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Rubber tree poisoning/removal
There is a giant rubber tree in the rear of our property. Can it be poisoned? I'm told the sap "could blind you" when cut as well as ruin the chainsaw. I'm not finding much info on removal. Any knowledge or experience?
They are not easy to poison. I had a huge one that was not bothered by glyphosate (Roundup) or triclopyr. I really wanted it gone, so I tried another herbicide at about $105. I went around the trunk with a hatchet and a spray bottle (about 1 ml/spray = the usual) and did hack and squirt about every 4-6 inches. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the name for sure, but I think it was Milestone (aminopyralid).

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
AS: Was this successful and if so, how long did it take? Did it crumble or fall over? how large was it? Is it now gone? This has so many shoots, like a banyon that I lose hope in its actual removal
It was very successful! I also did the same for a neighbor's tree. It had some somewhat separated shoots that I had to go back and treat. They were both about 2 years ago and had been topped already. They are both still slowly shedding branches, but are out of the way. I am very happy with the results, since I have been paying a lot of money to keep cutting back my tree for several years.
I just checked and I did use Milestone from CPS,now Ag Nutrien, @ $99.50 /qt. It took 2-3 weeks for all the leaves to shed. Space the "hack and squirts" about 2-3 inches apart! I think I had to go back and retreat because I spaced them about 6 inches apart the first time.

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Originally posted by allensylves

They are not easy to poison. I had a huge one that was not bothered by glyphosate (Roundup) or triclopyr. I really wanted it gone, so I tried another herbicide at about $105. I went around the trunk with a hatchet and a spray bottle (about 1 ml/spray = the usual) and did hack and squirt about every 4-6 inches. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the name for sure, but I think it was Milestone (aminopyralid).

Finally in HPP

Yes, it is Milestone. It is expensive but for killing junk trees one bottle is a lifetime supply for most people. It only takes like 3CC to kill the biggest albezias though I strongly recommend a follow-up application for the really big ones. Here's a video on how to use it:

Dr. James Leary, CTAHR Invasive Weed Specialist, conducts field trials at Maunawili Experiment Station, Oahu, targeting the invasive tree Albizia (Falcataria moluccana; syn. Albizia moluccana, Albizia falcata, Albizia falcataria, Adenanthera falcataria, Paraserianthes falcataria). Using Milestone® VM (active ingredient: aminopyralid), he researches two application methods: drill application vs. frill cut.

A second trial compares the effects of three different herbicides on albizia: 2,4-D® (active ingredient: 2,4-Dichlorophenol), Garlon®4 Plus (active ingredient: triclopyr), and Milestone® VM (active ingredient: aminopyralid).

Preliminary results are shown after 1 week, 2 weeks, and 5 weeks. Partial funding provided by the USDA via the RREA and TSTAR programs.

Just one request, if you use Milestone don't take any of the tree waste to the green bins for disposal because it can mess the mulch up and ruin people's gardens. Although Milestone is labeled for use on pasture with grazing animals there have been ill effects when people following the wait times etc put manure into their compost- and that was with using Milestone in proper dilution. For tree killing it's used off-label at full strength.

ETA: We bought ours on Amazon:,aps,271&sr=8-2&linkCode=ll1&tag=pw016-20&linkId=fbcb1ce2ed4860338576493a6b542d96&language=en_US
Thanks. I do have plenty of Milestone but it didn't seem to kill anything but albezia in my yard before. This" rubber" tree is so huge. It seems the girth of a 200 yo/o redwood.....
I don't know how applicable this is but I've successfully poisoned a number of large ablezia stumps using automatic transmission fluid. Not expensive at all.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rubber trees are frustrating. I think it's because of all the "runner" roots at the base of the tree. So besides poisoning the top I snipped off all the runners at the bottom. So there's other trees its connected to that are mutual support group gotta get rid of too.
Hey Rob,

Was it new or used AT fluid?

Just curious because I know for some projects only the used stuff works.

Now you know how to "recycle" the old oil.

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