are the one who popped your head out of the gutter, and started your game of being what it is you truly are - a racist as well as very immature and truly ignorant.

However, claim all you want about RJ loosing her teeth to sugar, when you know the truth. It was drugs. Just like your adopted name refers to. Claim you "oat" story all day long, but you do know the truth.

As for what someone's mother is or was, how does a child have anything to do with that?

Again, the truly ignorant mind blames the child for the actions of the parent.

What can you say about your own mother?


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