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HPP Board 2014
Originally posted by hawaiideborah

Originally posted by janet

"That is not what I understood. I think you are incorrect on this one.
I believe that every lot owned by a member in good standing gets one vote. Thus, the guys who own 13 lots and 9 lots get that many votes if they are in good standing (paid up on road fees).
If this is not the case, please provide the section of the bylaws that states only one vote per member regardless of how many lots they own. All I can find is one vote per lot owned."

Section 7. Removal.
(a) A recall election for a director may be called by two-thirds majority of the board, or by a petition of not fewer than 200 signatures of members from the director's District.

Ya, that's what I read too. in the last election our neighbors who own 2 lots got 2 ballots. As of last election, if a member owns 2 lots, they get 2 votes.

There is a clear distinction between elections and a recall. Janet posted the requirements for a RECALL not an election. Elections are covered by how many lots you own. It's all in the bylaws, I can't believe its so simple and many owners just can't read or don't get it!
I've checked HPP's bylaws.. under Article VI, Sec. 2, Voting Rights of Members "Each lot, provided road maintenance assessments are current, shall be entitled to one vote in matters upon by the Association, subject to Article XI. In the case of multiple ownership, only one vote shall be cast per lot." Article VIII, Sec 7 Removal © "The director shall be removed on a 2/3 majority of the valid ballots returned." I also looked in Article V-Bylaws Definitions and didn't find anything that says anything different than the above quotes.

It appears that there is no differentiation between voting on any association matters, so if you own multiple lots, you get multiple votes whether you're voting for a candidate or whether you're voting to remove a board rep by recall. Per our bylaws Article VI Sec 3, Proxy Votes aren't permitted. I believe at the last Gen'l Membership Mtg someone was voting by proxy as he had over 7 paddles in his hand. Later at a board mtg, it was confirmed that illegal voting had occurred and security will be tightened up.

I speak about the past bc it does pertain to the present. Friends of the Terminated Employees, FOTE, want to distract us about the past mgmt problems which led up to the terminations. Many of us don't want the TE's or certain board members coming back bc of those past problems. Yes, we have issues with this mgmt and we can't be broad stroked and say they're all bad either. Just like this board, the last board and beyond, there's a majority and a minority. We don't know what will happen when we finally get a new GM hired. Will the next GM be a good manager? We don't know yet.

I think the term FOB has to be recanted as this board has 4 new members, almost half, and we still don't know where these new members stand. I support any board member that follows our bylaws and that doesn't make me a FOB. In actuality, I'm probably the opposite after recent events bc I stood up against those that don't. I hope the newest board members will learn our bylaws, not follow the others blindly and will stand up against anyone on the board that isn't following our bylaws. Hopefully the majority will be the ones who follow our bylaws, not the other way around.
Mermaid53: "We don't know what will happen when we finally get a new GM hired. Will the next GM be a good manager? We don't know yet. "

Will the new GM actually be new, or will it be someone from the current inner circle moving into a paid position? I don't have much faith in the newer new board members, purely because the by-laws were not followed when at least some of those seats were filled, the appearance is that some of the newer new board members were handpicked by the old new board members. Reading the few minutes available on the website from meetings since this board was seated was dismaying, there were long winded rants from a brand new member of the board about the evils of spending money for cookies and water for general membership meetings, but $90,000 was spent on a machine with virtually no discussion. Talk about penny wise and pound foolish!
Amazing!!! Say it enough times and it's true?
The current volunteer/unpaid Board member who is doing the GM job has never even applied for the GM position. Just ask her. She did NOT submit an application.

Yet there is all this speculation that the current volunteer GM is who will be hired. She doesnt want the job, never applied.
Ask her yourselves. Thats what I did after hppdog posted that she was taking the GM position.

Check your facts. Call the Board. Talk to them.
I have also re-read the bylaws and regardless of hppdog stating I dont understand the bylaws...for a recall if a person owns 13 lots, they get 13 votes / own 7 lots= 7 votes.
Hppdog should talk to the members of the bylaw committee.

