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HPP stuff
The OP said this was a thread for wide open discussion of HPP issues, so think the current weather and lack of rain in HPP is a perfectly acceptable thing to post about.
current weather and lack of rain in HPP is a perfectly acceptable thing to post about

...and a massive improvement over the Board Saga.
Positives to post here on this thread?
What a great idea.
I love the weather in HPP. I love the location of HPP because it is away from traffic lights and bustle of the city, but near enough to be in the city within a half hour.
The HPP lots are just the right size for me to keep up with the maintenance and alow some space between you and your neighbors.
There is a feeling of country without having to drive hours out of the city.
Unlike Orchidland and Hawaiian Acres, all of our roads are dirvqble with a standard car.
HPP has a great Neighborhood Watch.
I chose HPP due to all of the above and I am still happy living here.

Thanks for introducing the positive outlook.

Hope everyone will be safe out there w/all this wind and all our albezias. It almost feels like desert climate w/the dry hot winds. I was visiting a friend the other day in the upper part of the park off Makuu and suddenly heard a strange sound. She said an albezia branch had just fallen. It was the 1st time I'd heard that and it wasn't windy like it is today. That's a bit unnerving to think a branch or tree can fall on your property w/little or no wind.

Has anyone had to call a water truck for your catchment yet during this long drought we're having?
recalling those sumptuously delightful afternoon breezes blowing up from the direction of the ocean in HPP and the sound of the fronds gently rustling in the soft wind. those still moonlit nights when you could clearly hear the deep rumbling of the waves against the cliffs in the distance. ahhh
I do like it when you post nonsense. Truly shows your ignorance. Susan is not responsible for the agenda. Get on board, there is a Board Secretary and the BOD President who draft the agenda. Again, please stop posting lies and give it a rest.
Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Hey, have you seen the agenda for the February 18th meeting?

They have the next general membership meeting listed as June 2015.

Someone needs to wake up Susan Escobar and tell here the next general membership meeting is February 22, 2015.

Or maybe they just want people to show up, you be the judge!!


I drove RR from HPP to Nanawali and the dust was unbearable! This is the rock used by the County and is said to be better than what is used in HPP, no way.
You couldn't even see the car infront of you at 100' at 20 MPH.
Per Mermaid on 2/11 "Katarina's friend in this finance committee"....and, "Katarina's friend showed up at a board mtg one day:...
I never said friend. I would never reveal my source(s) due to these kinds of comments. There is only 1 reason that someone would put untrue words in their comments to imply something else... to aggravate. Not nice and a flat out lie.Please apologize as you are wrong.
Per Mermaid on 2/12 There are 2 other people working in the office. This is nonsensical. There could be 50 people working in an office but the fact is we have 1 person doing our books and that person is her own oversite. Not a hard concept and the truth.
It was also stated that I never answered how I know so much about the lawsuit. I am positive I answered it. I read the filed complaint and the pitiful response from the attorney we are paying for representing the board members named in the suit. I can say it is pitiful as I have enough experience reading legal documents. That is how I know. And just because I can read and understand the legalities of the situation does not make me.... once again... a TE. Quit labeling people. It is petty.
Per Mermaid on 2/12 "Cathy, you didn't attend board meetings"... Are you kidding me? Really, Of course she did. You would know that if you were at those meetings. It is wise to listen instead of talking. Don't even get me started on the minutes, since it is next to impossible for some reason to get them posted in a timely manner and accurate since this board took over.
Mermaid stated "I am a fair person". Excellent! Then since you are entitled to state your opinions so very regularly, show us the same respect and fairness. We too have the same rights to post what we feel and know. You might just learn something if you'd stop attacking and listen.
The board still hasn't updated the agenda for tomorrow nights meeting.
It still has the next general membership meeting as June instead of February 2015
In addition, as someone posted on another thread (and I just double-checked), there is no agenda posted for this Sunday's General Membership meeting.

Perhaps the misinformation on the agenda for tonight's regular BoD meeting is not a "mistake", after all.

That action would be a mistake:

Section 1. Regular Meetings. Membership meetings shall be held three times a year for the purpose of transacting such business as may come before the Association. Membership meetings shall be held at 3 p.m. Hawaii standard time on the last Sunday in the months of February, June and October. In support of Article IV, Objects and Purposes, the directors shall actively seek and consider member suggestions for agenda content"

Or, perhaps, the Board is waiting for a member to propose an agenda...although it had no problem preparing them for the emergency General Member meeting in September or the regular one in October.

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