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HPP Board 2014
I feel the same way as you. I think Rob should have done a better job at keeping a more civilized site.
I am about to quit too. It really sucks all the BS, trollers, and people just being vindictive, and mean for no reason. Last example was Kane, which called me a drunk, a druggy, and when I called him on his BS, cause he is no innocent, then he goes on insulting.
On another thread he insulted someone, where finally Rob said something, and Kane retracted, edited his words, so the insult was out.
A haole guy with a Hawaiian name. Totally lame, and a want to be.

Posted by Punalvr in the Amazing Oneself thread:

Posted - 10/09/2014 : 19:02:25
What is wrong with you 1self?
Are you that desperate for attention?
Are you that lonely?
Are you that bored?
Is your wife beating the crap out of you for buying on RR?
Are you without a job?
Are you lonely?
Are you smoking crack?
Are you not smoking enough ganja?
Are you seeing a therapist?
Are you drinking?
Are you a narcissist?
Are you taking your meds?
Are you psycho?
Are you Bi-polar?
Are you in need of a good f..k?
Are you CRAZY???
Chill dude, you really need to chill out.
Hope you get better.
Where did you come from? Crazyland?



Stop being a hypocrite. Kane ASKED you if you were drunk. If you don't like someone asking you those questions, you shouldn't be asking someone else those same questions.


Lead by example
How sad. It appears that emotions have taken over both "sides" of this situation, in place of reason.

There are remedies available for all the problems that have been highlighted here within the law and the Association's rules. All it takes is patience. Do the research; marshal your resources; present your case to the appropriate authorities and remain involved until you achieve your goals.
Originally posted by punalvr

I feel the same way as you. I think Rob should have done a better job at keeping a more civilized site.
I am about to quit too. It really sucks all the BS, trollers, and people just being vindictive, and mean for no reason. Last example was Kane, which called me a drunk, a druggy, and when I called him on his BS, cause he is no innocent, then he goes on insulting.
On another thread he insulted someone, where finally Rob said something, and Kane retracted, edited his words, so the insult was out.
A haole guy with a Hawaiian name. Totally lame, and a want to be.


"Punalvr" when did you become Hawaiian? BTW... I told you who I was on here many years ago. Back in 2011 you signed on unbeknownst to me under this anonymous name. Some time back you began baiting me under this anonymous name and then began trolling me. After you made several trolling posts towards me under your disguise, I eventually determined who you were and called you out on it and you tried to pretend I was incorrect. The reason for my asking you that question is because your statement was so over the top ass backwards to reality it begged to question your state of sobriety.

Obviously this bothered you so much that you had to continue on critiquing things I had cited by others as if it were my writing. You were obviously so bent out of shape, you didn't even notice the citations were not mine.

You're hysterical tirade has become nothing more than a disjointedly pathetic amusement to several people you know who know who you are on here. If you want to continue making a complete ass of yourself. By all means, the floor is yours.

Buck up Carol. Don't let some newbie bully you. You are an important part of this family; don't let them turn you into a quitter; you aren't.
Get back up in the saddle. Your family needs you.
oh lord, i know i probably shouldn't get involved, but i can't stand hypocrisy and double standard. i must say one of the most disturbing instances i have seen on PW was from this punalvr character vindictively advertising someone's personal misfortune in an obvious attempt at public humiliation ...even if that info was technically part of the official public record or not. very trashy.
We sometimes cross wires not interpreting properly what one another has expressed. But all in all, I appreciate many things your write on here.

As per these new people posting on here under their disguises etc. Don't let it get to you, I have a couple pulling the same crap on me. However, they don't have my email so they don't get that opportunity to play mind games that way. I'm sorry to hear some jack ass has abused your openness here on the forum regarding your identity. That's wrong. Unfortunately the web is filled with these sorts of gutless people who have to hide behind autonomous names and abuse the autonomous factor.

Autonomy has its place but all too often it gets abused by those who know who you are and use the autonomy to stalk and prey upon you. They are spineless people with no ethical character.

Unfortunately autonomy is hard to establish once you've started out with your real name.
I am sorry to hear you're having problems. Hope the problem gets resolved.

Carol...I hope this situation is resolved as well. Have you informed your principle of this harassment on your work email?
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

This is a thread titled "HPP Board"
Can you please stay on topic?

Next HPP board meeting is Thursday 9:00 am at the library

Second this post...see you there
Darn! Carol, you are the ONE person I always read and turn to for answers. You have been more help to me over the years than anyone else! I know this may be hard to do, but it's what I do: when I read a post by some idiot that is nasty or mean, I don't read his posts in the future. I only read the posts by people I know are for real. The creeps are venting their misery on us so I don't let them by ignoring them. I'm sorry they got to you. Aloha. Sad

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