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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
Originally posted by Mimosa

birchl - It is not that you have to,it is that you get to.
This is typical of a simple request and why a person can not.
Laurie,My husband recalls working with you a time or two while he was on the HARC board for less than a year.
I myself have never actually met you.
Peter Epperson - You do know our hanai nephew - he stopped in your yard on Rd 1 and donated some few dollars to your kindness.
No need mention any names in this forum.
We think for the whole community,a better idea would be to eliminate HACA and HARC as two separate entities and rejoin the two,to bring the community back together as one entity .
Way to much argue and waha with both as separated non profits.
Laurie - Our buyer has of today dropped her offer and bowed out.
We are sticking to our guns on this one,refusing to pay a double or triple payment on something that is NOT mandatory.
Where in the accounting of HARC and HACA monies does it show these collected funds and which road have they gone to?
Can someone please help us out,we are a bunch of smart people and unique individual thinkers,a hardy bunch who have but one thing in common,our collective road lot.
Mrs Mimosa

Mrs. Mimosa,sorry your buyer bowed out. transfer fees are collected under the authority of the charter and bylaws which say the organizations must correspond with the lot owners. HACA & HARC need the most current ownership names & addresses, which comes from the title companies upon a sale of property. that is the only authority needed in my opinion. what i am not sure of is authority to charge the amounts being charged right now.
justthefacts does not understand financial documents. if you accept all she says you run the risk of having incorrect info and making decisions based upon such, harming our community not helping. she tends to emphasize non-problems as problems.

mimosa, there are no "secret ways" of these organizations that work for all of us on a daily basis. I am here to help anyone understand financial docs that they are reading. many people call for such docs but dont understand what to look for if they are feeling things aren't being done correctly. actually, HACA & HARC are doing all according to generally accepted accounting practices. I have seen the current financials. (I am an experienced bookkeeper/payroll services business since 1999, with many clients and 2 employees.) HARC has had to recover from a former treasure's dismantling of such sound financial recordings (so bad a dismantling that an audit could not be done in 2011 for 2010.) She will deny this, but i have a signed letter from the office manager at the time that that treasurer intimidated and harrased to the point of desperation and the OM gave in to the treasurer's unauthorized requests to change & withhold info from the board and the membership.
Also, Mimosa, I am horrified of your feeling not welcome at the center! this is not what most of us have worked so hard for. one of my favorite things as office manger was welcoming lot owners, residents, visitors into the center to share the special things about the Acres! Please know that the current OM, Dahl, feels the exact same way as me and will welcome you as you and your family deserve so much.
Kalakoa, the work you do on the roads you use is a valid alternative way to help all of us, in my opinion. I would like to see lot owners who use their own resources in this way to be rewarded with matching funds somehow, even if they are not a HARC member. Receipts and probably pics before and after could assist in this perhaps. Or maybe membership can be granted to those of you who put down their own money on the roads.
A huge Mahalo! to Pete Epperson who has done so much work on our roads for free! His ohana deserves a free HARC membership!
Originally posted by justthefacts

laurie you are really harboring alot (i like that homemade word "alot" nathan thats how i spell it ) of hate . you cant blame an individual for problems that you yourself have created for yourself. I do know this allowing hate to consume oneself is the most destructive energy . i harbor no ill will towards you, but you really need to check yourself for the direction your life has taken.

Again, turn the words around to yourself. You are the one who needs serious help and i recommend the book "Loving What is" by Byron Katie. Not sure why i want to help you feel better after all the hurt you have caused me, but there it is, my values are sincere and you are human so deserve some kind of kindness.
laurie i don't need your help. you made your own choices and path . when the prosecutor attended the HARC meeting, and said you need an audit , you Chose to resign shortly after that meeting. you had been the office manager for 10 years and after that meeting you chose to resign . so You own it , your choice, not my fault not my decision , yours . i invited the prosecutor to the meeting and you will hate me for that act till the end of time. i will remain silent unless summoned to court , on my knowledge of the facts behind the invite to the prosecutor . i find no reason to put that information on a public forum . so keep it up laurie ,say what you want i will not be pushed into exposing any further information . I have had my fences cut, vulgar graffiti spray painted all over the acres with my name on it , dead animals dumped in my driveway , locks glued , struck on the back at a meeting , called more names then i can recall. i have a thick skin , and i know the truth and facts as well as a attorney on retainer . old saying noting like a woman scorned.
To whom it may concern.
We , our ohana took a 3 half hour leisurely stroll on Rd E and on Rd 6 to Rd D back up to Rd 4 where we have a beautiful home.
We saw a wahine on horseback who resides on Rd 6 near E.We took bags with us for the garbage and picked up almost a full truck load of opala.
We found 27 used hypodermic needles . 19 small baggies that are what illegal drugs are utilized for.Plenty Styrofoam plate lunch containers, 11 dead tires,cardboard boxes,used baby diapers full of maggots,bags and bags of personal garbage,recycle bottles and cans,cig butts a plenty, more than 700 of them,fast food wrappers and soda cups,and even a carcass and entrails from a dead pig.We will cover the carcass with lime when we go hilo and buy 2 bags lime.We will go back and pick up the tires and dispose of them properly.
We also picked up numerous broken bottles and shards of broken glass.
Plenty pieces of sharp rusted metal objects,and more.What is so disheartening to us is the amount of used drug needles discarded everywhere.The dead TVs is another also various pieces of household furniture and other appliances.
In addition there is 5 dead and rusted vehicle hulks here and there,that in our perspective create an eye sore and will need a forklift or more,to remove safely.
Our morning stroll will now be more frequent.
We also encountered some very unsavory types walking on rd E and rd D who did not belong out here.
We think they are checking out the area for future exploitation for their own personal gain.

