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Safeway Gas $3.75
Price of oil is down more than 50% off the all time high. Our gas prices are down about 10-15%.
The barrel price of oil does not reflect the refinery costs. The refinery costs are still y and the barrel price is a floating x and then we've distribution costs at z. Gas price is x+y+z = ? When oil prices fall by half and the gas price at the pump only falls a fraction of half then the refinery and distribution cost exceed the barrel value.
For every refinery that's restricted from being built and for every pipeline that is stopped from being formed to distribute the prices of these factors then rises.
At this time the barrel price of fuel could be 1 cent a barrel or free and the price of gas at the pump would only drop to around 60% the current price.

Yesterday at Costco gas 3.49 for those planning a run to Kona.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
On Jan 1st of 2015 the federal tax on every gallon of fuel sold nation wide will be increased by approx .10 cents a gallon.On Jan 1st 2016 the federal tax per gallon of all grades of fuel will rise approx .18 cents a gallon.
Yesterday Friday we paid 3.65 a gallon at Safeway and at Aloha by the airport entrance we paid 3.62 a gallon with cash.
In California the state tax on all fuels per gallon will increase approx .40 cents a gallon on January 1st 2015 .
Lucky we live Hawaii.
I was curious about the price of gas, I live in Northern California and I bought gas in Hilo in July for about $4.00 per gallon. At that time gas here was about $3.89 so not that much of a difference. Trying to compare cost of living in Hawaii to here, some things higher some things lower, overall not that different. Real estate is more expensive here. But now our gas is $2.79 which is a lot different. Hmmmm.....
When I moved here I had been living in Alaska where the gas was slightly more expensive but what I didn't realize was how much more driving I have to do here. So its not just the price per gallon, don't forget to factor in all the miles you will have to drive and the gas you'll burn at idle sitting in traffic.
Forget Costco and Safeway and let's go regular gas prices in general. Something is wrong with this picture.

National Average today $2.792. Hawaii 3.875.
Gouge gouge gouge.
Not sure how this is gouge gouge gouge. We are a long way from the refineries. They are not going to ship gas to a remote island in the Pacific for free. I actually think our gas prices are very reasonable. I paid more for gas in Alaska and that is a petroleum producing state. But due to no useful refineries, the price was higher.
$ 3.59 a gallon today at Safeway Hilo.
$ 3.79 a gallon today at Kea'au Shell.
There's something wrong here.

What happened to oil at $200 a barrel and gas at $10 a gallon? And "peak oil"?
The doomers were wrong yet again?

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