I urge anyone who is considering changing how many signatures it would take for recall to get the facts. If we lower the amount of votes needed those districts with the large amount of land owners can dictate who they want recalled. 9 lots = 9 votes
I am not getting into a "gotta have the last word" or"I know more competition here because there are a few who post that just can't seem to restrain themselves. Watchdog, Janet, Steve1 and Caveat Emptor have an excellent understanding of the State Statutes,HPPOA by-laws and the Conduct policy.They stick to verifiable facts. If you don't understand these or base your comments on others interpretations then anything you post isn't worth reading unless you have a question about them. The rest is just emotional hogwash that only inflames a volatile situation.
Mermaid; yes my last post was a bit long but I was trying to clarify some things I stated and if you had read my comments carefully you would have seen that I thanked you for changing your input on my post. I said... the way it was originally done looked like you were putting words in my mouth. Why is it OK for you to write long posts but you criticize someone else for the same thing?
Also, why are you defending the treasurer so vehemently? This is just a plain question. If she is the professional you and she state, then she would have recognized that she was violating the simplest workplace ethics. If she got herself in this immoral unethical position and later realized it, she has had many many months to correct it. Also, no one forced her to defame the fired employees and speak out of term. She is a grown adult and if she made a mistake, she should have apologized profusely. That is what mature people do. And if she was my friend, I would be begging her to get out and try to make amends. You are not standing over her while she works (well you shouldn't be) and she shouldn't be discussing what she is doing(that goes without saying)so you have no more clue than any of us what is happening with our books.
You tell people to drop the same o (?) same o. but then you do it over and over. The Green waste issue and the Fugitive dust. If you attended the meetings and as were informed as you say, you'd know that in both instances, members went straight to the state to complain. The green waste had been dealt with in the same way for over 30 years but it took 1 member complaining. A 1x variance was discussed but it was the boards decision to clean it up asap. The GM was told to take care of it. And the fugitive dust. That is not even a legit term. That term is for construction sites. Most of us bought houses on dirt/gravel roads. The bond was just bad timing. When petroleum prices went through the roof. When things triple in price....the $ doesn't go as far. The board president went to Oahu and was told to come up with a plan. The board did, the state accepted it and that includes watering the roads whether you like it or not. We have no clue how many thousands of dollars were saved from fines that could have been imposed. It is the new president who said she would not water the roads.
I would suggest you try to get your hands on some videos and audios of the "Special Members Meeting" You only need to listen and watch 15 minutes to be disgusted and embarrassed by the boards behavior and see who were the trouble makers. You can not refute what is on video or reinvent what occurred. A good friend of mine was sitting toward the front end and 3 women were against the wall speaking foul language and bad mouthing the presenters. You dear, were one of them. You can't have it both ways.(well you can try by having to lie the rest of your life) The rules, State statutes, codes of conduct, by-laws need to be followed all the time. Not just the ones the board picks and chooses and then that is random. That is why our community is in chaos. Not from concerned members who follow the rules. This board and FOB really need a reality check and a lesson in humility. Can't stand on your high horse and spew at the same time because then nothing you say will ever be taken seriously.
As I said before, I am not in one of these fictitious categories that Hawaiideborah likes to invent and place blame on, I am just a homeowner here who can see this situation for what it is and it is a lose lose situation with this board.
Very good post well said
Originally posted by hawaiideborah

Amazing!!! Say it enough times and it's true?
The current volunteer/unpaid Board member who is doing the GM job has never even applied for the GM position. Just ask her. She did NOT submit an application.

Yet there is all this speculation that the current volunteer GM is who will be hired. She doesnt want the job, never applied.
Ask her yourselves. Thats what I did after hppdog posted that she was taking the GM position.

Check your facts. Call the Board. Talk to them.
I have also re-read the bylaws and regardless of hppdog stating I dont understand the bylaws...for a recall if a person owns 13 lots, they get 13 votes / own 7 lots= 7 votes.
Hppdog should talk to the members of the bylaw committee.

I urge anyone who is considering changing how many signatures it would take for recall to get the facts. If we lower the amount of votes needed those districts with the large amount of land owners can dictate who they want recalled. 9 lots = 9 votes

I do not see anywhere here on the last several pages of threads that anyone said anything about the current acting GM becoming the GM. Maybe you need to read more carefully before you go off on a tirade.
Originally posted by shockwave rider

I do not see anywhere here on the last several pages of threads that anyone said anything about the current acting GM becoming the GM. Maybe you need to read more carefully before you go off on a tirade.

2 paragraphs is a tirade?
On Dec.21 (page45) hppdog said:
HPPdog says:
"Now they are replacing the fired employees with their friends and even the VP taking the GM spot after stepping down this is BS! "
Originally posted by hawaiideborah

Originally posted by shockwave rider

I do not see anywhere here on the last several pages of threads that anyone said anything about the current acting GM becoming the GM. Maybe you need to read more carefully before you go off on a tirade.

2 paragraphs is a tirade?
On Dec.21 (page45) hppdog said:
HPPdog says:
"Now they are replacing the fired employees with their friends and even the VP taking the GM spot after stepping down this is BS! "

Maybe you could use quotes when you are referring to something someone said 5 pages back if you want the rest of us to know what you are talking about? The tone was what made it a tirade, not the length.

Shocked Wave,You also speculated on this page:
"Will the new GM actually be new, or will it be someone from the current inner circle moving into a paid position?"
4 pages back, not 5. Hppdog stated it as a fact...however Katrina says Hppdog speaks only facts

Im just trying to set the rumor mill straight. The volunteer GM never wanted the job, did not apply.
Thats all folks.

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