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HPP stuff
Per HPP's own website: 6000 occupied lots * 275/year mandatory dues = $1.65M.

Compare with Nanawale: 520 occupied lots (per Wikipedia, from 2010 census) * 89/year mandatory dues = $46K. Feel free to double this figure as a way of compensating for the out-of-date census information.

Wherever there's enough money at stake, corruption and power struggles tend to follow...
Originally posted by kalakoa

Per HPP's own website: 6000 occupied lots * 275/year mandatory dues = $1.65M.

Compare with Nanawale: 520 occupied lots (per Wikipedia, from 2010 census) * 89/year mandatory dues = $46K. Feel free to double this figure as a way of compensating for the out-of-date census information.

Wherever there's enough money at stake, corruption and power struggles tend to follow...

All lots in HPP pay the same amount, inhabited or not, so the amount of money does not change if the population changes, only if the fees are increased per lot. So the census data is irrelevant and the HPPOA board has no role in development or sale of lots. The budget is big because the total number of lots and miles of road are big, but the HPPOA has no stake in development of the subdivision; in fact the more lots that are developed the more maintenance there is needed, without any increase in income.

When HPP is fully built out it will be larger in population than Hilo. I predict that by the 2020 census HPP will have 1.5 county council positions, the rest of Puna another seat, and Ka'u may have a council seat to themselves the way realtors are pushing sales in HOVE. Hamakua and Hilo will continue to lose power because of shrinking or slow growing populations.
Originally posted by kalakoa

Per HPP's own website: 6000 occupied lots * 275/year mandatory dues = $1.65M.

Compare with Nanawale: 520 occupied lots (per Wikipedia, from 2010 census) * 89/year mandatory dues = $46K. Feel free to double this figure as a way of compensating for the out-of-date census information.

Wherever there's enough money at stake, corruption and power struggles tend to follow...

8,835 lots times $275 equals $2.4 million, everyone pays road fees occupied or not unless they are exempted, like their driveway is on HWY 130.
It seems to me that many of the Directors have never held a position of power in their earlier life. Once given the chance they abuse the power for their own agenda and empire.

VERY IMPORTANT Our trusted (no check and balance) Treasurer has determined that the Associations finances can be accounted for on a cash basis. Even though our bylaws may permit it, the Bond strictly forbids it. Furthermore, why would you want to run a company with an inconsistent cash flow on a cash basis? I'll tell you why Ken (the old treasurer) has been insisting on a cash basis for the last 5 years, "because he's a cash guy".

Read the bond Ken, no cash accounting allowed. If Janice changes the accounting to cash I will be the first to write Union Bank and report them, that's what a watchdog does keeps the Association running within the law!
Everyone who's attended meetings regularly knows that certain board members have real issues that aren't changing, won't change, and things are evidently coming to a head. Maybe something positive will come out of the power struggle going on.

Katarina, I know who you are and you can't seem to control yourself on attacking me on almost every one of your posts. Your anger is loud and clear to everyone, and your anger revealed who you are. Obviously that is a big part of your agenda when you post on HPP threads. Again I ask you to move on and be more constructive instead of getting caught up in retaliation towards myself and others.

hppwatchdog, you are correct on what needs to happen first before the RPM's go down and thanks for the reminder. This time we need to make sure it's done right..lay the paint down thick enough, stripe w/reflective paint instead of parking lot paint. The female GM may not have known better, and the unprof'l contractor was cutting costs. An RTSC member researched this and now we all know better.

Some of what we see around HPP is over a year's neglect in maintenance. The past is discussed out of fairness bc it's not unique to just this mgmt. This interim GM's lack of prof'l knowledge on road and shoulder maintenance is showing and she is a volunteer, not a hired prof'l. A PHD doesn't make one a prof'l on road matters. Some of this board's decision to delay hiring a GM shows poor judgement, and perhaps a personal agenda that wasn't in the best interest of HPPOA. Add to the mix, the current road crew supv's judgement. This person was part of the previous crew and I'm observing dejavu in how things have been done over the past 6 mos.

HPP is huge w/137 miles x 2 if we're also talking about shoulders on both sides. Should we outsource the work? A member inquired about this at a morning mtg and the interim GM stated she had cross checked outsourcing vs in house and said in house was more cost effective. I'm dubious about her quick reply, and think more research needs to be done by someone and/or ask for the details of her findings.

