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Originally posted by Wao nahele wahine

... add that your cousin who lives in Kapoho and commutes five days a week has told you that her daily commute from Kapoho to Pahoa is an hour and a half.

Let's hope they used a clock when they cooked their Thanksgiving turkeys. Sometimes it's important you actually check the time. I suppose we can be thankful she doesn't post to a cooking website.
"Would you like dark burnt meat, or light pink meat with salmonella?
At 600 degrees for an hour and a half, we've got both."

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Originally posted by Wao nahele wahine
... SheaG's post on TA stating that it takes an hour and a half to drive from Kapoho to Pahoa?

That is entirely possible.
Start at Malama Market for snacks and treats to eat at your cuz's beach house.
Stop at Luquin's for a few pitchers of margaritas.
Back to Woodland Market because you forgot to get gas.
Continue on to Kapoho.

Total elapsed time: 1 1/2 hours.

ROFLMAO. I was thinking almost the same thing. Although you could get gas at Paul's on the other end and save a couple minutes.

The bicycle riders I saw today probably didn't take an hour and a half.

Even my Mom who thought 40 mph was the speed everywhere only allowed 45 mins to get from Kapoho to Sacred Heart in Pahoa. and that allowed time to park and toddle into church and probably get one rosary said before Mass.
I find it a bit ironic that I didn't even know these forums existed on TA until everyone here blew up about them. I (and everyone I know) only uses it for reviews.
I didn't know they existed either and I use TripAdvisor often.

But I have seen what happens. A tourist asks about Pahoa.
KathyH says: avoid at all costs, people don't want you there, martial law, bla bla, lie lie.
Tourist says thanks, I'll go elsewhere.

Even one is too many.
Originally posted by Mermadness

"I see where some have posted information to counter the DE's even posting official State and county links to verify ocean or road conditions."

Um, it's the "DEs" who have repeatedly posted those official links. Over and over.

Ya'll are crossing over into delusional territory. Might be time to take a step back. But whatevs.

Nonsense, show me where either Shea or KK has posted one link to an official agency for any information.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Like I wrote before, the reviews on TA are infested as well, enough to cause a significant numbers of lawsuits around the world. The players there are international scammers/extortionists, unscrupulous competitors and God knows who else sprinkled amongst the genuine reviews.

Who would have ever thought that KathyH, little Miss concerned citizen of Puna writing everyday on Punaweb forums about most every issue that comes up, as though she genuinely cared about this area and our people was in fact not a resident but a very troubled individual with an obsession to destroy tourism in Puna.

Whoa, just when you think you've seen it all.
What they don't really get is that some vacationers have a budget to work off of. So they save up for possibly a once in a lifetime trip and find an affordable nice rental in lower puna (rentals are less expensive in our area). The place they found they are happy with they get all excited about their trip but do not know to much about the area but they have done some research on there own via internet so they are somewhat familer what the area offers.

They have never been to Hawaii so they post a question on TA something maybe like (and I have seen a post such as this) but what I am posting here is NOT an actual post that I seen but simular.

We are planning a trip to Hawaii for a week and this is the rental we booked it's located in Pahoa area (they post a link) Just wife and myself we are in our middle 50's. Can someone tell me about the location where the rental is at?

The so called DE for "Hawaii" comes back with. (and again just winging this but I read enough of there posts to see how they answer)

Well this home is located in "name of subdivison" there is a mix of nice and not so nice homes. I personally do not care for this subdivison because one time while I was driving through there I seen a couple of people along the street that looked like maybe they were on drugs. That area is known for drugs and lots of dogs run loose. I prefer and have stayed at (list a location) many times and it is safe area.

If you have already reserved and cannot cancel your reservation. The rental does look very nice and I think you would be fine just remember to lock your doors at night and you should be alright.


What the DE accomplished was to scare the heck out of the traveler and basically ruined their planned trip. Why scare anyone like that?
For an idea of the type of folk who like to write incorrect and malicious reviews, here's a list of those who have written on TA about the rentals I manage:

1. Russian scammers(what a nightmare) demanding extortion funds or they would flood TA and Google reviews enough to scare away business.

2. Thieves. People who walked away with belongings and thought a bad review would cover their tracks.

3. Vandals, I've had 2 on separate occasions, both Phd's employed by State universities. Same rationale, cover their tracks. Who would have ever thought?? When they party, lots of things break.

4. Recently had the threat of being "ruined on the internet" if I did not give a 100% last minute refund to someone frightened by the lava flow. Seeing how frightened she was, I changed my refund policy from 50% for 14 days or less before arrival to a $35 processing fee for those who are frightened by the lava when there are absolutely no issues at the rental prohibiting the potential renter from coming, staying and enjoying themselves. Wasn't good enough, she demanded full refund last minute immediately to her credit card or else.

Airbnb intervened, she got a full refund. I then raised hell with Airbnb mgmnt to the point of expecting to be kicked off the site. I had had my fill with TA, enough is enough. Instead they added a new reconciliation procedure regarding refunds using a mediator to their website and thanked me for my passionate emails and awarded me credit to cover her entire bill to use at any Airbnb rental internationally.

That's what a responsible company does....they listen, think, create and respond accordingly. I don't that renter she deserved a full refund after her vicious threats posted on airbnb message service however Airbnb mgmnt said they wanted to protect me. Some compromises you live with but don't like.

Ok TA, it's your turn to step up to the plate. We are watching.....
First clean up your DE department and post apologies to all business owners and resident of Puna.

This was KathyH's response on TripAdvisor when someone wanted to cancel because they were scared of lava (in Kehena!)
and the owner said no:

"Please let us know the link to this rental so that I never ever recommend these owners, as with this situation they should give you the choice.

The area is officially under martial law-- look up Act 111 in Hawai'i."
Originally posted by PaulW

This was KathyH's response on TripAdvisor when someone wanted to cancel because they were scared of lava (in Kehena!)
and the owner said no:

"Please let us know the link to this rental so that I never ever recommend these owners, as with this situation they should give you the choice.

The area is officially under martial law-- look up Act 111 in Hawai'i."

We have given guests suggestion of purchasing trip insurance and also explained that IF lava covered Hwy 130 we would be refunding if requested. I, just a few minutes ago, emailed one of guests coming in the next week telling them at this time Hwy 130 is open and accessible. I also told them the lava breakouts are upslope, back where it was almost 3 months ago, and the front is stalled out.

I also give them the weather update - thanks Iphone! - and try to do everything we can to make the guest more comfortable with their arrival.

On the other hand, I also just submitted a complaint to Flip Key letting them know that we are not happy with the company's Trip Advisor's site's inability to intervene with outright lies - I referenced #1 the comment on travel time from Kapoho to Pahoa. I suggested why are we paying Flip Key just to be dissed on Trip Advisor. I also suggested we could spend our money elsewhere such as VRBO or Airbnb if the situation continues. I also referenced free speech but also the fact that factual information needs to be presented with links if available - and I said this information needs to be more factual coming from a Destination Expert as their posts carry a little more weight (it appears so anyway).

I do not mind free speech - I have spoken out myself on Yelp on a listing that was less than 5 stars in my opinion. I also wrote the review, went back and reread it the next day before I posted cutting out all the feelings and tried to stick to the facts. That is all I ask of the two posting so many negatives is to make it factual.

** One more thing - just read the rain issue. I know Hamakua, in my experience, gets more rain than Lower Puna but when someone mentioned this, I saw the response as utterly surprised as Hamakua was so much drier in general. WTH? I loved lived out there for 10 years. Drier? ha.

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