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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
Oh, Barry, you have a lot to learn. You may want to use the search function here to look up someone called "oneself".
tom what are you trying to say ? come on don't be shy ,, speak your mind !
mimosa ,,,, id love to know about the sleepy fern can u post pics and instructions on preparation,,, once again the acres is such an amazing place . aloha
Things like good roads and communications and markets all act to generate commerce.

Several years ago I approached HACA about creating some kind of co-op to bring broadband into the acres somehow. The resident NIMBYs made it clear that technology was not welcome because it would bring progress that destroyed their "country lifestyle choice". I made do with dialup.

I paid dues to HARC; when this didn't result in any maintenance along my "designated lettered road" (no gravel, no brush trimming) I got a pickup truck and a chainsaw and did what I could.

When I talk story with the neighbors, the same two things come up: "someone should do something about the roads" and "my wireless internet bill is eating me alive".

I want to believe that the acres is a "community", but so far it's "a bunch of people doing their own thing", except for the ever-present cabal that seeks to control the board -- there's one in every subdivision, attracted to the money like moths to a flame

Once you get used to doing everything yourself, it's a wonderful place to live...

Kalakoa, I wouldn’t go that far to say no dues need be paid. It is dues being paid by some that have kept the lettered roads in passable condition all these years.

TeetaMonsta, I too travel most of the roads in a small car. Justthefacts must have bought her property with the mistaken belief that roads would magically fix themselves I guess, since most of us bought our property with the understanding that what u see is what u get with un-improved roads and a subdivision with no mandatory road fees.

Justthefacts, why did you buy property out here knowing the roads were like this and yet you are wanting smooth, fast travel? When I read some of your comments, I can see you like to argue with reality.

Mimosa, the wonderful picture of your family’s actions of sustainability and teaching your grandchildren makes my heart Sing! This is the Acres I want to support!

Barry, I have been enjoying your humor very much! Your outlook is the positive, friendly attitude that is needed!

Rob, I am grateful for this chance to speak on certain issues that have been brewing for more than 5 years, since I left my position as Office Manager for both HACA & HARC. Thank you for your sensible moderation.
I wouldn’t go that far to say no dues need be paid.

It's reported elsewhere in this very thread that the roads are passable with a small car. Given that most roads receive virtually no maintenance, it's not unreasonable to suggest that no further maintenance is required.

It is dues being paid by some that have kept the lettered roads in passable condition all these years.

Roads near me are "passable" only because a recent bulldozer operator drove their machine up to the worksite, clearing new shoulders as they did so. Dues were only involved to the extent that HARC does land clearing. Oh, right, they don't.

most of us bought our property with the understanding that what u see is what u get

Agree 100%, and again, wish this "understanding" were formally codified into the deed, so as to avoid future "confusion" about the local reality system.

Originally posted by kalakoa

Things like good roads and communications and markets all act to generate commerce.

Several years ago I approached HACA about creating some kind of co-op to bring broadband into the acres somehow. The resident NIMBYs made it clear that technology was not welcome because it would bring progress that destroyed their "country lifestyle choice". I made do with dialup.

I paid dues to HARC; when this didn't result in any maintenance along my "designated lettered road" (no gravel, no brush trimming) I got a pickup truck and a chainsaw and did what I could.

When I talk story with the neighbors, the same two things come up: "someone should do something about the roads" and "my wireless internet bill is eating me alive".

I want to believe that the acres is a "community", but so far it's "a bunch of people doing their own thing", except for the ever-present cabal that seeks to control the board -- there's one in every subdivision, attracted to the money like moths to a flame

Once you get used to doing everything yourself, it's a wonderful place to live...

There is a balance between do it yourself and community assistance. I was on the HACA board in the late '80's-early'90's and was not "attracted to the money." I feel most of the past and present volunteers have donated their time & efforts without being attracted to the money. It seems as if you have decided all board members have poor intentions. Yet, you seem to have found your "community" here in this forum. Which is great, as you do have insight into past & present in the Acres. This IS community: sharing what you know and what has worked for you. I am grateful to know you here and read your posts!
barry , no self control. yes the dictionary gives a literal definition the basic meaning of sarcasm and there is also a psychiatric context .
laurie you are correct , when i bought my property the roads were bad , not as bad as they are now and your right i always hoped they would get better since there was approximately $100,000.00 a year coming in for the roads back then . one would think that as time goes on more people would move in the roads would slowly improve as more funding would come in ,but instead over the past 18 years the funding has shrunk,so we are being told by the office and the roads have become worse in some places not passable, and definitely no emergency vehicles can pass . some how laurie there was a money attraction because you were the office manager for HACA and HARC for 10 years.
Oh the bane of HA as a whole.The poor or excellent condition of our road lot.All 74.8 miles of this excellent sub standard path in and out to civilization .
In our walks we speak with many old timers and new comers,on a recent saturday walk - we met a very smart old timer.
He like us,pay the HARC dues on only one of our many lots.His comment summed up the entire subject.
If you want the lettered road to your home repaired,join the HARC board.You will have 3 years to repair the lettered road to your homestead.
When we bought our 1st 3 side by side lots in 1960 here in HA,it took 3 and a half hours to get to Sako store each way,in granny low 1st gear in the old chug a lug 1943 military jeep we bought at an auction of military used vehicles.
The lots were at the time $ 400.00 each.
No infrastructure in the aches at all.Road 11 was the best way in and out from D to the front and then out to Sako's via the cane haul roads .
Today we are blessed with pavement that the county sort of maintains but many of us drive down the middle of the road from C to the "T" as far to many poorly maintained patches they call repairs.

In our walks in HA,some cross streets as in numbered roads are in amazing shape and clear sailing and well graveled,mowed and looks like pride from the residents who own their lots,while other numbered roads are pure crap where no one cares.

We are most lucky not to have covenants like in leilani or Hawaiian Shores,and no mandatory dues.

We have made our own antenna's with all recycled materials and bamboo so we have fast internet and TV.

We do not need to pay kala to have what others pay for,any one can do this,with a little bit of electronics knowledge .There are some old timers like ourselves in HA who create their own infrastructures instead of grumble .

My husband will start a new thread in puna web soon on DIY recycle in simple well thought out instructions so we will all help ourselves be better and happier residents of Hawaii the Island.The thread can go into all catagories actually but punatalk seems the most read .

Bottom line is,if you want your roads fixed to your homestead,you can either wait years for HARC to maybe do something,OR you can hui your green paper and fix your own area to your homestead or just pay it your self and all with a smile and grace.No need permissions from HARC to make improvements.

Many years ago,we helped put in the concrete slab that elevates Road C at 9Rd so in the deep and fast running white water that happens every so often emergency services and residents alike can navigate.We also helped with the concrete bridge section on Road 10 and C towards Road D.
We recall seeing our photo's in one of the older online HACA sites.

The bane of Hawaiian Acres is the condition of the road lot to your homestead,no matter if you are on pave or not.

create their own infrastructures instead of grumble

Right, grumbling is the problem, not the lack of infrastructure.

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