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Palikapu Dedman with the Pele Defense Fund
Don't wait another day dakine.
Is this the same guy ?

"Dope pushers played a political role as well. Convicted drug dealer Ralph Palikapu Dedman has two felonies among the four convictions on his rap sheet. Dedman led the war against clean geothermal electricity in Puna in the 1980s and 1990s resulting in the 25,856 acre Wao Kele O Puna site being transferred in 2007 to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs with OHA paying out only $350,000 from its own coffers. Wao Kele, which backs up to Hawaiian Acres, is still a major center for illicit marijuana grow ops."
I just wondered if it was about the same person.
Originally posted by pahoated

One thing people should be keeping an eye on, now that he has bullied $300K from the county coffers, now using the scam that these studies were "native" business and don't need any accounting from the county. It isn't a bad scam, just get mad for about an hour, plop, $300K in your back pocket, no questions asked. Sweet.

The funding has been approved by County Council so that Request for Proposals (RFP) can be started. All those interested and capable of fulfilling that proposal, including Native Hawaiian heath services, should submit their feedback and plans for how best to complete the study.

No one has been given $300K in their back pocket with no questions asked.

Personally, I am not a fan of Dedman's tone or delivery and believe his message is largely lost because of it. But I find pahoated's repeated willingness to invent information and distort facts far more objectionable than anything Dedman said on this topic.
Originally posted by Obie

I just wondered if it was about the same person.

It is, Obie.
All the folks bad-mouthing Pali should realize he's also a Vietnam era combat veteran. Now he's fighting for his people in the face of injustice. Be careful, haters - he deserves some respect. Besides, hatred only comes back to bite you in the okole. That pain in the butt you feel is self-inflicted.
All the folks bad-mouthing Pali should realize he's also a Vietnam era combat veteran.

That does not give one the right to commit felonies.
Originally posted by leilanidude

All the folks bad-mouthing Pali should realize he's also a Vietnam era combat veteran.

That does not give one the right to commit felonies.

Just curious, leilanidude- Have you ever made a mistake? If so, did that mistake negate everything you did for the rest of your life?
Mendo - you equated being a combat vet with deserving respect. That is fine.
Changing the subject to me - is avoiding the issue. What did he do after leaving the service is what I and others have noted and needs to be taken into consideration, just as his meritorious (I presume?) military service should be considered. Look at the whole picture, not just the parts you want.
Yeah! Look at the whole picture.

I was in Vietnam and never used Marijuana when I got out. Well, in all honesty I actually did.

But none of the other vets I know used it. Well, to be totally transparent; most of them did.

At least they weren't arrested for it; Hmmmm, thinking back, quite a few were.

The whole picture's kinda fuzzy.

Mahalo Palikapu for your dedication, strength and courage.



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