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Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
OK, so let's say that one family takes a minute to re-think a move from the mainland to Puna based on a real life experience here on Punaweb. Cool. I don't think anyone who makes that voyage is genuinely prepared for what they'll encounter in Puna. Really, do you? They think it's all about Aloha (and guess what?, the people who live here don't want them). So they move to Puna, $20 grand later and it's not a fit for them. Bummer - they stick it out for a while but move back - most do. Another $20 grand. Just sayin'. You all can argue all you want but it's not a fit for most. I feel it's unfair to not put that out there. The folks that love it there, I'm twitterpated for you, but it's not for everyone. The message that it's all roses and perfect is untrue and unfair.
I haven't seen anyone say it's all roses and perfect.
I have seen people say it's closed down, under martial law and you will be approached by a derelict every single time.
If you note. People on this forum typically advise people to rent here before buying. There's a reason for that. That same rule of thumb applies anywhere in the world. Not everyone is a suited match for this area and same applies to Eastern Wa. I've lived in both areas and prefer the big island.
Where has Mermadness gone?
Not so much fun when you can't delete everyone else's posts, is that it?
Originally posted by BradW

Lower Puna is a cesspool.

Several years ago in the waiting room of my dentist and perusing the reading materials, I read in Bicycle Riding Magazine that their international editorial staff had unanimously voted the Puna Coastal Hwy 137 as the most beautiful road in the world.

And it is also well known that Pele spits them out after 2 years or so.

God I love Madame Pele for not allowing this area to turn into either a Kohala or Kona spot, where the wannabes and stuck up mainland transplants move out in no time.

I love the sales though!!

I'll second PaulW's one has said it's all perfect and roses. FWIW BradW, I hope you are happy wherever you are. One does wonder why you are still checking in on Punaweb if you hate this area so much.


Lead by example
Just because Pele spit him out. Glad she did!

Help me out here, Paul:

"SheaG on Mauna Kea: "To clear up any confusion, the summit does in fact close after dark to visitors."
She posts a link. What say you, Tom?

What post is that and what is the link?


"I think TomK for the win. No hours posted on it but they do suggest how much time to allow for hiking so you do not get caught hiking in the dark. But that is the closest to any posted hours I saw on that website.

If that's the link Paul is referring to, it does not say the road is closed at night.

The summit road is only closed during bad weather or when bad weather is expected overnight which would make driving conditions dangerous. Other than that it is always open to everyone.

You can even check it for yourself right now (22:30 when I checked, i.e., it is night time):

"Road Status: Open"

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