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Same with the "No Lava Pro[b]lems in Puna" thread.
They must be devastated that the lava has stopped (for now).
Be sure to use the
Report inappropriate content > Harassment / Personal Attack
whenever KathyH or SheaG (or anyone else) make their snide insinuations
or go on in their usual bullying way.
If enough people do it, the post disappears automatically.

I don't agree with this tactic but maybe they'll stop doing it if they get a taste of it themselves.
In a classroom there's invariably one or two outspoken students who point out a teacher's flaws. The experienced teacher knows there are probably several others who feel the same, but for some reason don't come forward. It's best to take the most serious grievance, explore options and seek resolution. This diffuses the conflict allowing the teacher to resume the lesson, while giving the students a sence of participatory dignity. This is a negotiated truce. Instead of driving this feud further into the dirt, how about simply taking one issue and considering it constructive criticism? Are we as a community big enough to at least attempt to see ourselves as others see us? Kathy and Shea aren't the only one's who share their opinions. A teacher who allows every little challenge to explode into an ego duel will likely be looking for a new job soon.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Originally posted by Wao nahele wahine

The TA thread about What You Like In Lower Puna has disappeared.


The whole thread??!! There were something like 40 posts on there.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present

Yep....the whole thread. It was still active within an hour of it disappearing.


Lead by example
There's nothing to like in lower Puna, obviously. The Experts have spoken.
Originally posted by JohnDW

In a classroom there's invariably one or two outspoken students who point out a teacher's flaws. The experienced teacher knows there are probably several others who feel the same, but for some reason don't come forward. It's best to take the most serious grievance, explore options and seek resolution. This diffuses the conflict allowing the teacher to resume the lesson, while giving the students a sence of participatory dignity. This is a negotiated truce. Instead of driving this feud further into the dirt, how about simply taking one issue and considering it constructive criticism? Are we as a community big enough to at least attempt to see ourselves as others see us? Kathy and Shea aren't the only one's who share their opinions. A teacher who allows every little challenge to explode into an ego duel will likely be looking for a new job soon.


Yes, but this is Punaweb, not Hateful-Lying-Troll-Web. Half the country may be this way now, but that doesn't make your argument any less laughable.


I don't get it? I live in Volcano and don't want or need more tourons near my hale. Why do ya'll even care so much?

I have been on Tripadvisor for years. I'm with JohnDW and Midnight Rambler and some of the others who haven't drank the krazy koolaid here. Ya'll are losing it. KathyH works for Mitch Roth? "Shea has stated she is a single mother who struggles to find work in Hamakua, and cannot afford the high rents up there."? LMAO! Where is that? Your crack research teams are pretty hilarious. SheaG (annoyingly) posts all the time about her many stays at the Four Seasons and expensive hotels around the world. Do you know you can look at the person's profile on tripadvisor and see all their reviews and posts on all the forums? She like lives in Tahiti half the time or something. Posting all this fake personal crap and talking about driving motorcycles in their road and calling KathyH's rumored employer is crazy stalker-talk. Ya'll are looking like idiots on tripadvisor too. Your giving all of us a bad name and giving their constant negativity about Puna more weight by how your acting.

The ladies may be blowhards but they have a lot of fans because they're on there all the frickin' time answering questions. Your also all missing that they're just negative nellies in general. They hate Kona too. I've seen this over and over, people try to complain about destination experts and threaten them and tripadvisor ignores them. They get a whole bunch of free work out of these "volunteers", they're not going to ditch them because of hysterical whiners.

Anyway the chick who wrote the 'what's good about Pahoa' topic removed it herself. She said she was going to do it and did. So you look like wild eyed crazies with your conspiracy theories about removals. Is the dude posting as Kirkland on tripadvisor here? Here's pretty much doing it right. Looks reasonable. Doesn't freak out. If you care about trying to make Puna look better you might start by not being so nuts and personal. If you start abusing the reporting button and report all their posts for bad reasons tripadvisor will just delete your accounts. Whoever here that was posting as "John F", you really are just making them look sympathetic and getting tripadvisor's attention with your wrong statements about how the forums work.
Originally posted by Mermadness

Shea has stated she is a single mother who struggles to find work in Hamakua, and cannot afford the high rents up there."? LMAO! Where is that? Your crack research teams are pretty hilarious.

But when we divorced, and I went back to work, it was hard to find something that paid the bills here. Housing is unbelieveably expensive. I can't afford to buy a house, and I hate being a renter. But the trade-off for me is worth it. I couldn't stand not being able to swim in the ocean every day or go the beach whenever I wanted.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I see where some have posted information to counter the DE's even posting official State and county links to verify ocean or road conditions. Perhaps when posting, add the contact info of the agencies as well so travelers can get accurate information on Puna as their destination.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.

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