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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
why must HACA center be used as the free foods dinner. More better would be kurtistown ball park.

So the unpermitted food preparation/distribution is perfectly acceptable so long as it happens away from your house?

Where have I seen this before...
Originally posted by 2bad4u

Barry, just wanted to say that I think it is very important that you pay close attention to anything birchl says. She is an aristacrat. Highly intelligent, extreamly over educated,well cultured,never repeats gossip, knows Gods law's and always, always, exactly what she is talking about. We all hang on her every word and clap.

why thank you suzie, i didn't think you cared Smile

i see there are people that just simply want to fight and argue. here is some new information some of the people on the HACA and HARC board don not own a property in hawaiian acres and further they dont even own a property in the state of Hawaii. what a mess .plus the the clock is rapidly running on the expired building permits September is right around the corner.
the clock is rapidly running on the expired building permits

No problem -- just move everything to the side of the highway in front of the Kurtistown ball park, because that's a magical permit-free zone, no approval required!

Would certainly make the HACA board meetings more interesting...
if the permits are not brought up to date then perhaps the park will be the next option.
Mimosa why is it unclear to you why the community here wants to use the community center as place to gather? Isn't that the idea of constructing a community center in the first place? The people running the free food function and the people eating the food were mainly citizens of Hawaiian Acres. It's a no-brainer that we would want to use the COMMUNITY CENTER as a center where the community could meet.
Also Mrs Mimosa: What's up with the condescending remarks about the vendors? They are just trying to get by like the rest of us. I see how you worded it to be clever like they are your faves but your tone rings clear. That's good coffee and bread. I believe the glasswork is homemade and the greenery happens to be medicine too these days. You say you're 99? Hmm maybe so but we are living in new times now.
the community center was being used for a distribution center for feeding derelicts from hilo town , I know because I see them laying around in the park, side walks , store fronts and various other parts of hilo. some of the others attracted to this "feeding" scenario were from other subdivisions and perhaps a few were from our subdivision. the community center was not designed to be a homeless shelter. there are churches and other non profits set up and sanctioned to care for the homeless in other areas ,the community center is not one of them .
Yes we went the free meals at HACA center more than one time.But my husband is in a wheel chair and the meals area in the covered 12x12 canopy blocked his access so we stopped going.
We had asked very politely if the minivan that parked in the handicapped spot could move so we could access but no can.
We had some of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that were given out and the salty meals but not so good as what we make at home.
Amazon has those art glass item in bulk from china that some of your children smoke your medicine from.
I think that greenery is the only type of medicine humans must smoke to feel no pain.
Why does the HACA center need any permits any how,it has always been a single family residence ,why the change now.Heck,the new prez of HACA does not have a permit on his palace just down the road from his second home,the HACA center.
His palace looks like a dump,but he has a jaguar in his side driveway covered in weeds.
Down the road also,a few clicks are many no permit places,why does HACA need a permit?
We are proud of all our vendors at Kurtistown ball park,we enjoy the organic bread,marks DVDs and the fresh HA coffee.
The chinese errrrr we mean the home grown home made art glass smoke the pakalolo medicine folks are all trying to make some green paper.
No get your pantaloons in a bunch .
Life is way too short for all da grumble.
I'm curious about that 250 acres? Was it Mimosa said something about those acres that got sideways somehow in the laying out the HA subdivision back in the beginning?

Why not think big and have a worldclass fairgrounds with the best market on planet Earth. Something that isn't in anyones backyard and isn't a deadend squabblepatch.
Tourists want someplace to go and local talent needs to make a buck and so on. Think big with lofty goals with a solid base in reality.

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