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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
there was an election held for new board members for the association. there is still disagreement over the proxy issue . the road corporation did not hold an election but instead appointed new board members. the roads continue to be the worst in the state . change needs to happen .
Recommend reading through the history of these issues first.

change needs to happen .

Those who don't appreciate the current state of our fine "private ag" subdivisions should change their residency to a more suitable location -- neither County nor boards (elected or otherwise) are going to actually do anything about the issues, nor is it clear that the various shortcomings are universally regarded as a "problem" by those affected.
thank you for the information . the suggestion to move if you don't like it, only contributes to the existing problems. and yes there are problems .every year people donate money to HACA and HARC with reasonable expectations that the roads and the community center will receive maintenance. instead conditions for both don't seem to improve . there seems to be no accountability .
The charter and bylaws state that all paid dues members have the right to vote.
By only electing their friends ( no locals allowed ) this violates state laws pertaining to the non profit status.
We have more than one lot in H.A. and have had them since the 1960s .
Every year we pay our dues on just one lot,and for the last several years we have NOT received a ballot in the mail or an explanation as to each candidate running .
We are with holding our dues until the boards of H.A. follow the letter of the law and are honest about every penny brought in and where it has been utilized .
Their current accounting of monies paid is totally incomplete as the dollars and cents do not add up
We smell a rat,or many rats who only have their own special interests in mind.
Kalakoa said it right. Just move away. Mimosa, that rat you smell is justthefacts/ toobad4u.
We found this in their Minutes from 10/30/14.
Once again rewarding their friend with more gravel while the rest of D rd from 3 to 8 is ignored .

Bill says that Jim could do a load of 1.5" minus at the top of D road, between 1 Rd
and 3 Rd, for Pete Eperson. Ben asks if that got out down and Bill said it hasn't,
but he thought he got a PO for it. Geoff says he thought we approved $400 at the
last meeting and Bill agrees. Bill says let's write a new PO for one load of 1.5"
minus between 1 Rd and 3 Rd on D. Geoff says that this is to thank Pete for his
help with asphalt and machinery. Discussion on what kind of rock would be better.
Resolution: Ben will drive out and see what Pete thinks would be the best

Taking monies for G rd and putting them on F road when the monies came in EXCLUSIVELY for Road G .

F Road
Currently low funds.
G Road
Part of G Roads funds are is going to F Road. $500 given to F Road. Amber will
get in touch with Geoff for a PO.
every year people donate money to HACA and HARC with reasonable expectations

These donations are voluntary. Lot owners still own a fractional interest in the road-shaped private access lot, and are therefore entitled to "donate" in the form of direct maintenance, regardless of any claims by HARC to the contrary. Those who disagree with HARC's "priorities" are free to simply not pay the dues.

This is very, very different than "business as usual" in HPP and others, where the dues are higher, and mandatory, and the road-shaped private access is owned by the HOA, which could take action against individuals performing direct maintenance (and may have CC&R language which supports this).

It's even more different than the County system where mandatory fees are paid for vehicle registration and fuel taxes with the "expectation" that they will be used for their stated purpose (road maintenance).

Let's not forget that we're all being taxed for "interstate" highways that exist only on Oahu.

the suggestion to move if you don't like it, only contributes to the existing problems.

The road situation isn't going to change. Your options are to move somewhere that has maintained roads, or find something else to complain about.

Bonus question: how high would taxes have to be if County took ownership of all the "private" roads? Is that what you really want?
1st of all - in our perspective - before HARC was even formed as a semi autonomous entity - the then HACA board was both community issues and road issues .
The then HACA sued it's residents with money sent in as donations for the roads via the land court,not once but twice .
This failed in the land court twice as the land court stated that,a private corporation could not sue it's own residents with monies donated for road maintenance and other social functions of the non profit .
What the land court did state was that if residents them selves banded together as a hui ,and at the time in the 1980s came up with between 50K and 100K - the land court would consider the request but it may take 5 to ten years to resolve this issue as in the original deed we all have as lot owners , no where does it state that dues are mandatory .
Being that costs have risen since that time of HACA suing it's own residents ( lot owners ) - one can only guesstimate that the cost will be in the millions of dollars to petition for mandatory dues by a hui of non board members or their friends to have an equitable system of mandatory dues in Hawaiian Acres for both boards and it's residents that they represent .
one can only guesstimate that the cost will be in the millions of dollars to petition for mandatory dues

Far better to spend that money on litigation than pavement, right?

equitable system of mandatory dues in Hawaiian Acres

Like the "equitable system" by which County manages the FTR? No thanks.

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