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HPP stuff
This thread is for wide open discussion of HPP issues. I will not constantly change the name of the thread. Knee jerk defenders of the current board, I made you your own thread, so please keep your insults, name calling, and attempts to out people's off line identities over there.
Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Good job on this thread, thanks.

Below is a quote from Mermaid on the other thread.
I didn't expose you, you exposed yourself on the last thread by saying too much. You poked at hawaiideborah saying things that no one else but the former GM could've known to say. You didn't deny it when she called you by your 1st name afterwards. So quit trying to pretend you're an HPP association member. hppwatchdog is the former GM.

How could anyone make this type of statement?
Let me explain... the old GM told me about the hawaiideborah situation and her not parking signs. And, if I remember correctly it was brought up at least 2 board members, you were there.
I didn't deny it when she called be my name to set yous guys up, which is very easy. I might even be NHB.

Just because you think you know (Mermaid) who people are on this web site the rules state that you are not permitted to expose their privacy.

I know who you are and deb, EC, flyingsurfer, Orchidlandguy and many more but I don't expose who you are. Since this is the second time for orchidlandguy I think he should be banned.

I'll give you another example. Orchidlandguy and many other thought the old President was NHB. Let me tell you something about NHB, NHB is a few different posters and none of them to be JC.

[quote]Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Just because you think you know (Mermaid) who people are on this web site the rules state that you are not permitted to expose their privacy.
So what, you know who I am and I know who you are...

A lot of what you say relays who you are. Your tenacity, your previous threats about defamation and now your response as to why trolling for ammo isn't on your agenda any longer, your attempts to keep the lawsuit in the forefront along w/your supporters... As I said there are other troublesome things going on in HPP, not just your lawsuit.

I knew Nhb started out as one poster and it became evident there was at least one more posing under Nhb. One couldn't help but notice.

No one got suspended for trying to out Karma96749 (by the way whomever that was got it so wrong) or me...

It doesn't take much to figure out who some of us are by the access to information being shared, the timing of things being said, the attempts to spread misinformation, the anger behind it, who's being jabbed at in particular, etc.... the identity and agenda becomes quite clear.

And it should be quite clear by now that I only support those that follow our bylaws and policies. I don't lump the whole board together bc I know there are volunteers on this board that are trying to do their best, and there are those on the board or committees that have personal agendas to carry out no matter what bylaws they break.
OK, I received my annual payment notice yesterday. Much to my surprise (ha, ha) there was no Annual Update and President's report.

The annual update is a very important document for all owners to review.

At the back of the bylaws APPENDIX E-HPPOA Business/Fiscal Schedule under January states,

"Mail Annual Update and President's report with Annual payment notice"

These requirements can be found in the bylaws under Section IX, and XII, it's in 3 different places, OMG!

It couldn't be more clear. After six months they still haven't read the bylaws. This is the responsibility of the Pres., VP, interim GM and of course the new administrator, Susan Escobar! Do we really want to hire someone like this? NOT. What else does she do?

The board must act without delay to mail these documents out to the owners, and of course it going to US money. I wonder how long it will take Janice to get this document together?

And someone posted on another thread that this was a good meeting. They couldn't have been at last nights meeting, all the in fighting and finger pointing and Ruth showed her true colors yelling and screaming at BJ.

Even Francis looked at June and said, "June, we need you back up here".

I heard that they hired an temporary general manager but sent him home from the office because Jo hired him without a vote from the board. Does anyone know if this is true?

What a circus this board is making of the Association.

That was brought up at the board meeting.It should have been.
I don't think you are the ex GM. I have talked to him a # of times.
I don't agree with most of what you say. But you have a right to say it.
No one should be outed.

Every one has a right to there options. But not there own facts.
Are they ever going to pave the rest of the gravel roads?
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Ruth did not scream at BJ. I do not recall Francis saying he wanted June on the board. June did say, when she was on the HR committee there were several board members on the committee. She said that her interpretation on the By-Laws allowed it.

Francis said it twice, once at the table and a second time when he left to relieve himself and walked by June.
he left to relieve himself,,,and...did not! yea he did...did NOT! please keep your insults, name calling, and attempts to out people's off line identities over there...Where?
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

Common sense, the former GM has infiltrated posing as an association member. The former GM's lawsuit against the association "US" speaks of defamation throughout. hppwatchdog has threatened association members on punatalk with defamation. He has picked a name that is adverse to his real agenda hoping to fool us. Kahunascott has stopped posting under that name and they both have the same writing style. The information hppwatchdog had in previous posts could've only been from the former GM. This isn't information you get from "your friend" or at an HPP mtg but from actual on the job experience. He outed himself on HPP Board 2014's thread.

Normally I would agree w/flyingsurfer about not outing people on threads but when their agenda is to pose as one of us to glean info for their lawsuit, intimidate w/defamation threats against association members, stir the pot continuously instead of saying anything constructive... it's not cool.

First hand info..Francis said he was being sarcastic.

JC as the former Pres broke many bylaws so her comments about the HRC is consistent w/that. There also was no HRC in 2013-2014 and I and many other members remember there was no solicitation at any meetings to form an HRC. A previous board member told me that during JC's tenure there was no HRC per se bc no members volunteered. They got away w/it bc members didn't question the lack of an HRC. There should always be an active HRC. So that "HRC" was composed of board members. Checks and balances?

Finally we're getting a checks and balances w/the brand new HRC. The other 3 resigned recently, coincidentally after a lot owner and former HRC member, questioned the board about the validity of HRC's actions since they had broken bylaws. The newest board members responded to these questions which prompted what occurred at the last board mtg. Someone who attended the mtg told me that all actions by the HRC was voted null and void by the board. If this is true, does that mean any hirings during the previous HRC's tenure is also null and void?

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