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Hawaiian Acres Issues
Originally posted by cfscott

How much do you think the Kuauli St. monolith weighs?

not sure, but to erect it originally took some kind of boom truck rented from BJ's 76 years ago!!
Originally posted by randomq

In the short time I have been in the acres I have met and talked to more people than I would have in a year in a mainland suburb. Mostly people at the community center, but also hitchhikers and people driving or walking that stop to chat. It really is like a village, and I hope we can do more to network and help each other out. The community center is also a nice place with power, internet, and phone, for people that choose to live more simply at home, but might occasionally need such things.

exactly! I love our community and the Center! I just dropped in yesterday to chat with Dahl, the office Manager. This community center is worth supporting thru HACA so that folks do not always have to drive farther than a few miles.
Originally posted by kalakoa

County defines a lesser "ag road" standard which is eligible for limited FTR (fill potholes, occasional grading, brush cutting, no pavement or other capital improvements).

County creates an LID for each subdivision at a rate high enough to bring that subdivision into compliance (paved roads, etc).

Subdivisions may opt-out with majority landowner vote to establish a posture of record which is a mandatory disclosure item on all future real estate transactions.

Thus, if a given subdivision likes their unpaved roads etc, they can keep it, provided that all current and potential future owners are fully aware of the situation.

All HOAs to be run by professional managers who DO NOT own land in that subdivision.

This is reasonable stuff. Do you know anything about the PUna Community Development Plan? I do not really. These ideas should move forward.

One question only: why do you feel the HOA's should be run by folks who do not own land in the subdivision?
Originally posted by kalakoa

good people, have volunteered their time so that a community center can exist

While others work diligently to tear it down. It happens lots of places. The fight has worn me down.

Oh yeah! the fight can be very wearing! Fortunately, I have found we are usually not alone and the banner is taken up by those who are fresh! I had been worn down too a few years ago, but feel a sense of renewal & strength to continue when I notice others moving forward instead of just pointing fingers & blame!
the PUna Community Development Plan?

PCDP is effectively useless: it mandates that everything be where it already is, subject to additional regulations that are difficult/impossible to meet, and is used both as justification ("PCDP says we must X") and ignored where convenient ("PCDP has no legal merit, we will do X anyway").

why do you feel the HOA's should be run by folks who do not own land in the subdivision?

Conflict of interest. HOA needs to be a simple business function which facilitates the goals of the ("entire") community, not a cash cow to be milked, nor a mechanism to influence property values for the benefit of a few speculators.
Kalakoe - "a board that does as they like . and that includes spending"
I believe that's exactly the point. I also don't understand why this isn't obvious to all involved, especially when it's happened in other subvisivions and at every level of government.

kalakoa, firstly let me apologize for transferring your concerns to a different thread. i think you can work out why. the new board has in fact done all it can to ensure that every member receives ballots for the elections reforms. we are not 'doing as we like'. we have mailed out the new meeting times for the members. we are following the bylaws as best we can interpret them. we are reviewing ways of sharing information, and consolidating our data to lesson the chances of people being left out. far from ignoring the membership, we are doing our level best to be answerable to them. please don't encourage the haters to believe they somehow have a justifiable point of view. they don't.

Originally posted by birchl

Kalakoe - "a board that does as they like . and that includes spending"
I believe that's exactly the point. I also don't understand why this isn't obvious to all involved, especially when it's happened in other subvisivions and at every level of government.

kalakoa, firstly let me apologize for transferring your concerns to a different thread. i think you can work out why. the new board has in fact done all it can to ensure that every member receives ballots for the elections reforms. we are not 'doing as we like'. we have mailed out the new meeting times for the members. we are following the bylaws as best we can interpret them. we are reviewing ways of sharing information, and consolidating our data to lesson the chances of people being left out. far from ignoring the membership, we are doing our level best to be answerable to them. please don't encourage the haters to believe they somehow have a justifiable point of view. they don't.


birch you are one of the sane people involved in this ,,, im convinced that the sock puppets doth protest to much ! I happy with you guys and stand behind you ,......
far from ignoring the membership, we are doing our level best to be answerable to them.

Only to the members, not to the rest of the owners.

If I join, does the farmers' market return and the lawsuits go away? I doubt it.
no if you join nothing that dramatic will happenSmile whether you join or not the farmers market WILL return and is tentatively scheduled for june. i would like it to open even sooner, but I'm not actually 'in charge' of everything contry to some peoples belief. the law suits will also 'go away' but not until the lawyers have made a few more bucks. i have some influence over the first, and so could you. i have no influence over the second and neither would you.


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