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HPP stuff
HPPOA Board of Directors meeting tonight at 6:00 pm.

Since the last BOD meeting had a total of 15 in audience including me, I certainly hope all the posters of criticism here will attend.

It is a once a month meeting in the evening for about 1 1/2 hours.
If you plan for it, you can attend and observe FIRST HAND, instead of posting about what you heard from others.

Try attending a meeting!

Better yet, talk during owner input.
Say your criticism directly to the BOD instead of sitting at home posting complaints on-line.
Your statements will be recorded in the HPPOA minutes on the website, which sure beats posting your complaints on punaweb.
Speak up in person. Be heard and be in the minutes. Say your stuff directly to the BOD, dont hide at home behind your computer.

Originally posted by Karma96749

HPPOA Board of Directors meeting tonight at 6:00 pm.

Since the last BOD meeting had a total of 15 in audience including me, I certainly hope all the posters of criticism here will attend.

It is a once a month meeting in the evening for about 1 1/2 hours.
If you plan for it, you can attend and observe FIRST HAND, instead of posting about what you heard from others.

Try attending a meeting!


The following people cannot just "plan for it, you can attend and observe FIRST HAND,": Public safety workers who have a shift then (fire, EMTs and police), service industry workers who cannot rearrange their shifts (anything from retail to food service), health care workers who cannot change their shifts (nurses, CNAs, emergency room workers, people who work in nursing homes), single parents with small children in the home, those caring for elderly parents or family members in bad health, and the many other people here in HPP who cannot attend evening meetings because of work or family obligations. People should not have to attend these meetings to know what is going on, the minutes should be promptly posted and be clear and accurate enough accounts of what was discussed and decided that any literate person can know what happened at the meeting.

It is a sad commentary on how the HPPOA board is operating if the only way to know what was said and done is by going to meetings. The only job this board has is to maintain the HPP roads, this is not that hard, and really shouldn't cause the kind of egoistic control issues, angst and gnashing of teeth that the various versions of this board has caused for years.
Mahalo Shockwaverider for your post. I couldn't agree more.
Shockwaverider, I suggest you read the bylaws.

Minutes posting delays
Per the bylaws the minutes from every meeting have to be approved at the following month's HPPOA Board meeting. That is one month after the meeting.
Allowing a few days for the staff to get the minutes onto the HPPOA website we add a couple days. Thus, as soon as we could expect the minutes from the HPPOA Board meetings would be over 4 weeks later. It's what the bylaws say.

I am also upset that the minutes take so long to get posted. I hate our website and think we should vote to allocate money to spend on a Hawaii based I.T company to maintain a professional website for our organization.

Shockwaverider stated The only job this board has is to maintain the HPP roads.
This is another false statement.
Read the bylaws.there are lots of duties the board has to do.
Maybe before you post false statements you should read the bylaws.

I posted this on the other thread also. Please excuse redundancy.
You are very correct about why folks may not be able to attend. I am sorry I didnt phrase my comments with more thought and consideration. I do understand being unable to attend due to physically caring for others and due to people's own physical issues. Please except my sincerest apologies.

I do think there are certain people, not doing caretaking of others, who could plan for attending a meeting once a month.
I believe in getting involved if you are physically able to. Even if that involvement is only attending one evening meeting a month and speaking up for your issues at that meeting.

"I do think there are certain able bodied people, not doing caretaking of others, who could plan for attending a meeting once a month. I believe in getting involved if you are physically able to. Even if that involvement is only attending one evening meeting a month and speaking up for your issues at that meeting."

Sorry, this is just insulting. I'm sure it wasn't meant to be, but this implies the meeting is only for those without disabilities. Further, I don't know if you have to commute to Hilo, but many in HPP do and getting back to HPP by 6pm is simply not possible these days for many. It is why proper minutes must be made available, promptly, so those that can't attend can at least understand what decisions were made and why.

A meeting later in the evening or even better at the weekend would at least reduce the numbers that can't attend, at least IMO.
I don't know if you have to commute to Hilo, but many in HPP do and getting back to HPP by 6pm is simply not possible these days

If only there were some kind of "alternate route" to Hilo...
I am sorry for my wording. I have changed my post.
I was responding to Kenney on the other thread who said some people can't make the meetings due to physical issues.
My intention is to get people to the meetings to get their voices heard.

Thank you for pointing out my wording. I am sorry if it was offensive. It was mot my intention.

If it is important to voice your complaints it is possible to plan once a month to attend a meeting. That was my original statement. I have now twice revised it. Sorry, I did not mean to offend. I am just fed up with the whining, criticizing and complaining here on punaweb with very few people actually attending the meetings.

Sorry if this offends you Karma, but many of us have attended every meeting, and voiced our opinions til we're blue in the face, and it hasn't done any good. If I have to limp somewhere, I'd rather it be somewhere my energy/opinion will make a positive difference. Once you open your mouth at HPP meetings you put a target on your chest. I've been either ignored, threatened or chased out of the building for voicing my opinion. So much for community involvement.

AND, may I say, that communications on Puna Web are a positive addition to my life. I find out what's going on in my world without having to go and seek information from people who don't want to give any. (like HPPOA)

There are many good people who post on Punaweb, and I like hearing their input! Sometimes we disagree, but that's ok. I have laughed til I'm falling off my chair, cried and prayed with people having hard times, found out what stores and roads are open or closed, kept up with the genius crowd who understand the weather, the volcano, the law, and actually found out more about HPP here than from those who's duty it is to keep us informed dole out on the official website.
To each his own...

I like Punaweb. If you think it's not helpful, why post?

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