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HPP stuff
This looks like such a fun circus to get in on...Does anybody have a nice HPP lot for sale cheap ???

Civilization exists by geologic consent, subject to change without notice...Will Durant
Civilization exists by geologic consent, subject to change without notice...Will Durant
What are people seeing in terms of road maintenance now? After all, the only job of the HPPOA board is making sure the subdivision roads are maintained, are they doing a good job of it?

Over the last few years our stretch of road had usually been mowed semi regularly, with the intersections mowed more frequently to maintain lines of site. The whole road got graded twice a year and new rock about once a year after the rains had washed it away. The short stretch that is the low point, which tends to get giant potholes that form lakes the school kids have to wade through to get to the bus were attended to more often. Since Iselle, our stretch of road has been mowed twice and graded once, the potholes are huge but of course it is dry, so they aren't lakes, no new gravel has been put on since December of 2013, and the intersections are often obstructed with high grass until one of us weed whacks it.

What are other people seeing on their roads?
"Finally we're getting a checks and balances w/the brand new HRC. The other 3 resigned recently, coincidentally after a lot owner and former HRC member, questioned the board about the validity of HRC's actions since they had broken bylaws. The newest board members responded to these questions which prompted what occurred at the last board mtg. Someone who attended the mtg told me that all actions by the HRC was voted null and void by the board. If this is true, does that mean any hirings during the previous HRC's tenure is also null and void? (emphasis added)

If the Board did as asserted, it was acting within the Bylaws:

"ARTICLE X – COMMITTEES, Section 1. Committee Scope and Authority. The board, ... may designate and appoint one or more committees, which committees shall have such scope and authority as shall be delegated to them by the appointing body through said resolution; provided, however, that actions and decisions of such committees shall be subject to the approval of the appointing body. ... In any event of conflict between the appointing body and its committees, the decision of the appointing body shall prevail."

However, if the Board voted to declare all actions by the HRC "null and void", it would include the job descriptions advertised in the HTH. Therefore, the entire process to replace the three fired employees will have to start again from the beginning.
My thoughts exactly Janet, it makes sense and it's the right thing to do.

Shockwave rider...I live on the alphabet roads and our area was usually one of the worst maintained areas for over 3 yrs bc apparently we're WAY DOWN at the bottom. One of the road crew told me after the terminations that he knew that Kaloli Pt and Bch Rd were often neglected. We often had no shoulders to speak of w/tall grass leaning into the paved and unpaved lanes. We had the same problem recently and after complaints, it finally got mowed early December..but only about 2 ft wide swaths.

My street's shoulders were mowed and bushes cut back approx 2-3 months ago for the first time in probably 2-3 years. Our road was scraped about the same time for the first time in about 1 1/2 yrs but the pothole always seems to remain. I should be appreciative that we only have one pot hole. The road material is mainly small blue rock rolling around atop dust that was laid during the previous mgmt 3-4 yrs ago.

Kaloli Pt has some faded and missing street signs. Some from the former GM's tenure, and before him, and some from this interim GM's tenure. Historically street signs don't seem to be considered a necessity down here. This was part of what the RTSC used to do...get things like this on their radar and get it resolved.

Paradise and Makuu are also missing lots of road reflectors. Moving albizias off the road after Storm Iselle removed a lot of them. The interim GM and board are now aware of it...but will it get taken care of? Maybe more people need to speak up to get reflectors back on the main drags.

Before they replace any RPM's they need to restripe the main roads. In order to do that they need to remove ALL the RPM's stripe the double yellow and white edge of pavement, then install the RPM's.
I own property in HPP but I don't live there, so I don't attend any meetings. I have observed the HPP board from a distance for some time and it appears remarkably dysfunctional. Can anyone tell me why?
Apparently, power corrupts.
Watchdog is correct. I only received my road maintenance bill. Nothing else. So more of our money will be spent for another mailing.
HawaiiDeb,have you verified that our insurance company is involved or did you just hear this because why would we be paying Brian De Lima to submit the boards response to the illegally fired employees complaint? He isn't affiliated with our insurance and he doesn't work for free.
Mermaid, how do you know what happened at the last board meeting when you said you were not there. I was and sat amongst people I didn't know. Once again, Watchdog is correct and I am positive many can corroborate his statements. Jo and Ruth did lay into B.J.openly and though the acoustics are poor and the sound system is bad,it was beyond obvious. They have no shame at behaving so inappropriately in public. B.J. still can't run a meeting accurately. Some people get to talk far beyond their allotted time while others are cut off. Frances did state 2x that they needed Joan back and Janice had to ask a member in the audience to clarify a by-law.So you see, after 6 months nothing has improved and things are continuing to get worse. B.J. even said they don't need to get into another lawsuit by making more mistakes yet she still doesn't know or care to know the by-laws. 1 person is still doing the books and is her own over site.
Of all the attendee's, 2 people were happy. Deborah and her female companion Beth. They got their signs. If only it were that simple. To bad a sign or two won't make us all happy.
There is no sense trying to have a equitable civil conversation with certain posters here. There are some who label, categorize, make allegations, can't stick to a particular topic and name call.I was dubbed "mean girl". Hmmm. Guess it is ok for Mermaid to name call. Some can sure dish it out but they can not take it back. The past board always gets thrown into the mix and blamed.I guess if the old board told us to jump off a bridge then the new board can too. Stick to the facts. The old board has nothing to do with this board getting us into a lawsuit or doing everything but "road maintenance" now.
It is also absurd to compare kahunascott with watchdog. That is like comparing Mermaid to Flyingsurfer. Watchdog has a lot of accurate information and it is not based on an emotional feeling. I appreciate his/her input.He/she doesn't make statements like " a lot of us didn't like the old GM". Just because you don't like someone is not grounds for the illegal actions and violations that were taken.
Shockwaverider, nothing has been done to my road in many months. The pot holes just keep getting larger and the shoulder keeps shrinking. My neighbor called the office over a month ago.
Janet, as always, excellent, accurate and to the point. Thank you for your excellent posts.
Apparently, power corrupts.

No other subdivision has this level of dysfunction; I assume it's got something to do with money -- HPP has a very high "value proposition" compared to most of the "ag" subdivisions.

Just the sheer number of lots and miles of road mean there is a fair amount of money involved, but the HPPOA Board is legally mandated to one thing and one thing only: make sure the road fees are used to maintain the roads properly. The fact that this board, who have one simple job, is so dysfunctional, is a little mind boggling. There are volunteer boards who far wider mandates and much larger budgets that function legally, with a minimum of infighting, and manage to hire and keep competent people to carry out their mandate.

I do not know why HPP has such a history of dysfunctional boards that continues board after board, but it is not because HPP has a "very high value proposition." The HPPOA board is not the developer of the subdivision and has no more or less money to work with if the subdivision is fully developed or not. It may be that like dysfunctional families, the dysfunction gets passed down from board to board and no one knows how to do it right.

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