Originally posted by justthefacts

laurie i don't need your help. you made your own choices and path . when the prosecutor attended the HARC meeting, and said you need an audit , you Chose to resign shortly after that meeting. you had been the office manager for 10 years and after that meeting you chose to resign . so You own it , your choice, not my fault not my decision , yours . i invited the prosecutor to the meeting and you will hate me for that act till the end of time. i will remain silent unless summoned to court , on my knowledge of the facts behind the invite to the prosecutor . i find no reason to put that information on a public forum . so keep it up laurie ,say what you want i will not be pushed into exposing any further information . I have had my fences cut, vulgar graffiti spray painted all over the acres with my name on it , dead animals dumped in my driveway , locks glued , struck on the back at a meeting , called more names then i can recall. i have a thick skin , and i know the truth and facts as well as a attorney on retainer . old saying noting like a woman scorned.

I welcomed the prosecutor when he appeared for the meeting as I would anyone else who came to the meeting. He looked at the agenda, minutes, detailed budget and corporate records and told the HARC board that evening to keep moving forward in the way we were. He said an audit is not legally necessary but it looks good to the members. The board chose not to do an audit at that time. I was ready and willing to follow thru with an audit if the board so chose.That meeting was in August 2008 and I gave my resignation at the November meeting after Thanksgiving more than 3 months later, for business reasons, not because of any audit request. So once again your "facts" are totally incorrect. The prosecutor, Mitch Roth, said that the issues you brought to his attention were "manini". That is in the board approved meeting minutes posted on the HARC website. I gave 6 weeks notice to help train a new OM and did so in January 2009. I do not hate you. I do try to have compassion for you. You have no facts for anything or you would post them here. I have answered all the few things you thought you "had" on me in Facebook and you never came up with anymore. I stand by my excellent office management and excellent financial recordings to support the board members I worked for in the past. It's sad you have so many unhappy icky things happen to you and your property. I feel convinced it is because of your attitude. I am not pushing you to do anything; you just have no further info to "expose" is all. So now you fall back on your usual intimidation tactics of "lawyer on retainer"! Most of us do not take you seriously any longer.
laurie you took and wrote the meeting minutes . I have no questions for you , yet you continue to follow me where ever I post which ever forum it is. there is no intimidation the property damage was getting over the top, as well as the harassment . I started this page for a dialog about Hawaiian acres, it is getting off point .
Mrs. mimosa - just to put your mind at rest:
From Interference with Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices

Potential interference: Radio frequency energy (RF) from cell phones can interact with some electronic devices. This type of interference is called electromagnetic interference (EMI). For this reason, FDA helped develop a detailed test method to measure EMI of implanted cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators from cell phones. This test method is now part of a standard sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). This standard will allow manufacturers to ensure that cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators are safe from cell phone EMI.
FDA continues to monitor the use of cell phones for possible interactions with other medical devices. Should harmful interference be found to occur, FDA will conduct testing to assess the interference and work to resolve the problem.
Precautions for pacemaker wearers: If EMI were to occur, it could affect a pacemaker in one of three ways: Stopping the pacemaker from delivering the stimulating pulses that regulate the heart's rhythm, Causing the pacemaker to deliver the pulses irregularly, Causing the pacemaker to ignore the heart's own rhythm and deliver pulses at a fixed rate. But based on current research, cell phones would not seem to pose a significant health problem for the vast majority of pacemaker wearers. Still, people with pacemakers may want to take some simple precautions to be sure that their cell phones don't cause a problem. Hold the phone to the ear opposite the side of the body where the pacemaker is implanted to add some extra distance between the pacemaker and the phone Avoid placing a turned-on phone next to the pacemaker implant (e.g. don’t carry the phone in a shirt or jacket pocket directly over the pacemaker)

mimosa I have noticed an increase in trash and tires being dumped in our area also it seems to be a new problem starting up. also I see a couple new people that have moved in and are living in tents only . I don't know if they are squatters on the property or they bought it . we have had 3 robberies in the past month ,stealing generators and anything not nailed down . things are changing and not for the good.
birch thanks for the research info it is helpful and good to know.
PS. 27 used hypodermics is a lot - you must be living near an addict. there is no way 27 random people have walked down your road jacking up as they go and discarding their hypodermics willy nilly. Believe it or not even junkies have more sense. Smile


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