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HPP Board 2014
The sort of violence described by Orchidlandguy is a natural extension of the verbal abuse that has been going on for months now. The threat to the lady who withdrew her pending appointment to the board can also be considered violence in both the moral and legal sense. This is unacceptable, and while I don't want to seem to be criticizing the lady for trying to protect herself, the withdrawal is giving the thugs what they want. The reason I don't want to criticize her is the fact that we all know the limits of law enforcement in Puna and can be pretty sure that the police either shrugged it off or weren't able to assure any real protection.

Where this leaves us is with an even more fragile and dysfunctional system. With only five sitting board members, getting a quorum to get any business done becomes very difficult. The current board seems more focused on keeping its head above the shark-infested political waters and on running the day to day operations than in doing its real job which is setting policy and oversight. It's been three months now, and there's no talk of hiring a new manager. Instead, board members continue to do this work on an interim basis. We have gone way past the time for that.

The county is about to channel several thousand cars per day onto our privately funded roads, and I haven't seen anything from the board indicating that an agreement is in place for managing this without disastrous consequences. There was a plan discussed at the public meeting we had with county officials, but word is out that the county has backed away from their promises. What's with that?

Receivership, anyone? I don't think financial ruin is necessarily a prerequisite. Administrative breakdown that threatens the existence of the organization should do well enough for a reason.
Sorry to be a hard head Chunkster, but I still believe we can do this ourselves.

Receivership just pushes the can farther down the road.

I've already seen this movie, and the result of receivership is what we're dealing with now.

WE must fix this!

chunkster quote "There was a plan discussed at the public meeting we had with county officials, but word is out that the county has backed away from their promises. What's with that?"

It is frustrating to go to a meeting attended by all tha wheels from the Hawaii County and listen to all the good things the County is going to do for the orderly passage of thousands of cars thru our HPP AND then to hear, at yesterdays meeting, how the County has BACKED OFF it's WORDS of participation in this event. I suggest you and anyone else pondering the question of Hawaii County's role in this exercise of "mass traffic thru HPP" contact Greggor Iligan for the answer to your questions.
Hawaii County's role in this exercise of "mass traffic thru HPP"

Opening CofC will cause "mass traffic through Mountain View" but I don't hear anyone making either plans or complaints.
Opening CofC will cause "mass traffic through Mountain View" but I don't hear anyone making either plans or complaints.
Could you reference exactly where and when the County made references to all the good things they were going to put in place to have orderly passage thru Mt. View as they did at the meeting in HPP?
Not the same as coming through a private subdivision where it is not county roads.

So it's okay to create traffic problems as long as the roads aren't "private"?

Or is it merely that nobody is inconvenienced unless the roads are "private"?
Chuckster:The board is dealing with the county on the roads. The postings for the jobs opening goes out on Tuesday.
"I strongly suggest all those living Pahoa side of Maku'u start your own committee and start meeting with the County."
Absolutely agree, Orchidlandguy!
It looked promising in the early stages of our committee negotiations with the State and County officials. Nothing substantial was forthcoming in writing hence the recommendation of the committee to the Board to hire a land use attorney to represent our Assoc. Just how much road safety assistance & protection, (indemnification) under a State of emergency we can anticipate , well, who knows.
But I think it is quite obvious to us that our residents off Makuu could be subjected to unsafe conditions, very soon. The Board President also recommended calling Warren Lee's office.

The woman who was threatened is a good friend of mine. It happened , she was terrorized by it. This woman is a capable hardworking individual. Most of her life, including now. she has run her own business . Just a few short years ago she was the campaign manager for a rather unknown young man running against an incumbent . He is now our Councilman.
Once again , it is our Association that loses.

On a positive note,The Association meeting went well yesterday. A certain disruptive fellow was not in the crowd and almost all had the spirit of working together. Several volunteered to serve on committees. I think there's a possibility here.

Reni, this is very encouraging...
For what it is worth, I have quit posting on Punaweb due to the incredibly ugly emails I started getting at both my work and home emails (both in my own name and easily found) right after badKarma96749 got really nasty and personal towards me here on this thread for posting my opinion of the HPP situation. So there is plenty of ugliness to go around.

This is the last post I will ever make here under my own name, and because I do not care to belong to a community where it is only safe to hide behind a fake name I will no longer be part of Punaweb. Punaweb has been a wonderful community for me for many years now, but the meanness to positive ratio has moved to an imbalance I cannot abide. I planned to just fade away, but the posturing by the supporters of the HPP board as if they are all white knights and the opposition to the board are one homogeneous evil group was too much to let go. Speaking from experience, you people have someone on your side who is every bit as ugly, nasty, evil and vile as the man who accosted that poor woman at her gate, and ALL of you who are so accusatory towards others while hiding behind fake names own some responsibility for that.

Have at it, you can say whatever mean, nasty and untrue things you want to about me now badkarma96749 while hiding behind your fake name, I will not respond.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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