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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
wow ,, what kinda guy would complain about free food for hungry folks,,,, I ate many meals straight off the tailgate of the 5 ton ,, and didn't die ,, and you know that's just lame,,, there should be no hungry people in the world ,, and especially here ,, any hungry children ill feed with out question,,,

what kinda guy would complain about free food for hungry folks

Exactly my point: no shortage of resources, so let's argue about permits instead of feeding the hungry, because the permit-license-fee-inspection regime is so much more important than solving actual problems.
wow ,, I just read the ( facts ) ,, ill be back after the wife comes home to help me scratch my head over that post ,,, I must be having a stroke , because that's just very sad and lame,,,,, thank god no one died from the food ,, and how many accidents were caused because of congestion and parking ,, I hope no one was killed ,,, maybe we need a light there ,, blinking caution or a full fledged b r g ,, ? I had no idea that hungry folks from outside of the acres came and ate ,,, we cant have that foreigners ,, where they illegal aliens or just local folks with hungry kids,, wow I'm just shocked ,, and to think those hungry vagrants were hungry enough to come all the way out here to eat,,, now that's desperation ,, must have been really hungry ,, but most shocking of all and very scary indeed is that the people bringing in the free food had prepared it somewhere else and transported it here in the trunk of a vehicle,,, thank god no one died ! I remember Jim jones and the Kool-Aid kegs in Guyana ,, way scary ! im appalled ,, can you imagine the diseases and viruses and such ,, in the trunk of a vehicle ,, did anyone see if it was at lease covered with tin foil ,, or just sloshing around everywhere,,, horrible ,,,

and ,, you know I do remember the first day I came here to look at lots,, there were a lot of tents set up and looked like a multi yard sale and children's birthday party mixed into one,, I must admit that it was heavily congested there ,,, seemed like only the parking within walking distance was being used ,, no one seemed to be interested in the the remote parking there and waiting on the shuttle car to drive them up to the action,,,, has anyone considered either a shuttle or parking meters with a tow truck on hand with a meter reader,,, seems like a small price to pay for peace of mind and ease of access for the residents when the parking is so out of control as to be deemed a hazard ,, I scared that people might compare us to the Mary monarch festival where fatalities and accidents are so common that im scared to attend these functions,,,, yes bravo for taking any necessary steps to keep that from happening,,, and appalling as it is ,,to think someone from outside our acres would presume to come here to eat free food ,, or trade goods or services for food ,,, ill show this to the wife ,, ,we will scratch my head and see what she thinks about all this,,,, ok later guys ,, aloha
Originally posted by barry

wow ,, what kinda guy would complain about free food for hungry folks,,,, I ate many meals straight off the tailgate of the 5 ton ,, and didn't die ,, and you know that's just lame,,, there should be no hungry people in the world ,, and especially here ,, any hungry children ill feed with out question,,,

Yea Barry it is lame, I agree. What kind of guy would go report to the inspector to get the free food for hungry shut down on a technicality. Apparently not a guy but a donkey lady. Just as I suspected. Also the farmers market never blocked the road, residents could always get by. Also not all the goods sold there were junk justthefacts, there was homegrown produce sold and traded between neighbors along with good words and laughter but you had to end all that and those darn evil people giving out free lunch to the hungry because you discovered you could shut it down with a phone call. All those lies plus the ones about the road being worse now than 20 years ago and the lies about the situation with Laurie and the attorney brought in and lies about HARC being corrupt, how can you ever believe anything posted by justnonfacts.
nathan , i mean willy your hatred and harassment will never stop you have continued with your hateful rants and attacks from the first day you moved here until the present relentless. barry you seem to follow in the same path with willy, unfortunate . you folks can continue to threaten , and harass me as a resident and property owner , willy you are not a property owner but you have been relentless in your efforts to drive us out of our property . barry you just moved here and seem to be going in the same direction . as to the farmers market and free food you have no idea about the whole picture . good luck with your barbecue.
I really don't undestand why there should be a problem at all over the market or free food. If it can't happen at the c.c. why don't the people who want it have those functions on their property ?
Justthefacts: I am not Nathan, come to the next harc meeting for a surprise pat on the back to meet me. I suspect this Nathan character you speak of to be an upstanding citizen. I do not waste my time on hate for anyone but I will point out lies when they are posted. There were quite a few made by you up to this point in this thread.

2bad4you: You don't understand why the community wants to meet for these functions at the community CENTER?!!! lol that's a no-brainer.
wow ,, that's all I can say ,, apparently someone doesn't get the understanding of irony,, levity,, wit and chuckles ,,oh wait I do get it,, its a joke,,,,, hahahhahahahah ,,,, so far this thread has been a hoot ,, I couldn't write this kind of stuff if I tried ,,, the wife is rolling around on the floor as i type crying about this Peyton place ,,, wants to know what's up with the ( facts guy ) ,,, whoever you are you are a funny guy and your rants are priceless ,, you keep up the good work ,,, hey just for laughs ,,could you do a rant on the play ground equipment ,, and maybe a few lines about litterbugs ! please ! ( AND WHATS A DONKEY LADY ,, )

barry please simply don't take any notice of these two (justthenasty and 2bad4thedonkey) one is suing the associations and is bitter and twisted and the other is just plain bitter and twisted. one has a personalized number plate HEEHAW which is were the donkey thing comes in (i think). one normally comes to meetings, one does not. but they post as if they both do. they may well swop names as well. they post on all forums concerning the acres but only ever negative. what you have seen here is quite mild. the rest of the acres is populated by human beans .

Originally posted by 2bad4u

No....I was pointing out that if for whatever reason that is not possible why the individuals who want it wouldn't consider doing it at one of their property's..that is what seems like a no brainer to me.


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