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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
Originally posted by jrw

Birchi I dont know where you got your facts about free lunch it was shut down by the county because of complaint made to them that we where not using certified kitchen to cook free food. I know this as a fact because I was one people who was feeding an cooking. We never miss a Saturday over two years we served we where there the Saturday after the hurricane. We would still be feeding if were not
shut down

one property that put white painted tires

If this is the one on Road 8 ... the schoolbus used to use that guy's frontage to pull over and let traffic pass, convenient for drivers, maybe not so much for that guy...

it seems to come down to one person who ruins it for everyone

There's one in every subdivision...
Originally posted by barry

dear laurie ,,,, we want to be involved ,,, start with my drive in and out and working with the group to achieve good things for all,,,, isn't that the way its supposed to be ?

Yes, Barry, you've got it! Welcome to the Acres! Oh, just so you have some more facts about the road in front of your lot: please refrain from putting large rocks, plantings, etc in the road & easement wherever possible as this is the jointly held road lot that we need to accommodate at least one vehicle at a time with occasional pulloffs. Please keep your manicured section 5 ft behind the poles (or 35 feet across from a pole if the poles are not on your side of the roadway) and you are good to go and being neighborly. Mahalo!
To all of you who own property in the Acres: please contribute to the organizations that work for you on a daily basis! HACA voluntary dues are $30.00; HARC voluntary dues are $60.00 - a BARGAIN! I have paid my dues for 2015. Please join me in supporting our non-profits!
Originally posted by jrw

[quote]Originally posted by jrw

Birchi I dont know where you got your facts about free lunch it was shut down by the county because of complaint made to them that we where not using certified kitchen to cook free food. I know this as a fact because I was one people who was feeding an cooking. We never miss a Saturday over two years we served we where there the Saturday after the hurricane. We would still be feeding if were not
shut down

so sorry. such a shame. it was a much nicer explanation so i believed it. i think there are now moves being made to find 'a certified kitchen' that we can use for functions and such. don't give up, light is on the horizon. know that you are blessed.

. The only reason that HA has no drivable 83 miles of roads is the public illegal use of Moho road
Only Hawaian acres is incorporated before statehood as a subdivision 1958.
Although developers lumbered those properties none were subdivisions until the 1960's .
Orchidland is 1967
Others were bought privately by speculators for lumber and timber before subdividing

Since only HA pays for your public use and the 4000 turning left at Makuu and right up Ainaloa this is crazy .
Hpp and all Ainaloa Ordhidland cause the problems being landlocked don't get any say over our charter . Published ,recorded master plan And charter is in violation . Nor are you allowed any input on mapping our private property . Wrong articles of incorporation. This was Sidney Fuke developer is the cause of moving over Ainaloa to eminent domain their roads . It's is illegal per courts . . And he is going to pay . He has to provide all internet , paving fees , road fees FTR , cell phone reception etc . Solar grid tie in etc . All violated easement. That 250 acres is now a HA park .
As for the rest . It is illegal to put 6 of 9 maps of HA In Wrong districts to eminent domain against our original charter before statehood . HA is exempt from the 1960's subdivision laws . The agreement is violated and there are NO ROADS in HA solely because three people violated the law & county violated the charter and has not paid . Moho has nothing to do with Ainaloa .

There is and has been no maintenance on 8 road . Even the county does t so such a lousy job of paving and since it's below ground level and not surveyed . It's not legal . We were mailed $450.00 fees for paving 12 years and $850.00 for several . Being multiple lot owners this was never addressed nor were we told it's voluntary . If they were maintaining the road then why is albizia growing and not eradicated and where are the sidewalks ? . So F to G is supposed to be paved by county not HA . That's a huge chunk of cash for those closest to pavement

Mimosa : there are no mandatory transfer fees in HA . that is not true for. HA . It's voluntary .

I agree where are the locals ? As the oldest most local subdivision where are they ?

well once again your rose tinted glasses view , so here we go ....again the Free food brought in ,, let me repeat brought in people to the acres that were from town , with various issues not what would be an asset to the residents of the acres. the food was from a group that brought it in in the trunk of their car cooked where ???? the farmers market was a group of people that chose to set their tents up next to the road and block the road as needed for their benefit , and the hell with any resident that wanted to drive in or out . there were no rules and not much being sold. mostly some junk that was occasionally abandoned after the Saturday set up. it was a mess of stuff and again only a handful of people benefited and most of them do not even own a property in the acres. as the county saw fit to Shut It Down for lack of proper permits . if the same situation occurs the county will once again Shut It Down.
if the same situation occurs the county will once again Shut It Down.

Why wait for County? Let's just shut everything down and be done with it.
dear laurie ,,, thank you so much,,, a straight answer to a straight question,,, im on it ,,,do I need any paper work with the letterhead on it to show to the good men in blue ?

you are invited to dinner,,, thankyou

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