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Just Me?
Is anyone else's allergies REALLY acting up?! Do you think it's related to the lack of rain (hence dust)?!
I was watering the road in front of my house yesterday. Along with all my plants.
Catch tank is lower than it's ever been. Almost at halfway point. Still 5K gallons left.
Oahu is getting drilled right now.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
We could sure use some of that although forecast says it wont make it here.
Dust, vog, mango and other blossoms all set off allergies. Plus it's been dry but hot and humid, perfect for mold.

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Macadamia can get me sneezing (slight cat piss smell) & VOG & forest fires can also get to noses...
We just had a major mango bloom, maybe the biggest in years since there was no rain to knock the pollen down, and now the mac nuts trees are just loaded with flowers, and we have had lots of wind to spread the pollens into areas far and wide from the blooming trees. I think the dry weather has reduced the mold but increased the dust and pollen.
Aloha descodave. Yes to the allergy question! I finally had to break down and get a.c. Haven't used it yet bc I hate paying Helco, but I've come close. Would have used it yesterday, but there was no electricity! HA! Classic.
Among other things, my tear ducts are clogged. Never knew eye Dr's. could ream out your tear ducts until mine did it to me. I will NEVER do it again, no matter what the symptoms.
One of my kids gets stuffy/runny nose, headache, and runny eyes about 10 minutes BEFORE the smoke gets here or is reported anywhere. She's like living a smoke alarm.
Rain might help some. (It would really make me and the plants happy) but I think the burning ohia and volcano chemicals are a constant irritant.
Wet washrag helps some...
We'll just have to learn to live with it because we love it here!
I hope you and your Ohana endure and thrive!
Thanks so much, Kenny - appreciate the kind thoughts!
My hubby is really suffering! And he has been a non-smoker for 3 years now!

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