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HPP stuff
The time to bring a lawsuit against the County and the HPP association has finally arrived. I think that HPP homeowners have been duped by the biggest shysters ever known to man. The Board clearly does not have a clue, nor they ever will. Why? because in all these years that they have been functioning they have been a disaster no matter which way one looks at it. I remember when the last manager painted the stripes on the main roadways, within a couple of years they were totally faded. The crews doing roadwork do not and never did have a clue how to properly grade the roads; thank them for the potholes you have today. It does not take a brain surgeon to trim all the trees that allow rain dripping constantly on the middle of the road, nor that SUFFICIENT amount of rock must be spread after the grading is done. Additionally, the CORRECT SIZE of rock must be chosen. HPP has been badly mismanaged and if any of the new owners think that we will ever have all roads paved they are up for a big surprised. The cost was grossly miscalculated and we are spent out. People point out to places like HOVE with all paved roads and ask why can't do the same here? The Board has plenty of excuses, from Hove having access to their own rock to who knows what. The truth is HPP is a nest of complainers that do not attend meetings, and are incapable to create a consensus to fix the problems. My view is that a lawsuit would finally act like a cleanser and get people to think more clearly. HPP has been defrauding homeowners for eons with lies, and we need a court appointed management company to take over this mess now.

Originally posted by Johnd

The time to bring a lawsuit against the County and the HPP association has finally arrived. I think that HPP homeowners have been duped by the biggest shysters ever known to man. The Board clearly does not have a clue, nor they ever will. Why? because in all these years that they have been functioning they have been a disaster no matter which way one looks at it. I remember when the last manager painted the stripes on the main roadways, within a couple of years they were totally faded. The crews doing roadwork do not and never did have a clue how to properly grade the roads; thank them for the potholes you have today. It does not take a brain surgeon to trim all the trees that allow rain dripping constantly on the middle of the road, nor that SUFFICIENT amount of rock must be spread after the grading is done. Additionally, the CORRECT SIZE of rock must be chosen. HPP has been badly mismanaged and if any of the new owners think that we will ever have all roads paved they are up for a big surprised. The cost was grossly miscalculated and we are spent out. People point out to places like HOVE with all paved roads and ask why can't do the same here? The Board has plenty of excuses, from Hove having access to their own rock to who knows what. The truth is HPP is a nest of complainers that do not attend meetings, and are incapable to create a consensus to fix the problems. My view is that a lawsuit would finally act like a cleanser and get people to think more clearly. HPP has been defrauding homeowners for eons with lies, and we need a court appointed management company to take over this mess now.


Originally posted by janet

Karma 96749 -

Please enlighten us as to how/where we can "check the facts", since you seem to have access to them while no one else does.

Attend the meetings.
Better yet, HPPWATCHDOG and Katrina need to not post ststements that they have only heard as rumors and hearsay.

Originally posted by Karma96749

Originally posted by janet

Karma 96749 -

Please enlighten us as to how/where we can "check the facts", since you seem to have access to them while no one else does.

Attend the meetings.
Better yet, HPPWATCHDOG and Katrina need to not post ststements that they have only heard as rumors and hearsay.


Originally posted by Karma96749

Originally posted by hppwatchdog

...the board (at a meeting) has rescinded all actions of the past HRC how can they hire a new employee?

Check your facts.


How is anyone supposed to do that when the minutes are a virtually unreadable stream of consciousness style mess, on the rare occasions that they actually get posted at all, sometimes months after the fact? People should not have to take the time to attend every meeting to know what the heck is going on, that is why timely posting of meeting agendas and minutes is required by both the by-laws and regulations for non profit organizations.

This is a repeat post because Karma still hasn't answered it, while telling people they have to go to meetings. Some people work at that time, or have family obligations in the evenings, so telling people the only way to know "the facts" is to go to meetings shows just how dysfunctional and illegitimate this board is. They can't even post accurate and timely minutes as required by law and the by laws.
Let me rephrase.
If you havent experienced it first hand, or if you can't verify a rumor or hearsay, then it is not reliable. I suggest to not post statements unless they are verifiable.
Too many statements posted as facts when they are absolutely false.

That's your response : "Attend the meetings"?

I have attended meetings. In speaking to other participants afterward, I have found as many interpretations of what was said as the number of people to whom I spoke. Reminds me of the famous Akira Kurosawa movie, 'Rashomon'.

A case in point is the matter of whether the Board declared all the activities of the Human Resources Committee "null and void". Two reliable participants in the meeting - who actually happen to be on opposite ends of this debate - both heard that action take place. You did not. How can the fact be "verified"?

I checked the HPPOA website. The most recent entry into the BOD Motions log is the draft of the motions made at the July 28th Special Meeting. No way to check the facts there.

The most recent minutes on-line are for the November 19th meeting, which is not the meeting in question. Therefore, there is no way to check facts about the meetings in December 2014 or January 2015, which is when the meeting in question took place.

