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$8.4M in "unspent" FTR

The County Council will be asked next week to reappropriate $8.4 million in fuel tax money that’s due to lapse because it wasn’t spent on time. The money accumulated in the accounts during the past 11 years, with $2 million of it not spent in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2018.

Money left on the table includes $1.3 million in local road projects, with the majority of the unspent money attributed to Puna. The Puna District accounted for $454,722 in unspent road money, compared to $365,394 for South Hilo roads, $254,987 for North Hilo roads, $200,280 for North Kona roads, $60,241 for Hamakua roads and $7,629 for Ka‘u roads.

Good thing they raised the fuel tax and added an excise tax surcharge. Just imagine what could happen if County didn't have all this extra revenue?
"Richards has been asking for months for a list of projects as required by the 2017 resolution that raised the tax. He was assured at a committee hearing Nov. 19 the list was forthcoming. But he didn’t get the list until the day after his Dec. 19 negative vote."

"We had this in committee, we were promised a list of the roads that were going to be worked on in our districts. And they said we'd have it in a couple, three or four weeks, and it's a couple, three or four weeks and I'm wondering where our list is," Richards said during the council meeting. "I'm waiting for my list."

No one from Public Works was at the council meeting, but Finance Director Deanna Sako said a list does exist.

I guess they must have misplaced the list. Oh well guys, it's only millions of dollars, we can use it for union raises instead...
only millions of dollars, we can use it for union raises

More likely spent on Mauna Kea Overtime, because raises are "required" so can justify a "mandatory" tax increase.

Just remember not to complain, because "they" might "retaliate" somehow. (I see this sentiment in the paper about every week.)
Remember, folks: electric cars are "cheating the system" because they don't pay their "fair share" of the Fuel Tax Revenue.
This directly affects everyone in the county, stealing their money with lies and incompetence. And yet, fewer people will show up to complain than show up about some weiku bugs and nuclear powered telescopes on the mountain.
This directly affects everyone in the county

Only the ones who pay taxes...
Or buy gas or buy food delivered with trucks...
Or buy gas or buy food delivered with trucks...

I suggest that the money can be stolen more than once, such as when a protest camp is funded with public dollars.

I say just give it to people on the mountain.

I say just give it to people on the mountain.
Do you mean the police who are getting overtime pay for sitting in their vehicles and writing tickets?

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