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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
laurie I never told anybody amend change or alter records. once again I did not have access to records , computers , files, books or any documents. your prior post stated you have files from HARC and HACA , is that part of accepted practices ? all of your posting protests say the same thing.. wasn't me . what letter are you talking about lady antebellum ?
Originally posted by justthefacts

laurie I never told anybody amend change or alter records. once again I did not have access to records , computers , files, books or any documents. your prior post stated you have files from HARC and HACA , is that part of accepted practices ?

laurie i did not have access to the data base, no access to computers , books, files, records, only you did. what letter are you talking about ?? the letter i received in the mail like everyone else about 4 years ago ? what letter . talk sweetly ? where are you going with this? whats wrong with you ?

I never said i have files of the organizations, please read more carefully. I have copies of minutes, agendas, budgets and the like from meetings. Public records. Stop insinuating bad things justthefacts. That is what is wrong with you and some others.

Where I am going with this is to take back our community from people like you. I want you to acknowledge that there was NO financial wrongdoing of any kind during my time as OM by myself or any board members. That would be a great start! Then I'm going to the place where we can get along with differing viewpoints. Less destruction; more construction.

You have my support and that of many others. I was disgusted by the treatment you received before you made the understandable decision to resign back then. I quit even going to HARC meetings when a couple of bad actors attempted to take control and disruption became the norm. Life's too short for so much negativity. What was said about you was unquestionably slanderous. I was told on more than one occasion that you had stolen more than $18,000 from the funds. The problem was that the accuser didn't understand bookkeeping and there was no wrongdoing. This has been proven now that independent auditors have inspected the books. If you had chosen to make an issue of this I'm sure you could have sued the person who was spreading these lies as facts. I'm glad you didn't choose to go down that path and instead waited for the truth to prevail.
Originally posted by Peter Epperson

You have my support and that of many others. I was disgusted by the treatment you received before you made the understandable decision to resign back then. I quit even going to HARC meetings when a couple of bad actors attempted to take control and disruption became the norm. Life's too short for so much negativity. What was said about you was unquestionably slanderous. I was told on more than one occasion that you had stolen more than $18,000 from the funds. The problem was that the accuser didn't understand bookkeeping and there was no wrongdoing. This has been proven now that independent auditors have inspected the books. If you had chosen to make an issue of this I'm sure you could have sued the person who was spreading these lies as facts. I'm glad you didn't choose to go down that path and instead waited for the truth to prevail.

Mahalo Pete! Such lies are sickening! I am VERY aware of what I could do in the legal realm! She never got over her "surprise" invitation to Mitch Roth, prosecutor, which totally backfired on her, cause after review of our records that August nite he said the issues brought to his attention were "manini" and HARC should keep doing what its doing! Her harrassment became unbearable and I gave notice of my resignation in November, yet stayed thru January of the next year to adequately train the next OM, 5 more months past that August mtg! Now truth has prevailed, the membership is rising and HARC can get back to maintaining the lettered roads and some paved areas.

And Mahalo for all your volunteering on the roads for all these years!!!!!
Stop paying into a broken system! Take your money and use it to fix the road in front of your home. Lead by example and maybe just maybe your neighbors will follow. It is funny to hear people badmouth HOVE but when I lived there the roads were well looked after for only $100/year...
Originally posted by Laurie

Originally posted by Mimosa

Laurie - Will you please refrain from your personal attacks on another member of this forum.It is very unbecoming of a lady.
The he said she said is old and boring,it is what 4 year old's do.
Your children who are now grown,went to elementary charter and HS charter and public education with our great great great grand children.
Laurie,you do not know who actually sent that letter so stop with the innuendo and blame game .
Maybe or maybe not another letter is in the works,much more detailed than the last.
With a decade of verifiable facts.
Please be cordial and sweet and God will smile with you.

I am usually "cordial" & "sweet" but when faced with slander I will not be. Justthelies has been spreading lies about me for years. Now the table is turned, deservedly. Defense of HACA & HARC and clearing of my name is all I'm after. If you know me so well , in all politeness perhaps you could reveal yourself? About the letter, justthefacts had the motive and the access to the database. It does sound like you have some things to say. Why would it be thru another, damaging anonymous letter if you care so much for HA? That's not very "cordial & sweet" nor ladylike. Why not discuss those things here, cordially & sweetly?

Mr & Mrs Mimosa your silence is deafening! Please be cordial "assume the best & ask Questions" related to the 10 years of "verifiable" facts. Anything else is highly suspect from now on, even in an "anonymous" social forum.
Originally posted by justthefacts

lava , the "move" remark . insulting . people should have reasonable expectations that things would and should improve as more folks move in .

Actually you insulted yourself if you assumed that more neighbors would equal fresh blacktop for every road!
Take your money and use it to fix the road in front of your home. Lead by example

Great idea! I'm soliciting bids for 150' of pavement right now!
Originally posted by lavalava

Stop paying into a broken system! Take your money and use it to fix the road in front of your home. Lead by example and maybe just maybe your neighbors will follow. It is funny to hear people badmouth HOVE but when I lived there the roads were well looked after for only $100/year...

The system is not broken, but I totally appreciate folks doing their own work. Whatever form participation in maintaining roads takes is constructive. I like to join my money with other members of HARC. Definitely, "lead by example"! Plenty of constructive examples to observe!
HA should invite the HOVE Road Maintenance Corp. to make a presentation about how and why their system works. Mainly the fact that dues are mandatory, late fees are steep and liens are issued. Or maybe you just have a management problem and then you need some lawyers. At any rate this should not be that hard of a problem to fix.

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