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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
Make what position clearer? I don't read every post... don't want to. Be aware that what might be important to you may not be important to me.
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Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
tomk ,,,,, mimosa ,,,,, just facts ,,,,, 2bad4u ,,,,,,,,, and of course any others that were offended or annoyed in the past few pages ,,,,

our intention is to help in some small way make the Hawaiian acres a better place,,, and to that end,,,, we would like to just be clear as to the etiquette and rules with which ,,,,( WE WILL ALL BE PLAYING WITH ),,,, we are sure that we can help if all of you will be generous with your experience and advice ,,,,,,, please

once again a big SORRY to all of you !
barry its the late night rants suggest you read before you post, what is really worrisome is that you just moved here , and live among us. I am seriously concerned if it is true you live near me , I will be saving your posting . last heavy rain we had small car was abandoned in the water at road 9 river . felt sorry for the person that had to swim out of it. if HARC would fix road C 9 to connect to the paved part of 9 it would be a great help. that small stretch of impassable road would make a huge difference in getting in and out of the acres .
Barry - We do plenty,we are not going out this morning to place garbage bags out on 4 road an 6 road for you.When you see garbage,just put it in the back of your truck an take it to the dump yourself.
The tree's blocking the road are on the numbered roads,not the lettered road.
If you think Road 11 from D to C is passable ,try it when the river is flowing steady and all the ponding area's are full.
We own a lot down on 11 that connects us to Road 40 and laniuma,as we have owned these 3 lots since 1964.
Gated and locked for our ohana only.
You just moved here,you can do your part by being polite and considerate to everyone,not only here in PW but in the real world off line.
just for record ,,,,,,, we drove from 11 to 1 on road d this morning ,,,turned left at road one ,, then left again onto road e and drove it from road 1 to road 9 then left to road d where we turned right and drove road d to road 11 . we live on road 10 ,,,,,,,,

the roads are passable ,,,, no troubles for the fire dept. ,, ambulance services ,,,, even smaller cars could traverse the roads listed ,,( of course like anywhere else on rough roads there the occasional go slower spots ,,,,)

road e has had gravel dropped nearly the entire length recently ,,,,
road d could use some gravel about the same amount as road e would be good ,,,, but still passable none the less
road 9 from e to d ,,,,,,, could use a truck load of heavy rock in one place ,,,,, but still passable,,,,,,,
road d from 9 to 11 ,,,,,,,,,,,, one slow spot ,,,,,,,,but still passable
road 10 from b to d ,,,,,,,,,,,, three slow spots but still passable
just for the record ,,,,,,,, everyone knows we should turn around ,,and don't drown ,,,,

( the little car stalled out but the water wasn't deep enough to have to swim thru,,,, I assisted in pulling the car out of the puddle and giving the girl driving it a ride home ,,,, ) a little less than knee deep ,,,

the stretch of road from c to b on road 9 is not impassable,,,,,, slow driving is all that's required ,,,,,,

the road conditions for all the numbered roads from 1 to 11 will be driven today ,,this afternoon ,,, will post condition of theses roads this evening or tomorrow
barry what you consider passable roads is not at all drivable to other vehicles , you must be driving a hummer. I don't care how slow you drive you Will wreck your vehicle driving some areas, thus not passable so said the fire truck that refused to go in and the ambulance that would get hung up if it tried to drive in . you Just moved here you drive the roads day and night checking them really ? and when I passed the car in the river it was empty and still in the river .
Barry in reference to your 2/20 post on page 19 inviting my participation (in your crazy posts) by asking my opinion, let me give it to you.
Your name is not Barry. You think you are tooooo cute and tooooo smart, whoever you are. Its really clear that your objective is to do nothing other than continue stirring up hostility and problems. I have no interest in interacting with you. In fact personally think you should shut up. I also think Rob has been realy generous allowing you to continuee. Although, will be forced to show you the door in the near future as you just don't know when to stop.
This might give you a better idea of what usually happens 3 or 4 times a year after heavy rains, it has been unusually dry since November so you may not have seen what happens to some roads in HA when it rains. This clip was filmed after Iselle but it doesn't take a hurricane to have certain roads flood, in part because of a water diversion system left over from the sugar plantation era.

edited to add the name of the person this post was addressed to
shocker , oh yeah I have seen that river before , and That was mild yes it does get nasty now with the rain the roads will become even more difficult. but I am happy for the rain it was getting way to dry and the hot weather seemed to make folks edgy .

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