Earlier someone asked whether all our roads will get paved. The previous board said this would never happen bc it's cost prohibitive. I've heard this board say that one road per year is doable. I don't have any expertise in this area to say if it is indeed doable.

A friend w/experience in real estate said that to give equity to all lot owners in HPP, the ones who live on dirt roads shouldn't pay the same road fees as those on paved roads. Those on paved roads have better property value and lots/homes sell better on paved roads. How do other people feel about this?
"A friend w/experience in real estate said that to give equity to all lot owners in HPP, the ones who live on dirt roads shouldn't pay the same road fees as those on paved roads. Those on paved roads have better property value and lots/homes sell better on paved roads. How do other people feel about this?"

Paved roads also have more traffic and higher speed traffic, not everyone wants to live on a street with lots of traffic during commuter hours and fast drivers the rest of the time, so I would guess it is a wash. I consciously chose to live on an unpaved road, but drive on the paved roads all the time, so I don't feel like I am being shortchanged, except that road maintenance has really fallen off now that the board is running the whole show. This is not like a property tax based on value of your property, it is a flat per lot fee, always has been, always will be.
I think the dysfunction we see w/EVERY board is that HPP is just too dang large to be managed by volunteers. Other posters have said this in the past and I think there's some consensus to this. HPP is a multi million dollar business and some volunteers and employees have not managed it w/the respect it deserves, and has had its fair share of problems w/corruption.

So what's the solution?
Since the primary issue and purpose for the HPPOA is roads... the best solution I can offer is for HPP to join with the other AG subdivisions and sue the county regarding the CoH's violation of county code in originally approving these non conforming subdivisions. Force the county to take on the liabilities of it's own creations and in doing so lighten the load on all the property owners.

It's only been 56 years of this BS. Isn't enough enough?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by mermaid53

I think the dysfunction we see w/EVERY board is that HPP is just too dang large to be managed by volunteers. Other posters have said this in the past and I think there's some consensus to this. HPP is a multi million dollar business and some volunteers and employees have not managed it w/the respect it deserves, and has had its fair share of problems w/corruption.

So what's the solution?

I do not think there is a "consensus" on this. There are all kinds of volunteer boards who manage to successfully do their jobs, overseeing far larger organizations than the HPPOA, but they need to understand their job is not the day to day operations, their job is oversight of the hired employees and making sure the money is properly handled. It is too big of a job for a volunteer board who try to micromanage the employees or run the place themselves.

I served on a volunteer board of a nonprofit that had close to 100 employees and a much bigger budget, and the organization was healthy and well run, but we all went through a board training that included the by laws, pertinent state and federal law, and Robert's Rules of Order before being seated, so we understood our role was oversight and policy making, and we did not try to set ourselves up as managers (paid or unpaid) of the organization. I knew my role did not include supervising the employees or making demands of them. If the board wanted information or documentation the request went on the agenda and management was directed to take care of it. Individual board members did not go into the office and make demands of the staff or interfere with them doing their jobs. We did our jobs as board members and they did their jobs according to their job descriptions, that is how a well run non profit operates.

HPPOA cannot outsource the job of HPPOA board members, the board is the body that provides oversight, and who wants to trust that job to outsiders? It doesn't matter if maintenance is done by a contractor or HPPOA employees, the board would still need to be the oversight body and we cannot contract out that responsibility.
Yes SWR, this board is ONLY suppose to be over-site. There is nothing that compares the previous board to this board and there is nothing that what is happening with our roads today that compares with the illegally fired GM and employees. We have a glorified receptionist earning who knows how much and the treasurer working for free because the new office gal can't do the books. The previous office personnel did it all and there was OVER SITE. HPP could be run smoothly but the new regime controls everything even if it means breaking the rules.
I don't care if you think you know who I am Mermaid. Like you think you know who Watchdog is. Your comments sound so 16ish. You have been around a long time and i am sure if you followed your words above your posts would be of value.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Since the primary issue and purpose for the HPPOA is roads... the best solution I can offer is for HPP to join with the other AG subdivisions and sue the county regarding the CoH's violation of county code in originally approving these non conforming subdivisions. Force the county to take on the liabilities of it's own creations and in doing so lighten the load on all the property owners.

It's only been 56 years of this BS. Isn't enough enough?

I agree. Can you tell me which subdivisions are involved so far?

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