And how would one "check the facts" about things that occurred outside meetings?

Again, I ask you to please enlighten us on how you find your facts, so that we may have the same advantage as you.
I get my info first hand. I attend meetings, I ask my District Rep otr I do not post hearsay or rumors.
Lots of misinformation reported here that is not true.

Maybe you missed this the first time, so I'll try again

Let me rephrase.
If you havent experienced it first hand, or if you can't verify a rumor or hearsay, then it is not reliable. I suggest to not post statements unless they are verifiable.
Too many statements posted as facts when they are absolutely false.


Originally posted by Karma96749

I get my info first hand. I attend meetings, I ask my District Rep otr I do not post hearsay or rumors.
Lots of misinformation reported here that is not true.

Maybe you missed this the first time, so I'll try again

Let me rephrase.
If you havent experienced it first hand, or if you can't verify a rumor or hearsay, then it is not reliable. I suggest to not post statements unless they are verifiable.
Too many statements posted as facts when they are absolutely false.



If your district rep is one of the four women that got the Association into the lawsuit I would take any information with a grain of salt. They are on tape lying numerous times.
"If you havent experienced it first hand, or if you can't verify a rumor or hearsay, then it is not reliable."

"I get my info first hand. I attend meetings, I ask my District Rep otr I do not post hearsay or rumors."

This appears to say that one must not take what anyone says at face value - except the Director of Karma96749's district.

"Maybe you missed this the first time, so I'll try again".

A case in point is the matter of whether the Board declared all the activities of the Human Resources Committee "null and void". Two reliable participants in the meeting - who actually happen to be on opposite ends of this debate - both heard that action take place. You did not. How can the fact be "verified?" (emphasis added)
Originally posted by Johnd

The time to bring a lawsuit against the County and the HPP association has finally arrived. I think that HPP homeowners have been duped by the biggest shysters ever known to man. The Board clearly does not have a clue, nor they ever will. Why? because in all these years that they have been functioning they have been a disaster no matter which way one looks at it. I remember when the last manager painted the stripes on the main roadways, within a couple of years they were totally faded. The crews doing roadwork do not and never did have a clue how to properly grade the roads; thank them for the potholes you have today. It does not take a brain surgeon to trim all the trees that allow rain dripping constantly on the middle of the road, nor that SUFFICIENT amount of rock must be spread after the grading is done. Additionally, the CORRECT SIZE of rock must be chosen. HPP has been badly mismanaged and if any of the new owners think that we will ever have all roads paved they are up for a big surprised. The cost was grossly miscalculated and we are spent out. People point out to places like HOVE with all paved roads and ask why can't do the same here? The Board has plenty of excuses, from Hove having access to their own rock to who knows what. The truth is HPP is a nest of complainers that do not attend meetings, and are incapable to create a consensus to fix the problems. My view is that a lawsuit would finally act like a cleanser and get people to think more clearly. HPP has been defrauding homeowners for eons with lies, and we need a court appointed management company to take over this mess now.


I concur. We've seen years of dysfunction and/or mismanagement and in some cases, corruption. It's very disheartening. Something different needs to happen..but what exactly? Rob suggested all the subdivisions joining together in a lawsuit against the county. Who wants to spearhead this? If someone would start it, I think other subdivisions would join in bc there are many people unhappy with their roads and mgmt.

Meanwhile, would we better off hiring real professionals to handle our roads, shoulders, and signage, instead of paying employees who don't always get the job done (for various reasons), or done right? Only pay for the work that was done, no $$$ spent on road crew employees; work comp or medical insurances, fuel, equipment maintenance/purchases and so forth.

Also pay as needed for add'l work. Such as making our shoulders safer; load baring, free and clear. When the emergency access road issue started, the county WAS going to work on the shoulders off Makuu from RR up to the highway bc they knew our shoulders were unsafe. Road shoulders are necessary for car break downs/accidents, EMS situations, or bail outs. So even the county assessed immediately that our shoulders were inadequate and unsafe. Unfortunately all our previous GM's were not proactive and didn't take care of this issue all these years, even when they were aware of the problem.

Other work needed would be dead animal removal (pigs, goats, cows, chickens etc.) and trash/tire pick up. There are people who live in and out of the park who think HPP is a dump site so this is ongoing added tasks.

I am not saying get rid of the board but get rid of most/all of our road employees, the road supv and sell all our road equipment etc. If we did that, would we have enough $$$ to outsource the work? Perhaps if our roads were maintained and managed more efficiently, it could result in more peace in HPP since that is usually at the heart of our unhappiness.

I'm sure that kahunascott/hppwatchdog as our former GM may wish to comment on my post here, but I would like to only have members comment. This is not his issue since he doesn't own in HPP and we no longer employ him, and therefore is moot for him to be part of this discussion.

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