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HPP Board 2014
Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Maybe these aren't their real names and do attend like me.

Ya, that's what I thought.
You and the Fired Employees Support Group criticize others for hiding behind fake names. See the first 25 or so pages of this thread. Over and over attacks against folks who thought the fired employees got what they deserved for them using fake punaweb id.

Now you use fake names and hide behind them. Janet said that is her real name on this thread. Janet has not attended any meetings. All talk ut no action. Dont just criticize, show up, get involved, come out of the shadows. stand up behind your words, or hide behind your fake names.
Originally posted by CatFincher50

Just an FYI to anyone interested. I was still employed during the Green Waste Build up issue. Originally an RFP went out for the Clearing & Grubbing and this RFP stated that green waste materials would be hauled to the maintenance area to be sorted so it could be reused.

Then the sealed bids came into the office and were then opened at a BOD meeting. As I recall the bids prices were all over the board, lowest was Ludwig @ like 120K and the highest (don't recall the vendor) was around 700K. Ludwigs bid won the approval of the BOD. YES, the Board approved this contract! It was so concerning to me that a BOD that seconded the motion to approve this contract was one who took part in throwing the GM to the wolves (pissed off owners) when it went bad.

Then on May 1st the BOD made a motion for the GM to Immediately remove the green waste pile at the maintenance yard and on 16th Ave. He did request bids for this task I recall 3 vendors responding and the lowest was chosen.

It is my belief that when the GM was instructed to IMMEDIATELY remove he went into action and should not be blamed solely for the cost as he was not instructed to get bids he was told to get rid of it!

It is my opinion that the BOD should have protected their employee (GM) right or wrong and not form a gang like situation that puts them in harms way which is what I remember happening.

I look at these posts for curiosity reasons but when I read posts that are just simply not true it really erks me!

It's really time to move on!

Cathy Fincher

This happened under June's presidency. This happened with the OLD former board. They were horrible and were the worst on not following the bylaws.
Where were you all with your bylaws quotes when this old former board was running our association into the ground with the help of the fired GM?
After reading about how people who express concern about this boards' actions have been harassed and attacked, including driving at least one, if not two, long time members of Punaweb who did use their own names to quit posting after being harassed at work and home, only a fool or a masochist would use their real name on this thread. And Hawaiideborah is not a real name either, it is just as anonymous as my screen name. Deliberately misstating people's names as HD constantly does is petty and childish and shows a real lack of maturity.

The people who attack (I mean this word exactly) anyone who expresses any concern about where this board is taking the HPPOA, accusing them of being friends of terminated employees, or even being the terminated employees, while denigrating them for not attending meetings are consistently rude, defensive maybe because they are fighting a losing battle. If I had to sit in a room with some of the people who post on here in support of the board I would probably not be able to contain myself if they behave in meetings the way they do here. The current crop of board members have been rude to members at meetings, still do not follow proper procedures, or the by laws, and their supporters are even worse. The one meeting I spoke at I had a board supporter demand to know my name and address after I spoke, this gentleman (loose use of the word here) did that in a very hostile fashion to every single person who spoke with concern over the advisability of this board's actions while high fiving board supporters.

I had quit posting on Punaweb years ago when I got too busy with family and business, but when I signed back up it was very clear that this is NOT a safe place to use your real name, especially if your HPP lots are in your name instead of your spouse's. I find it interesting that several people who have been vocal in expressing their concerns about the actions of the board report that all maintenance of their roads' sections has stopped since the last two general membership meetings. Seems like the board members who are running the whole show are using that power to punish their opponents and don't mind harming the neighbors in the process. Roads that were on a regular maintenance schedules under the old regime are now pot holed, rutted, and have vegetation encroaching into the roadways and many intersections are now dangerous with very limited visibility due to high brush blocking lines of sight.

Payback or incompetence, it hardly matters, this board's only job is to maintain the roads and after taking over the whole show themselves that job is not being done at even the level it was before.
Though most of us know who HawaiiDeborah and Mermaid are, I see that they do not use their real names but attack some who chose to use a "safe" name. This is the hypocrisy we have to endure. When they are incorrect and called on it they attack. As I stated before, Mermaid and 2 other women were caught on tape speaking vulgarly. Instead of apologizing and trying to become a better person she deflected the comment and said that I couldn't know everything that was going on. Well, I think seeing and hearing on video the words that were coming out of her mouth are excellent proof. She was one of the main reasons that I finally joined punatalk. We have all had to listen to her get up at meeting after meeting over and over and here speak so incorrectly. Either she doesn't really grasp the issues or chooses not to. An example is that I said if I had a friend in an immoral and unethical situation I'd be begging her to get out and make amends... well sure enough she then accuses me of saying she is immoral and unethical. Please Mermaid, Please, read carefully and wait and think things through before you respond.
HiDeb, I looked again at the by-laws about # of votes. It does appear that 1 vote per lot. Makes sense to me. If I owned multiple lots and paid multiple road fees why should someone who owns 1 lot count as much as me. I am sure if you owned multiple lots and were paying for it you'd want things to be fair too. And one more thing, why would you suggest that we call the board and ask them for by-law info when they haven't followed them and have caused so much dissension. I know you support them but even you can see that they have not helped our community and the rift keeps getting deeper.
It is obvious that some people who post here have good information and an excellent understanding of the by-laws, state statutes, codes of conduct and proper business practices. Many could if they chose, learn the difference between just emotional biased speak and factual speak. Mermaid, I have been very involved in this community. Just because I sit quietly at meetings and take notes so I can research and verify does not mean I am not involved. Since I chose to stay out of the lime light doesn't make me lesser. I like you and HiDeb,watchdog etc. remain incognito for a very good reason. I can think of several people who watchdog could possibly be but I'd never accuse anyone until I was certain.
More importantly, the board members in the lawsuit's attorney's response to the lawsuit is on ponohpp. I read it. I have read many many legal documents and this one is pathetic. It really is and we are all having to pay for it. It boils down to them denying, denying, denying.That is all they can do. I would think much more highly of someone who admits their mistakes, apologizes and tries to make amends than someone refuses to. This leave zero room for improved relations with "we the members" they took an oath to uphold.
Thanks for the accurate info Catfinch, about the green waste. Just as I said. Why is the truth so hard for some of you to believe. Really sad. Why can't you accept it and move on as you suggest for others? There is no shame in being wrong if you learn from your mistakes and make things right or at least try.
I think WE ALL need to take a breather as it's getting out of control with all the personal attacks going back and forth.

