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Personal question
HP, I admire your courage in delurking and trying to deal with this. I hope you come to enjoy Hawaii more.
Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
When your predominant self-image is based on your race, that's two strikes against you to start.
I lived in many countries.
Respect!!! And adapt to the new culture. If you are so egocentric (ethnocentric), then you will not make it anywhere!
My best friends are Hawaiians. They share more than what they have. I am not Blonde. but dark haired.
At the end it does not matter whether you are blond or dark haired.
It boils down to "haole proud" attitude, white supremacist and the likes.
I love my peeps, yes they use EBT cards, but whom I am to judge?
The government made it easy for them.
Yes, I am pissed they have new cars, buy Pellegrino, etc. While I am scrambling.
Darn. I need to get pregnant!

I'm blond blue eyed, been here most of my life and while some of my best friends of decades are Hawaiian mix locals, at the same time I have also experienced decades of racial prejudice. It seems much better now than say 30 years ago but that may be because I'm older and not as attractive as I was back then.

Haole proud is right, no place is perfect on this planet and one of the glaring imperfections on this island is a culture that is racially entrenched. Even my local friends say it's off the charts, some crazy carry over from the plantation days. Guess all the jobs and living arrangements during that era were racially structured.

Add to that tons of new mainland transplants who make absolute fools of themselves kissing local ass, their reverse racism keeps the real racism alive and well. Thanks a lot guys, for keeping up the bad vibe while thinking you are so cool.

There is no excuse for any type of racism or reverse racism(oh you poor hawaiian victims of white people, here let me kiss your ass some more). Transparently pathetic behavior.

I'm not sure which is worse....the racist or the ass kisser.

Well, I am an European guy, Gorgeous of course, but loosing your looks suck. LOL
Actually, maybe because I could pass as puerto rican or Portuguese, never had a problem.
But then....

I say reinstate Kill Haole Day! That was always my favorite holiday. As the Spanish saying goes: Los peores siempre son la misma rasa.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Also, we should always be proud of whom we are. We all bleed red! And love as much.
happy Holidays to all.

Mi querido mojado sin licencia.
Que HP fue tu nadada a Hawaii.
Orgulloso de ti!!
Aqui entre nosotros, no es es la RASA. Es la RAZA!
No nadaste nada!! LOL

We are born n raise hea.
In our 90s my wife reminds me.
Large ohana,many generations.
Been around the world more than once.
It is not the color of ones skin but their attitude and respect for others.
If your neighbor is standing in middle of road talking on his cell phone,it may of been his carrier has no reception at his home and that is the ONLY spot he gets reception.Local or transplant,he probably did not see you and you startled him.
So he did not see you,it happens,it is actually very common .
Especially the ones listening to music,they do not have eyes in the back of their heads.
If you think you are being discriminated against because you are of pinkish white skin tone ,my wife says all wahine are pink inside and our blood is all red,man woman or other gender.RED RED RED.
It is about attitude,local or hawaiian or transplant from maui or oahu or tim buck 2 .
Been hea 10 years you say,a new comer still yet.
Try Harlem or south side Chicago or Watts in Smell A .

Welcome to the Big Island HP.


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