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There was a small kitchen fire extinguisher included when we bought our home several years ago. How long do they remain viable? We thankfully have never needed it. Do they need to be replaced every so often even if never used?
Thanks in advance.
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I was reading a thread on a car forum a few months ago about this very subject. One of the guys was a fireman. What of type of extinguisher is it? I believe the dry chemical extinguishers are supposed to be tossed out after 12 years. Lesser quality brands tossed sooner. Lesser quality brands being Kidde and other big box store cheapies. I've also read the dry chem ones should be shaken monthly to keep the chemical from settling and hardening. Funny, he said to check what brand extinguishers you see hanging on the wall at Home Depot or other commercial places - typically not going to be the cheap brands they sell.
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There is a guy in Shipman that checks, re certifies tanks and extinguishers. Don't remember name, but next to the catchment place.
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Many of those small units have a green button on the top. If, when you push the green button in and it comes back out, the pressure is still OK. If it doesn't come back out, toss it. Most of those small units are disposable.
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I have always bypassed the cheaper smaller ones and bought a rechargeable 2A10BC Fire extinguisher at Ace hardware. Just like the ones you see on the store walls, except no inspection tag. The guy next to the cachment tank place services them if the gauge on top drops below the "charged" point, or just to be safe, around two,years. He also sells them, as well as Ace, as I mentioned, and Costco.
The reason I bought that size is that it will knock out just about any fire at your home, or at least slow the heck out of it until the fire department can arrive to finish putting it out, and making sure there is enough damage for your insurance claim. The extinguisher is classed for all types of fire, hence the "A,B and C rating. Waste paper basket on fire, no problem, electrical fire, grease fire, gasoline malfunction fire? No problem!
When using any fire extinguisher, remember the acronym "PASS". "P" for pull the pin. "A" for aim at the base of the fire. "S" for squeeze the trigger. "S" again for sweep the fire out.
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Thank you everyone for your helpful replies.
Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
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Most people aim for the flames. Big mistake. Aim for the source. When I was a wee lad in public school the local fire department came and set a fire (some sort of fuel, I don't know) in a metal container and every student took turns putting it out with a fire extinguisher. Yes, they re-lit the fire in between each student. The first few did a horrible job as they aimed for the evil flames but we quickly learned to aim for the source.
The BEST fire extinguisher for the kitchen is to keep a towel handy.
In the event of fire, simply soak the towel with water and drape it over the fire.
The fire WILL go out.
Using a fire extinguisher for stovetop fires is stupid.
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Originally posted by imagtek
The BEST fire extinguisher for the kitchen is to keep a towel handy.
In the event of fire, simply soak the towel with water and drape it over the fire.
The fire WILL go out.
Using a fire extinguisher for stovetop fires is stupid.
You can't fix Samsara.
The above will get someone hurt or killed
'the above' is straight out of the fire safety manual issued to employees by Shell Oil corp. Of course, one of their refineries recently blew up. Towel wasn't large enough.
You can't fix Samsara.