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HPP stuff
To Mermaid:

How can u say on your last post that "this is all first hand information"? I can say with certainty that no Minutes were EVER edited when I was employed. No information was added or deliberately left out. The recording Secretary takes minutes and an audio recording. They produce a SUMMARY draft of the minutes and sends to the BOD secretary for review and submission for approval of the minutes at the next BOD meeting. Not everything is a conspiracy!

I keep hearing about this $300 attorney invoice that had NO BOD approval....New BOD President had mentioned it a few times at meetings after our terminations, said that she asked for a copy of this said invoice but never got it! We'll I beg to differ because I put it right in her hands with witnesses present and tried to explain it to her but she did'nt want to hear it. This expense was incurred because 2 employees we're be harassed by an Owner and a Director, myself being one of the employees. This Owner had come into the office a few times being verbally rude and threatening and sending threatening Emails but on her last time coming to the office she was requesting information of me that owners are not privy to per by-laws (my co-worker told her this earlier in the day when she called and asked for it) and she decided to shoot the messenger and her agenda was to provoke and harrass me and again there are witnesses to this event. The GM talked to the President and the attorney was consulted,on this matter. Not all expenditures require BOD approval, there is a Budget that is approved by the BOD for every Fiscal Year. Only expenditures over a certain limit need Prior Approval of the BOD. The GM was within his authority to incur this expense to protect his employees against harassment. What I found so completely unbelievable is that this owner who did the harrassing spoke at the July 28th meeting and said she were the one who came in the office and was harrassed and if you didn't believe her she willing to take a lie detector test....LOL. There were 3 witnesses in the office that day.....really! Talk about bold face lies!

Everyone should remember that there are 2 sides and somewhere in the middle is where the truth will be found.

Have a Great Day All!

I log on to read the facts as we do not get out much more. I am not sure what purpose some would have for writing things they know nothing about. Insulting the office ladies and saying things they do not know serves no purpose. Stick to what is real and factual. Unless you work in the office or witness any back room deals, stop making trouble. This is such nonsense. Let's turn this into something that serves the community and not something that is destructive.
Stick to what is real and factual.

Pseudonymous forum whingers aren't necessarily factually accurate?

Say it ain't so!
From HPP Board 2014 thread:
Go read all the pages. Enlighten and educate yourselves.
There are many of the fired employees supporters who are doing exactly what they now criticise others for doing.
There are many 'outings" by the fired employees supporters and lots of name calling by folks still posting here. Steve1 was a big name caller on the HPP board 2014 thread.
However, now they want to prentend they dont support those fired employees and attack anyone not on their side. Hypocrits!

What is Janet's agenda?
From the HPP Board thread:

Reni Posted - 09/24/2014 : 19:19:58
Janet, I just re-read all of your posts.
are you even a member of our association? I'm wondering because you posted the following.

"Had a colleague (who lives on Shower) look me in the eye today and say "If you have to evacuate, give me 24 hours notice. My husband is in construction and we'll get you all out"
You seem to be quite opinionated about our Association . Possibly you are a member and have never attended a Board meeting before.

Cathy, you didn't attend board meetings. I was there, heard what I heard and when the minutes came out, information was omitted. So how can your information be accurate if you weren't at any of the meetings? Lot owners also had recordings of those board mtgs to contradict what you say.

Regarding legal representation at board mtgs...Pres JC stated she had NO IDEA the GM had hired the atty to speak on his behalf at one of the board mtgs. Why didn't the GM speak on his own behalf? About the lot owner you're referring to..your rendition of the event is your own and her's is completely different. She was by herself in the ofc w/several employees and is a senior citizen w/physical issues. How frightening could she possibly be that she'd be threatened w/a RO? You all frightened her severely.

There were board members and lot owners who made sure they brought another person for witness purposes or brought a recording device whenever they had to go to the ofc after that. I think that says a lot.
One thing we can all agree on is that the Treasurer is doing the absolute minimum regarding on the reporting of the Association's financing.

