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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
dear mike ,, you are invited to dinner ,,as well as birchl
mike , I like the rock idea and some people have done that here in different areas , I saw one property that put white painted tires , which is a good idea to. sad that people have to do that just to get neighbors to show alittle respect for their neighbors efforts. the funny part is the guy who kept running over my grass front, made his frontage all grass and nice, and I am sure if somebody ran over it, or threw dead animals on it he would be pissed.
Mimosa the rock is down at the front of the subdivision. its pretty far from the base and I really don't think a car hit it, the car would have been really wrecked , there would have been some car parts laying around . that rock is huge a lot of weight to it. it is on private property so who knows the motive behind it lucky it did not fall into the road.
Barry, I agree that most folks in the Acres are good people! Our community also has exceptional volunteers who have worked very hard, and continue to do so, donating countless hours over 60+ years on a variety of projects. I also treasure the aspect of privacy, and respect for such, that most folks show out here. If you choose not to be involved, thats fine. There is something powerful and purposeful with our subdivision not having mandatory dues of any kind, no CC&R's and the like. Yet things do get accomplished! Curretn example: The Farmer's Market and other supports for sustainability & strong community are moving forward!!
dear laurie ,,,, we want to be involved ,,, start with my drive in and out and working with the group to achieve good things for all,,,, isn't that the way its supposed to be ?
Well even though this thread was started about HARC and how the board members were appointed instead of elected, it seems we cannot wander too far off topic as long as we are posting something about Hawaiian Acres including junkies littering their hoards off needles everywhere on our streets or how, wah, poor me everyone hates me because I poke my nose into everyone's business and now people spray paint my name with vulgar terms in graffiti and throw carcasses in my yard etc etc. That being said, my Hawaiian Acres question is: There used to be free lunch kindly given out and a mini farmers markets on the weekends at the community center. I don't see them anymore, will they start back up anytime soon?
Those two events were canceled. The market because someone complained about non-existent parking issues and other phantom vendor issues and the other because someone complained about a certified kitchen not being used. The free food to the needy and hungry ended as did the trade between neighbors goods in the market. I had another thread going about this issue in the past and it seems to come down to one person who ruins it for everyone. This one person has been posting right here and in this thread and word of mouth says those are justsomefacts.
the pancake breakfast is about to start back up again, courtesy of refrigerator and hot water heater donations. (not mandatory requirements - sensible ones!) the free lunch was not stopped because of one complaint. i was told that initially it was simply redirected to those in greater need during the hurricane and the subsequent lava flow. i do not know what happened then. i will endeavor to fid out. the farmers market was never anything more than a few people swapping a bit of fruit and much ado has been about nothing. fruit swapping should recommence shortly.

Birchi I dont know where you got your facts about free lunch it was shut down by the county because of complaint made to them that we where not using certified kitchen to cook free food. I know this as a fact because I was one people who was feeding an cooking.

Barry - This is Mrs.Mimosa.
We live on Road 4 near D.Been here since the early 1960s .
Our hanai nephew suggests you get the name and number of a man in Volcano town named Warren Gilbert.The HARC organization utilizes his services for mowing the sides of the roads in HA.he recently widened Road E with his mowing machine with side arm cutter.
This is far easier than weed eating your road access to your lot.
We have used Warren in the past,both out here in HA and up where our main 40 acre farm is in Glenwood.The HARC folks i am sure would be more than happy to give you his number.Hope this is helpful .
I am tutu to a very large ohana here in Puna.Born Maui and my husband born n raise this island.We are in our young 90s but feel as though despite gravity and aches n pains,in our 50 somethings.
Welcome to HA from our ohana to yours.
just the facts - Mahalo in the 411 about the stone sign at the "T" - the stone sign at the "Y" is also flat on it's back,hidden by over grown weeds,also on private property.

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