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Jolly Dram Drinkers
Put down the bottle and pick up the can.

Now available @ big KTA and some 7/11s.

An beer fitting of many here.
Arrogant Bastard Ale.

Heres to you and thank me later.

Happy New Year.

P.S. Posted in the AM to avoid the barrage that will surely rain down upon me anyway. This ones for you.... LOL Lamias beer uy.
Trolls do exist!
Posted by RWR 12/30/18, 10:40 AM:
Notice Love is conspicuously missing from above lists.
discussions... go into attck mode

Posted by RWR 12/30/18, 11:58 AM:
An beer fitting of many here.
Arrogant Bastard Ale.
P.S. Posted in the AM to avoid the barrage that will surely rain down upon me anyway.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Okay, if I understand the OP correctly...
We here on the BI are finally blessed with Stone Brewery's Arrogant Bastard Ale. If so, thanks for the head's up. Good to know we are finally worthy! ;> I have missed this and many other excellent Stone brews for a while. Up yer kilts and Happy New Year to all!
Kamusta Pilgrim,

Jes! Not sure exactly but it seems like AB is a separate thing from Stone now. Looked for the original 6.9 ipa to no avail all over the place. Heh heh beggars can't be choosers.

FWIW Safeway has IPA mustard right next to sierra nevadas.
A decent beer doesn't need flavor added to it, least of all mustard.
^ conversely ^
Originally posted by TomK

A decent beer doesn't need flavor added to it, least of all mustard.

Do you like your beer more hoppy or less hoppy?

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Da Kine
107 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2018 : 07:17:55 Show Profile Reply with Quote
Trolls exist!

Yup Paul, they do. Ironic that you are now re-quoting it as it sure seems that original comment was meant for directly for you.
Happy new year to you too

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