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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
Our ohana is OPPOSED to any form of mandatory dues.
Lawyers pave their pockets and nothing gets accomplished.
There is no easy solution to this mess.
If a person wishes to volunteer on doing road improvements on their own,in HA,then that person has every right to do so.
If a lot owner pays the 60 dollars to the corporation,one never knows exactly where that will actually go.
10 percent to pavement.
10 percent to emergency
22 percent to office staff and web site costs
the rest of the 60 to that particular road for the year.
Case in point as posted on their site .
$500.00 sent to Road G in voluntary dues,for G rd exclusively - switched to Road F due to road F being low on funds.
According to the minutes of HARC for the entire year of 2014 - Road G only received 2 loads of gravel .The minutes did NOT specify the cost of the gravel or where exactly it was placed,nor who over saw and directed the dropping of that aggregate.
If a lot owner pays the 60 dollars to the corporation,one never knows exactly where that will actually go.

Completely agree, and for this reason, I believe the HA system is superior to HPP, OLE, and the rest. I wish the fuel tax were voluntary as well, since there will apparently never be any accountability there either.
The manner in which HA was originally set up is far Superior to any other private subdivision state wide.
All lot owners own the approx 75 miles of substandard road lot.If the owner of a particular lot has only one lot,they are owners of the road lot,if a lot owner has as an example,20 lots,they own 20 parts of the road lot or about 370 acres of road lot.
The county does NOT tax HA on the acreage of private road lot.A huge savings akin to tax free .
County standards for road lots is 60 feet wide,the utilities have a 5 foot easement for their poles and other infrastructure .In the original charter / bylaws,it states that each lot owner is responsible for keeping this road frontage cleared and maintained,free of any over growth,any walls or fences in the road right of way.
In HA the road lot is only 40 feet wide,minus the 5 foot utility easement.
This makes the entire road lot substandard and no gov't entity will touch it.
Again very secure for our benefits HA lot owners .

Any changes to the charter MUST be approved by the state,not a proxy vote by a few on any board.
All votes and cast proxy's must be stored for minimum of seven ( 7 ) years for accountability .

Any changes must be voted on by all lot owners,not just paid members of their private club .

Or 50 percent plus one of all lot owners.

The state and county fuel tax is a business deduction for all who pay taxes yearly.Your accountant should know this.

For any person who is not born n raised in Hawaii the state to tell another to move away is not logical nor is it part of a viable solution to the conditions of the road lot itself.

For any person who is not born n raised in Hawaii the state to tell another to move away is not logical nor is it part of a viable solution to the conditions of the road lot itself.

No disrespect intended.

Note that as these very same issues are described in the 1962 HA newsletter, it seems illogical to expect the situation to suddenly change; this historical document should be required reading for anyone who moves in.

I used to think "They Will Have To Do Something About The Problem" until I found out that the situation is as it has always been, and the only "problem" was my unrealistic expectations...

The state and county fuel tax is a business deduction

Mileage deduction pays better.
So if you're born n raised in Hawaii, it's OK to tell somebody to take a hike? By that logic, if you were born on this island, you could tell someone born on Maui to leave?

Originally posted by Mimosa
For any person who is not born n raised in Hawaii the state to tell another to move away is not logical nor is it part of a viable solution to the conditions of the road lot itself.

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telling people to move or calling people names and insulting them if they don't like the way things are, poor roads , lack of transparency ,no accountability , that's adding to the problem . it is not helping move towards change . and change from the old way of doing things is what needs to happen. the roads are so deteriorated that it is going to take a lot of money to repair what has been neglected for a few years. mimosa is correct in his knowledge of what needs to be done . he has a vast knowledge of the subdivision and even more knowledge about the proper repair. change needs to happen
don't like the way things are, poor roads , lack of transparency ,no accountability

Would you buy a house by the airport, then try to shut the airport down because it's noisy?

Why is it reasonable to expect that the road problem will suddenly be solved in a transparent/accountable manner?

The definition of "insanity" is: doing the same thing, but expecting different results.

Excerpt from page 6:

It is the contention of HACA ... That the roads at alleged time of completion were not fully completed ... That the roads could not be "improved" roads suitable in every instance for vehicular travel ... That many sections of the roadway are dangerous to traffic or are impassable even in dry weather ...
the roads are so deteriorated that it is going to take a lot of money to repair what has been neglected

Where will this money come from?

Suppose the residents voluntarily create an LID and sign up for a 20-year bond with payments added to their property taxes. What is the required annual debt service, and what happens to those who can't afford it? Why would anyone who moved "way out there" for the peace and quiet want the increased traffic, noise, crime, and new neighbors?
I did not buy the property yesterday .. its been 20 years and the roads were better back then than they are now. there has to be a change in the way things are being done. HPP, orchidland ,ainaloa , they have bettered their roads . there is peace and quiet and the traffic is never going to stop people are still going to move into the subdivision. it is a foolish idea to think that not repairing the roads will stop the migration of newcomers. nobody is saying paved roads, just better roads without craters . crime it is already there and plenty of it. my neighbors just got robbed. sooner or latter road repair will happen and wouldn't it be better if the destiny was controlled by the landowners , rather then it being forced upon us .
wouldn't it be better if the destiny was controlled by the landowners

That's what we have now...

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