I think we all are in consensus with at least one thing and that is that certain board members are making lots of mistakes STILL, especially those in control, and are doing a very poor job of transparency. It's very frustrating indeed and we feel helpless that they keep going on like this no matter what anyone says. We're back in the dark ages again, like we were w/the previous mgmt.

The previous mgmt also made lots of mistakes and didn't follow our bylaws. This is a fact and anyone active on the board or committees will attest to this. And I'm sure the board before that and before that and so on also had their problems.

As I said in an earlier post, I'm hoping that the newest members are going to be bylaw following directors and not follow these others blindly. That's all I can do is hope. And then there's the next group that will be new in June 2015 and new officers....

Like hawaiideborah and shockwaverider, I don't belong to any group. All I want is for us to have one mgmt team to finally get it right and do things ethically, no personal agendas and foremost follow our bylaws.

Is it really possible to get the whole board, or at least a majority board and GM and staff to follow all our bylaws and policies? I'm beginning to doubt it.

What are our options? Offer ALL our roads to the county and give them some of our land to sweeten the deal and be done w/it?

The Bylaw Committee has a big job to try and tighten up some of these gray areas. Possible mandatory bylaw education for every new board? Maybe to include the membership for those interested???

Any popcorn left, pog?
I hope you can move forward in a more positive way "Katarina" instead of being so mean girl. So what about the video..who cares?

I think I know who you are now. One of the minions who helped run the Sep 7 mtg. It's becoming evident that your main agenda is to criticize, spread misinformation, take jabs at me and others w/out getting your facts straight. BTW, hawaiideborah said to contact the bylaw committee not the board.

Follow your own advice and get informed of all the facts, and reread posts before answering them. If you had re read my post, I edited it and check the date. If you weren't so biased, you would've seen that I have quoted the bylaws in aim to assist many times. What are you doing to help?
For some reason I can't help thinking of 90210.

Can't imagine why that number comes to mind...
Originally posted by TomK

For some reason I can't help thinking of 90210.

Can't imagine why that number comes to mind...

We're far from the zipcode or lifestyle of Beverly Hills Tom. But it got a chuckle out of me.
52 PAGES OF THE FINEST HORSE MANURE EVER! That is what this thread is all about. If you folks would put all that energy that you have to go around in circles for ever, discussing banalities, but instead actually use it to do something really RELEVANT like for instance actually fix the myriad of problems that haunt HPP , we would be on top of our game. HPP does not need talkers, it needs doers. Don't like the Management? don't like to board of Directors? well darned it! just do away with it all! I am personally fed up, to pay dues to a bunch of noones that do fk all with my money and don't provide a thing! Let's dissolve this stupid association, lets work with the County to do what is necessary for them to take over HPP and aloha to all this bs. Enough is enough. Either we do this in a grass root fashion where everyone does actually something to improve HPP or we negotiate with the County to take over the roads; right now is prime time to be negotiating on those terms. NO NEED TO PERPETUATE an association that clearly has never worked, nor will ever work. I soon have dirt roads and have my own equipment to clear my way, than to keep listening to a bunch of hothead whose only biggest achievement is to pass gas regularly. I don't need to beg the lazy managers to maintain the road all my neighbors and I are paying for, nor do I need to see the folk they employ do a shoddy job like they do.

It does not take brain surgeon's skills to cut to the overgrowth well on the sides of the road; or properly grade the dirt roads. For the last 4 years I have seen a terrible degradation of our dirt roads just because the bozos the management has employed do not have a clue how to grade, let alone know one has to put enough quantity of rock after the grading is done to keep the roads from being washed away with the rain. These people are costing us money and seemingly eternal aggravation. What does it take to fill up a hole on the road? If you ask management. it can take weeks if not months. For crying out loud, in my road that job falls in all of us neighbors, who buy the gravel, and spread it to fill the holes on the road or pack the dirt so we can get through. Or cut the tall grasses on the side of the road properly, to avoid starting a fire! I personally do not need to deal with or have to pay for those, whose real job is to preserve their salary.

1) we were clearly conned, by the association, regarding the paving of HPP roadways.

2) there hasn't been one single manager that has done any quality work with all the money they have sucked from us
3) the board is composed mainly of "political" types retirees, who think they can go on imposing themselves on the rest of us just because.

HPP must be the biggest con job ever perpetrated on homeowners, anywhere in the Hawaiian Islands. I for one, would like them all gone. aloha


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