When those bylaws were written the dues were $75/year. Now, this business has an annual income of $2.4 million and every business this size should report the financial status monthly.
Mermaid like I said the minutes are summary only not a word for word recount. The only way you know exactly is to hear the recordings. Even sometimes your own ears only hear what you want them to. But my point was that the minutes were NOT deliberately edited by anyone during the time I worked there.

And as far as the attorney speaking at that meeting we'll what came out of his mouth was NOT at all what he was there to speak about and the GM had nothing to do with that. He was suppose to be discussing harassment in the workplace so The attorney went way out into left field, why he did no one knows but him. That was way off the wall for the attorney to do that,

And as far as this so called senior citizen with physical issues, give be a break....I have tremendous respect for our senior population but you weren't there and she had no problem using her mouth! My 3 coworkers were there as witnesses to this encounter She also had no problems with her fingers when she was typing all her harassing emails which have lbeen recorded.

I read your posts and I get a feeling of sadness and disgust because I thought of you as an astute and fair person but your comments speak otherwise!

I thought you said you. were done posting on this thread!

Originally posted by CatFincher50


I thought you said you. were done posting on this thread!

Really? Hypocrite !
Here is what YOU, Cathy Fincher said:

HPP Board 2014 thread
Page 15
CatFincher50 Posted - 09/30/2014 : 18:47:40

This will be my only post!


Cathy Fincher

Originally posted by CatFincher50

Mermaid like I said the minutes are summary only not a word for word recount. The only way you know exactly is to hear the recordings. Even sometimes your own ears only hear what you want them to. But my point was that the minutes were NOT deliberately edited by anyone during the time I worked there.

And as far as this so called senior citizen with physical issues, give be a weren't there and she had no problem using her mouth! My 3 coworkers were there as witnesses to this encounter She also had no problems with her fingers when she was typing all her harassing emails which have lbeen recorded.

I read your posts and I get a feeling of sadness and disgust because I thought of you as an astute and fair person but your comments speak otherwise!

I thought you said you. were done posting on this thread!

I never said I wasn't posting on this thread again.

Cathy, you are misleading members here. Things were OMITTED from the minutes. This has nothing to do w/summarizing information. Whole topics weren't discussed in the minutes at all and we're talking about important discussions. Hot issues about non transparency, bylaw breaking issues, director voting discrepancies, or about particular expenditures.

What you perceived as harassment may have been persistence to get certain issues resolved that had been going on for some time. I'll leave it at that. As you said, there are 2 sides to this story.

Sorry to disappoint Cathy...and you are correct, I am a fair person. I don't think I'm different than the next person in wanting our mgmt, no matter which mgmt we're speaking of, to be truthful, transparent, and respectful of our bylaws and policies. AND respectful of the association's money and how it's spent. Transparency is the key to members' trust.
Originally posted by CatFincher50

Originally posted by CatFincher50

Mermaid you stated:

If certain events occurred that certain people didn't want in the minutes, it'd get omitted entirely.

Who are these certain people you are referring to and what events? The recording secretary, Board Members, GM, employees? Who? I am not trying to mislead anyone here I just merely stated that I never witnessed any deliberate omission of any information as to divert owners away from issues. The people involved in getting the minutes prepared for approval were good hard working people doing their best for the association, especially the Board Secretary Ms. Michels who would have never been part to something dishonest, why do you think she resigned?? She wanted no part of the newly seated BOD. Inferring that these certain people are dishonest in someway is not fair to say. Could it be that perhaps they just made a mistake, couldn't be that would make them human! I think it's time to move away from the finger pointing.

Mermaid Stated:

What you perceived as harassment may have been persistence to get certain issues resolved that had been going on for some time.

I know the difference between harassment and persistence, my perception is just fine! I'm beginning to wonder if we are talking about different issues here because in the circumstance I am referring to there is NO doubt.

And Karma........not worth the time, sorry!

The large majority of folks I dealt with at HPP were good, kind and understanding and truly appreciated the work we did and the services we provided and I thank them for that. Then there are the folks I refer to as the vocal minority, you folks need to put a little love in your heart? Some of them don't realize how pathological they are and that to me is frightening!


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